“Two billion, I’ll help you fight this battle!!”

Gion held out two fingers and spoke calmly and firmly.


Luo Xiu’s mouth was wide open, and his face was full of incredulity.


Looking at Luo Xiu’s surprised expression, Gion suddenly snorted proudly.

“Don’t think that you alone will blackmail, two billion is not a lot, and you will vomit out everything you eat from me. ”

After a short period of stunnedness, Luo Xiu’s face couldn’t help but show a little strange look.

I looked at Gion like two fools.

“What kind of eyes are you?”

A few black lines appeared on Gion’s forehead.

“I didn’t want to ask you for these two billion. ”

Luo Xiu is a serious way.


This time it was Gion’s turn to open his mouth wide, a look of surprise and incredulity.

“Any questions?”

Luo Xiu asked rhetorically.

“Wait, do you think I’m talking about two billion is Mr. Karp’s IOU. ”

Gion asked.

“Isn’t it?”

Luo Xiu asked.

“Of course not, Mr. Karp’s IOU is addressed to Salders. ”

Gion’s eyes widened.

“I’m Saldes. ”

Luo Xiu said of course.

“You killed Salders. ”

Gion corrected.

“Yes, at the same time, he inherited everything from him, and the IOU also belongs to me. ”

Luo Xiu is straight.


Gion puffed out his little face angrily, and at the same time couldn’t help but laugh out loud, he was really amused.

Who the hell is this?

The co-authors first extorted two billion from them.

And now also…

Co-author, this is to slaughter their navy as a wronged leader!

“I said Luo Xiu, how short of money you are. ”

Gion crossed his hands helplessly.

“Alas, it’s really forced by life. ”

Luo Xiu shook his head and sighed.

“I believe you’re a big-headed ghost. ”

Gion pouted.

“Anyway, I don’t care, Mr. Karp’s IOU will be written off, and my two billion can’t be less, otherwise…”

“Otherwise, if you go back, then I really thank you. ”

Luo Xiu took over the conversation, wishing that Gion could leave quickly, and not continue to be here with him.

He’s got a lot of work to do.

“Whoever told you that I was going back, if you don’t agree today, I’ll… I’m not leaving. ”

Gion sat down on the wide chaise longue and stared at Luo Xiu.

“This sister, is it because of her bad brain?”

Luo Xiu had no choice but to stroke his forehead.

“You don’t speak ill of me in your heart. ”

Gion glared wide-eyed.


Instincts are as sharp as ever.

“I said sister, do you know what you’re going to do next? If it’s Karp’s naval hero, the Draconians can still take care of one or two, plus Karp’s own character, it’s a big deal to hide outside, even if it’s the world government, but if you get involved…”

Luo Xiu shook his head.

“I know, and I’m ready to be aware enough. ”

Gion responded calmly, and his eyes were still as clear as a mirror.

Of course, she knew how serious it was for herself as a vice admiral to be involved in the strife of the Dracoians.

If the world government learned that she was helping Luo Xiu on the premise of knowing Luo Xiu’s true identity, it would not be too much to sentence her to death.


But there was always a voice in her heart telling herself – she must not let it go!

Absolutely not!!

Looking at Gion’s firm eyes and feeling his determination, Luo Xiu sighed lightly-

This person is very popular.

I can’t pay it off if I don’t promise to be in person!!

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ]


The hall on the first floor of the manor.

The naval hero Karp waited anxiously with the plain-clothed girl.

The soles of his feet lifted up and fell at a rapid pace, slapping the ground and causing the hall to crack in a narrow creature.

Later, even the entire manor house trembled.

Just as Karp’s patience was about to run out, footsteps came from upstairs.

“Mr. Karp”

Gion’s voice came.

“Well, Gion, you’re finally back, how about it? That bastard didn’t embarrass you, did he?”

Karp hurriedly stepped forward.

“It’s fine. ”

Gion shook his head calmly.

“Then let’s go back to the headquarters first, the old man in this place doesn’t want to stay for a second. ”

Karp pouted.


Gion shook his head.

“Mr. Karp, take this child back first, I still have some things to attend to. ”

“What’s the matter?”

Karp’s face furrowed, instinctively feeling uneasy.

“I really couldn’t let go of that kid, so I made a deal with Saldes that I would do something for him. ”

Gion opened his mouth firmly.


Karp’s old eyes widened like a cow for a moment.

“Gion, what kind of stupid thing are you talking about? Regarding that child’s words, Sengoku and Xiaohe will definitely have a way, you better go back with the old man first. ”

Cap Road.

“No, Mr. Karp, I’ve made up my mind, please say sorry to Sister Tsuru and Mr. Sengoku on my behalf. ”

Gion looked firm.

“This, this…”

Karp was stupid.

“Put you here, I’ll go back alone, Xiaohe will kill me, and I’ll go back together.” ”

Karp didn’t back down.


A flirtatious laugh rang out.

Luo Xiu led the light and walked downstairs slowly.

“In that case, then Mr. Karp, you can come with us, don’t worry, I won’t delay you too long, if it’s fast, it will only take ten minutes. ”

Luo Xiu grinned.

It would be great if we could get into the water with Racap.

With Karp at the front, Gion will be under much less pressure.

As for how much pressure will Karp be under on this old man?


Anyway, it’s not familiar!

“Little Devil Saldes, the old man wants to see, what the hell are you doing?”

Karp glared angrily at his beard.

“I’ll know right away, the carriage is ready outside, please. ”

Luo Xiu made a gesture of please.

The group followed.

Outside the estate.

Charles, recovering from a coma, led a wide carriage.

“The Holy Lord of Salders”

Seeing Mr. Rosho, Charles stepped forward happily.

However, when he met Cap’s murderous gaze, his spirit immediately weakened.

“Get ready to go. ”

Luo Xiu calmly ordered.

“It’s… Yes!”

Charles replied excitedly and scared.

After Luo Xiu and the others got into the car, they drove straight in the direction of Mary Joy’s Central Gladiatorial Arena.

“Nani !!”


When Gion explains to Karp that what she is about to do is help Luo Xiu beat up the Draconian, Karp’s shocking roar almost overturns the carriage.

The sturdy body is even more cracked.

Fortunately, the terrifying momentum came and went quickly.

After that, there were no drastic changes.

Half an hour later.

The magnificent Mary Joya Gladiatorial Arena has arrived!


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