A dilapidated gladiatorial arena.

Luo Xiu whistled briskly and returned to the preparation room.

Karp and Gion are not there.

Luo Xiu would not be surprised by this.

Because that’s what he had arranged.

Settle the battle in a minute.

Create super chaos.

Before the five old stars could react, they secretly sent Karp and Gion to leave Mary Joya first.

As long as it is not intercepted on the spot, it will be easier to deal with after all.

What to do next, Karp and Gion are also very clear.

“Hey, Luo Xiu, if it was Uncle Ben before, Uncle Ben promised to help you blow up all the arrogant Tianlong people who will gather here, hahahaha. ”

Locks burst out laughing maniacally.

“Come on, you better save it, you will only make things more complicated and worse, if it were really you, Luo Xiu’s current situation would really be bad. ”

Roger said.

“What are you talking about? Bastard Roger, do you look down on Uncle Ben?”

Locks’ eyes widened in displeasure.

“It’s not that I look down on you, it’s good that Karp and that little girl are willing to help each other in this fight, and only Madara is the most suitable on our side. ”

Roger calmly analyzed.

“What a mess, I think you just look down on Uncle Ben. ”

Locks is messing around.

“Alright, Locks, don’t worry, this resurrection card in my hand was originally intended for you. ”

Luo Xiu spoke.

“Oh, really?”

Rockton was pleasantly surprised like a child.

“That’s nature, what kind of relationship do we have? ”

Luo Xiu smiled.

“Hahahaha, that’s right, that’s right, Luo Xiu, you are very good, you know how to leave good things to my brother. ”

Locks jumped up and down happily.

Luo Xiu: “…”


Give him three points of color, and he wants to open a dyeing workshop.

But at the moment, Luo Xiu didn’t bother to bother with him.

After all, he still needs to make a big contribution to the next ‘Mary Joy’ mission.


Fishman Tiger’s voice rang out.

“What’s the matter?”

Luo Xiu asked.

“It wasn’t until I followed you through Mary Joya this week that I really understood how dangerous this city really is, and that it was a fluke that I was able to make a big fuss about the Holy Land, so please be careful. ”

Fishman Tiger said with solemn concern.


Nodding his head to accept Tiger’s concern, Luo Xiu turned to look at Madara who was leaning against the door frame in thought.

“How’s it going, Madara, are you used to it here?”

Luo Xiu asked.


Madara Uchiha crossed his arms, but his face was not as arrogant as he always was.

Inexplicably resurrected this week.

He saw a lot of incredible things.

He also followed the observation of the beginning and end of the Hokage world where he was located.

When as a bystander, watching the arrogant self pretend to be X and be in the end, Rao is Madara Ye can’t help but panic.

For Locks’s merciless ridicule, he could only sulk secretly.

After all, Locks, who is the pinnacle of combat power in this world, does have the strength to compete with him.

Not even just Rocks, but Roger, the Karp seen today, and the five old stars with knives are not ordinary people.

Even if he is able to add an eternal kaleidoscope and a complete body Susa, I am afraid that he will not be able to defeat these monsters 100%.

Of course, if it’s open-

The body of the reincarnation of the soil, the cells between the columns and the eyes of reincarnation.

Or the six realms under the power of the ten-tailed human pillar, then it’s another story.

Thinking of this, the corners of Madara Uchiha’s mouth couldn’t help but set off a happy arc.


However, in the next second, Madara shook his head again.

Because he thought of Bamenkai, who almost kicked himself to death.

The masters of physical arts in this world, such as Locks, Karp and the like, are definitely only stronger than Bamen Kai.

“It seems that even if you get the power of the Six Realms in the future, you must no longer be stupid enough to use your body to try other people’s big moves, and you must learn a lesson. ”

Madara thought so, and nodded thoughtfully.

In the future, Lao Tzu will be stupid x if he pretends to be x!!

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Looking at Madara Uchiha’s thoughtful nodding appearance, Luo Xiu was also confused.

But forget it.

As long as Madara can be obedient, don’t be like Locks, who wants to make trouble all the time, then Luo Xiu will have no worries.

After a brief exchange with Roger, Luo Xiu’s consciousness withdrew from the soul space.

Right now.


The door opens.

The mask was like a mask, and a tall figure in a white robe stepped in.

“Salders Saint, it’s better for your subordinates to take you back to the mansion here. ”

The CP0 member spoke calmly.

“Number One, I’ll leave it to you. ”

Luo Xiu grinned.

There was not a hint of anger at the ‘traitor’ on his face.

However, the more this happens, the more uneasy the heart of No. 1 who returns to CP0 becomes.

“What’s the matter, One, don’t be too nervous. ”

Luo Xiu reminded.

“Ahh Yes, Lord Saldes, please go this way. ”

No. 1, who was shocked into a cold sweat, hurriedly led the way.

The carriage that had been waiting outside drove straight back to the Salders Manor.



The road near the manor house.

A scarred carriage gallops under Charles’ driver.


A ghostly figure suddenly flashed.

“Who are you?

Charles didn’t have time to ask.

The tall, broad-robed figure in front of the galloping carriage raised its fist.

A punch fell.


The horse’s head exploded.

The luxury frame flew straight out tens of meters under the action of inertia.

“Ahem, cough, cough”

Coughing, the seriously injured Charles crawled out with difficulty.

“The carriage is empty. ”

“Those two aren’t here?”

Several more CP0s wearing masks and wide robes appeared, surrounding Charles.

The ensuing horror and oppression made it difficult for him to breathe.

“Charles, where’s the man in the carriage?”

“Where did Vice Admiral Karp and Vice Admiral Gion of the Navy go?”

The CP0 killer asked coldly.

“Ahem, CP0 adults, what are you talking about, my subordinates really don’t understand, and my subordinates still have to go back to the manor to prepare a celebration banquet for Salders Saint. ”

Charles said tremblingly.

“I don’t think it’s necessary to celebrate the feast. ”

“Come with us, and we’ll treat you well until you tell you all. ”

CP0 killer is full of murderous intent.

“Ahem, ahhhh I’m hiring… I’ll do it all, don’t kill me. ”

Charles screamed in horror.

“That’s right, people who are interested will always live longer, even if they still have to die in the end, at least they can walk more refreshingly. ”

A CP0 killer.

“So let’s start by telling us why Karp helped Salders. ”

Another CP0 killer asked.

“Lord Saldes, he… My lord, he…”

With his arms in his arms, his body trembled, and the corners of Charles’s ugly mouth suddenly raised a strange arc.


The small arrow of the linkage mechanism hidden in his cuff pierced his heart.

This sudden change was undetectable even by a veteran CP0 killer.


The expressions under the masks of the Cp0 killers who were put together were all gloomy and watery.


Blood trickled from the corners of Charles’s mouth, and his eyes gradually drifted.

“For Sal… The Saint of Des dedicates… Heart…”

This man who was greedy for life and afraid of death and knelt for most of his life finally stood up at the last moment of his life!!


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