“You’re not Saldes-Saint at all! you’re the murderer who killed everyone in that room that day!”

The screams of Killer CP0 No. 1 echoed through the halls of the manor.

After seeing the shocking picture of Luo Xiu’s previous big move to defeat the strongest defender of CP0, No. 1 finally confirmed the terrible conjecture that had haunted him this week.

The man in front of him was not the Celestial Dragon Man Saldes at all, but a monster that was unimaginably powerful.

What they had seen on the Rue de la Chambord more than a week ago was all scripts written by this man.

How terrible is this?

An unknown monster has been lurking in the Holy Land of Mary Joya for a whole week.

If it continues, there will be even more terrible incidents.

“Hey, One, what the hell do you mean?”

“Isn’t this a Salders Saint?

“He’s not Sardes, who could he be?”

The other three CP0 members in the audience all had ridiculous expressions.

For a while, I couldn’t understand the meaning of the first sentence.

For the questions of his partners, No. 1 was unheard.

Or rather, he has no room to pay attention to it and explain it.

Because Luo Xiu’s gaze was already locked on him.

There was also an indescribable depression, as if death itself was watching him.

The terrifying degree of the man in front of him was far beyond his imagination.

“You guys, report the situation to the five old stars now, this is a first-level big event. ”

Number One took a deep breath and shouted loudly, his face more solemn than ever.

“Hey, hey, One, are you overreacting? Besides, what the hell do you want us to report?”

“It’s just one person, even if we have some strength, we still have twenty people!”

Another CP0 waved his hand.

Suddenly, sixteen black-suited CP killers who were originally lurking in all corners of the manor appeared in the hall and surrounded Luo Xiu’s group.

“I don’t know what you mean, but when we take him down, everything should be clear. ”

In the end, the CP0 killer, who was as thin and tall as a bamboo pole, sneered cruelly.

“There are twenty people in total, and it seems that all of them are here, so it will be easy to eat. ”

Facing the encirclement of twenty killers, the expression on Luo Xiu’s face was still calm and calm, without the slightest sense of urgency.

“Bastard… What do you mean?”

“As you heard literally, if you come out obediently, I will save me from chasing them one by one, just solve them all at once!”

The corners of Luo Xiu’s mouth raised a slight arc.

“It’s such a big breath, I want to see what kind of confidence you have to be so arrogant, everyone, kill!”

The skinny bamboo pole cp0 killer suddenly waved his hand and ordered.

There is not the slightest superfluous word.

The manor hall flickered with swords and swords.

Sixteen killers in black suits shot in unison.

Long knives and short daggers that glow with a highly poisonous blue light, bullets that are piercing and even cannonballs… They all shot towards Luo Xiu’s place of standing.

Looking at the sixteen fierce attacks like a storm, the expression on Luo Xiu’s face still did not change in the slightest.

His figure never moved, neither dodging nor dodging.

“Have you given up waiting to die?

“It’s so powerful to say before, but after all, it’s just lip service. ”

“Looks like we don’t need to do anything. ”

The three CP0 killers except for No. 1 sneered.

However, before the smiles on their faces could bloom, they suddenly stopped.


Luo Xiu finally made a move.

At the moment when the black suit killer slashed and the bullet was about to fall.

Luo Xiu’s right hand slowly raised, and his clenched fist suddenly opened.

‘Bang la la’

Like the waves of the sea.

The momentum, which was so powerful that it could not be simply described in words, centered on Luo Xiu, spread out in all directions.

Invisibly, a white spherical protective shield was generated from outside Luo Xiu’s body.

Block all the killer attacks of the sixteen black-suit killers, and even bounce off.

Even more amazing is yet to come.

I saw Luo Xiu’s outstretched right hand clenched in a wave.

The atmosphere in the manor hall changed suddenly.

In the dark, it seemed that a pair of invisible big hands were born, grabbing the sixteen killers in black suits who came to kill.

‘Boom, boom, boom…’

Sixteen explosions rang out in succession.

Sixteen huge pits of palm prints appeared in the hall of the manor.

In every pit lay the bloody body of a killer in a black suit.

This is exactly the result of Luo Xiu’s perception on this day, using the power of heaven and earth to suppress his opponent.

When the power of listening to the voice of all things is connected with the color of the high-level overlord, qualitative change and sublimation take place here.

At this moment.

Sixteen roars passed.

The hall of the manor fell into a dead silence once more.


A broken chandelier on the roof of the hall with electric sparks.

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A CP0 killer’s Adam’s apple rolls hard.

The eyes under the mask widened, as if he had seen the most incredible thing in the world.

“What a joke!”

The skinny bamboo pole CP0 killer lost his voice in shock.

“What the hell was going on before? Is that aura a bully domineering?”

“How is that possible? How can the overlord color be like this?”

“What kind of monster is this man!!”

The CP0 killers, who have always been indifferent and murderous, and regard human life as a mustard, are terrified.

“Hurry up and report the five old stars!”

CP0 No. 1 drank again.

“It’s… Yes”

The CP0 killer closest to the gate responds in horror.

Footsteps stepped on the ground thirty-six times in an instant.

The huge reaction force caused his speed to skyrocket suddenly, and he was about to shoot out.

However, he only had time to make a single step.

The next moment.

It was as if the terrifying weight of the will of heaven and earth fell from the sky, and when the hood fell, he was pressed to the ground.

The domineering spiritual oppression of the overlord, coupled with the physical oppression of the power of heaven and earth, caused his consciousness to gradually dissipate.

“Bastard, who the hell are you!”

Thin bamboo pole CP0 let out a long whistle.

The body under the wide robe suddenly changed drastically.

The soles of his beastly feet slammed into the ground, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of Luo Xiu.

The steel beast claws that flashed with cold light mercilessly took out Luo Xiu’s heart.

“Flying Sword Flowing Dragon’s Nest Flash”

Luo Xiu’s right hand landed on the iron broken teeth of the demon knife at his waist.

In a split second.

Iron crushed teeth, out.

At the same time, it brings out a shining light.


A ray of blood splattered.

‘Puff puff’

And then one after another.

The dazzlingly fast high-level sword swords flickered through the dimly lit halls.

I don’t know how long it has been.

One minute or just two or three breaths.

I only heard a soft sound.

Iron tooth sheath.

In the next second, the sound of a fountain erupted in the dead space.

It was a rupture of blood gushing out of the blood vessels and major arteries of the skinny bamboo pole cp0 killer’s body.

“What kind of monster are you!”

The last CP0 except for Number One screamed.

At this moment, he finally felt the feeling of being dominated by fear.


In the scream, he stepped on the six-shaved and desperately tried to escape.

“It’s really ugly, it’s CP0?”

Luo Xiu sneered, and the armed spiral pill between his palms reappeared, and he threw it violently in a direction that deviated from the direction of his escape by about thirty degrees.

Obviously, the routes of escape and pursuit did not coincide, but after a few seconds, the two were strangely intertwined.

Is this a coincidence?

Of course not.

Everything is inevitable.

Because this is exactly the future that Luo Xiu sees!!

“You’re the only one left, One. ”

Luo Xiu grinned.


CP0 One takes a deep breath.

His expression barely regained his composure.

“A man who can have such power must not be unknown, can you tell me who you really are?”

Number One asked in a deep voice.

Even if he wants to die, he wants to die clearly, and he doesn’t want to die like the other four newcomer idiots.


Luo Xiu spoke calmly.

“Luo Xiu?”

Listening to this unfamiliar name, which seemed to have never appeared on the sea, CP0 No. 1 couldn’t help but be full of confusion.

However, in the next second, One’s expression suddenly changed, as if he had thought of something.

The name was unfamiliar, but he had seen it in a naval report.

“You’re… The Fifth Emperor of the Sea!!”


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