Sixteen towering columns of water stand on the high points of the Holy Land of Mary Joy.

The endless influx of turbulent sea water has transformed this bustling land city into a flooded country.

It only took a few minutes.

The state-of-the-art underground drainage system in Mary Joyan is overloaded.

Some low-lying areas have been completely submerged by the sea.

The scope of damage continues to expand.

The greatest chaos in the history of the Holy Land of Mary Joya continues to intensify.

The moon is dark and the wind is high – the night of murder!!

Just as the nobles and guards in the Holy Land were busy moving to the safety of the highland area.

No one noticed that in the dark night, there were people walking on the raging waves, like the gods of the sea.

This person who walks on the big waves is naturally Luo Xiu.

For Luo Xiu, who also inherited the power of the water demon Bazaar, treading the waves is naturally pediatric.

At this moment.

The area north of the Sanctuary Mary Joy.

Luo Xiu carried his hands behind his back, standing on the waves dozens of meters high, looking at the far south.

On the other side of the city, the bloody battle between the fully resurrected sea overlord Locks and the world’s supreme powers has begun.

The sky collapsed, the ground cracked, and the water flowed backwards.

The scene was very shocking!!

“That guy Locks really worked hard this time, so I should do my own work and try to get the mission progress to the final SSS level as soon as possible. ”

Luo Xiu muttered softly.

As soon as his mind moved, he rode the big waves and ran towards Pangu City General Hospital.

Since the start of the flooding Mary Joya project, although it has only been five minutes, it has relied on this huge momentum and impact.

The progress bar of the ‘Mary Joy’s Event’ quest released by the system is moving upwards.

In just five minutes, it has broken through the critical point of S-class and SS-class evaluations one after another.

Among them, the reward for the S-rank evaluation is about the upgrade of the Radiant Radiance Air Carrier.

According to the instructions of the system, Luo Xiu learned that this upgrade could further expand the scale of the Radiance Air Mother and make the firepower more ferocious while maintaining the overall advantages.

One of the most significant changes is, of course, the replacement of carrier-based aircraft.

The original 36 old propeller fighters and torpedo planes will be completely replaced by 36 ‘Dagu Xincheng Happy Planes’.

To be honest, after seeing that the upgraded carrier-based aircraft was the ‘Victory Feiyan No. 1 Fighter’, Luo Xiu’s heart was resistant, and his expression was disgusted.

After all, the crash rate of this fighter is really too high.

The nickname of ‘Happy Machine in Dagu New Town’ is not covered.

But what comes is safe.

Happy machine is happy machine, in terms of performance, it is always more than a hundred times stronger than the old torpedo machine.

After the ‘Happy Machine’ reward, the SS-level evaluation reward is much more decent.

This time it’s an addition to the form of the Iron Broken Tooth.

Red Enchantment Form Iron Broken Fang!

The trait is Enchantment Break!

Compared to this form of iron broken teeth, Luo Xiu wanted to directly attach a underworld form to it.

With one move, the waning moon of the underworld will be broken, and everything will return to nothingness.

That’s called a cow X!!

Thinking about it, Luo Xiu was not too disappointed.

After all, there will always be bread.

The Red Enchantment form has arrived.

Will the Black Nether Form be far away?

It may not be necessary that the SSS-level evaluation reward will be directly attached.

Come to think of it.

The smile on Luo Xiu’s face couldn’t help but be a little brighter.

Thinking about it.

Pangu City General Hospital arrived.

The Draco people living in Mary Joya will have a doctor in every household.

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However, in general, it is to deal with a little illness and disaster.

If you are seriously injured, it is natural that you need to go to a more well-equipped hospital to receive comprehensive professional medical treatment.

Char Rose, who was first crippled by Luo Xiu’s mace, and Rozwald and Charulia, who were knocked away by Luo Xiu one by one in the arena yesterday, are now being treated here.

At this moment.

The upper floor of Pangucheng General Hospital.

“Bunch of idiots, can anyone tell me what the hell is going on? Mary Joa… Why is there so much water all of a sudden? This is a holy place!”

The slurred roar of the Draco Rozwald echoed in the hospital hierarchy.

“Is this the wrath of the gods?”

“No, no, no, it’s a nightmare!”

“yes, I must be having nightmares too!”

The other three Draconians who were admitted to the hospital shook their heads in horror.

“Father, the water has risen again. ”

The female Draco with crooked eyes and a slanted mouth, Charuliya, screamed.

“Damn, what are you despicable ants still doing in a daze, why don’t you hurry up and carry us to the rooftop, and hurry up and ask someone to send the boat over, if you don’t see the boat in three minutes, you will all die!”

The Draco Rozwald screamed.

“Yes, Lord Rozwald!”

The guards who were kneeling on the ground responded in shock, and hurriedly led six people, including Rozwald, to the highest roof of the hospital.

However, to their despair, the water level continued to rise.

It should be common sense for water to flow lower.

But this common sense is invalid for them.

In the surrounding area, no matter how high or low the terrain is, the raging sea just rushes towards them.

In the end, the entire hospital was immersed in it.

Aware of this strange phenomenon, how can people who have already reached the highest place still be calm.

If the water level continues to rise, they must have the only possibility of being swallowed by the waves.

“Ah, look over there. ”

One of the guards seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly shouted.

Following his line of sight, the people on the rooftop also saw the man standing on the waves not far away, like a sea god.

“That’s… That man is Saldes St!”

A sharp-eyed guard exclaimed.


“How is that possible?”

“Saldes St. he stepped on the waves?”

“How is this possible!”

“Is that still human?”

“It’s not something humans can do at all!”

On the rooftop, there was an uproar among the guards and hospital doctors.

Under the gaze of people who were shocked and nervous.

The ‘sea god’ who rides the waves has finally arrived.

Luo Xiu stood on the top of the waves higher than the rooftop of the hospital, looking at the terrified people below, with a warm smile on his face.

“Good evening, everyone. ”

Luo Xiu greeted with a smile.

“Saldes, you bastard, answer me what the hell is going on?”

Rozwald yelled in frustration.

“Saldes, yes, I almost forgot, I really don’t need this anymore. ”

Luo Xiu nodded.

With a movement of his mind, the original Saldes’s appearance melted like ice and snow, revealing Luo Xiu’s true body underneath.

This strange scene, the hundreds of people on the rooftop who watched it were all shocked and frightened, and they even forgot to breathe for a while.

“Officially introduce yourself, I’m Luo Xiu!”

Luo Xiu grinned.

“Five Emperors Luo Xiu !!”


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