Sunny morning.

As far as the eye can see, a vigorous sheep-headed pirate ship rides the wind.

The straw hat flag on the mast flutters freely in the wind.

The atmosphere on board was very convivial.

The Great Talk King Sniper carefully sat on the deck and studied the new weapon, Pepper Star.

The Green Algae-headed Swordsman lay in the stern of the ship and slept leisurely.

The captain in the straw hat tries to steal the oranges, but is kicked away by the curly-eyebrow cook.

As for the only girl on the boat, she is bargaining with the newspaper delivery bird who has been wronged at the moment.

“Listen, if the price goes up again next time, I really won’t buy it. ”

The Straw Hat Pirates Navigator, a girl with short orange hair, threatened viciously.

The newspaper bird had a look of grievance on his face, and thought to himself, it wasn’t the price I set, what did you tell me?

Pay the money with one hand, and pay the report with the other.

The newspaper bird flapped its wings and flew away in a hurry.

“Hahaha, Nami, Aaron has been defeated by us, you don’t need to save any more money. ”

Sniper Usopp said casually with his spicy red eyes.

“You don’t understand, I don’t want to be a poor pirate who can’t even afford to buy beautiful clothes. ”

Nami, the little thief cat, returned to her recliner and began to read the newspaper with her legs crossed.

“Now the world is really not peaceful, and there is a coup d’état in another country. ”

Nami sighed softly as she flipped through the newspaper.


Two bounty orders slipped out of the gap between the two newspapers.

The ‘idiot’ captain in the straw hat, the Straw Hat Luffy, the child of destiny in this world, picked it up and looked at his big smiling face on the bounty order.

Straw Hat Luffy blinked twice, stunned, and then laughed happily and triumphantly.

“Hey, everyone, look, look, I’ve been rewarded!”

Straw Hat Luffy shouted with joy.

“Where, where?”

Usopp was the first to step forward.

“Well, really, I’m on top of it, too. ”

“Nani, Usopp too, where?”

Quick-eyebrow curled chef Sanji stepped forward and glanced nervously.

“Obviously there’s nowhere to go, Usopp, you guy is a liar. ”

“Ah, Sanji, I didn’t lie this time, look at this, such an obvious feature is obviously me. ”

Usopp pointed to the back of the head in the corner of the Straw Hat Luffy Bounty Order.

“Is that okay?”

The mountain is down.

“Hahahaha, of course”

Usopp clasped his hands on his hips.

“But Shanji, don’t be too disappointed, you will definitely have a chance to be the third child in the future. ”

“Hey, there’s a bounty here. ”

The sharp-eyed Nami sees another overlooked bounty on the deck.

Hearing this, Sanji’s eyes suddenly lit up.

However, Sanji’s hand just fell on the bounty order, and the other hand also happened to fall.

It was Sauron sleeping in the stern.

The four eyes met, and sparks flew in an instant.

“Green algae head, what are you doing with my bounty order. ”

“Roll your eyebrows, this is my bounty order. ”

The faces of the two happy enemies are pasted together, and they don’t give in to each other.

“Okay, okay, this is what I paid for, and I’ll find out whose bounty order it is. ”

Nami snatched the bounty from the two main forces.

A glance falls.


Nami stumbled and sat down on the recliner.

“This is…”

“Hey, Nami, what’s wrong with you?”

Looking at the strange expression on Nami’s face, Usopp couldn’t help but look puzzled.

“Whose bounty is this? Zoro or Sanji?”

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Straw Hat Luffy tilted his head.

“No, no, neither. ”

Nami shook her head violently.

“Not me?”

“Not me?”

Zoro and Sanji were suddenly in a state of interest and were about to disperse.

“This new bounty order is simply the Emperor of the Sea!!”

Nami’s voice rose more than an octave.

So the people who were about to disperse stopped and came closer.

“One zero, two zeros… Nine zeros… It’s four-four-four… Four billion !!”

Usopp stammered, and his whole person was already shocked by the series of zeros.

“Who the hell is this? I’ve never seen it before!”

Sauron, who had been a bounty hunter for a while, shook his head repeatedly, he was very sure that this bounty was the first time he had seen it, so he was more and more shocked in his heart.

“The first reward is four billion! Even the Four Emperors who reigned at the apex of the sea are only more than four billion? Who is he? What did he do?”

“It’s comparable to the high bounty of the Emperor of the Sea, is he the Five Emperors who have risen on the sea recently?” Miss Nami, is there any news report on it?”

Sanji hurriedly asked.

“News, oh oh oh. ”

Nami hurriedly picked up the newspaper next to her, flipped through the inconsequential first copy, and finally saw the truth.

“Mary Joa… Big Event!!”

Nami’s expression gradually became stunned.

“Mary Joa, where is that?”

Straw Hat Luffy asked stupidly, with a slightly unhappy expression on his face.

Because compared to the four billion bounty, his 30 million is really not enough, and the gap is too big.

The limelight was completely overshadowed all of a sudden.

“Idiot Captain, don’t you even know Mary Joy?

Sanji Road.

“It’s really the Five Emperors! Five Emperors Luo Xiu!”

Nami’s eyes rolled sharply, scanning the World Economic News.

When she could see it all, her delicate body suddenly trembled, and she lay on her back on the chair as if she had lost her strength.

Usopp snatched the newspaper from Nami’s hand.

The first thing I saw was that I was so frightened that I sat on the ground.

“This, this, this, creating a flood to flood Mary Joya, and killing more than 100 of the world’s nobles Tianlong… This, this, this… What a crazy person this is!”

Sauron was so shocked that he couldn’t even speak.

“Such a murderous person, we must not be encountered! We must not meet it! We must not meet it!”

Usopp clasped his hands together as if he were chanting a mantra.

“Luffy, the next sea will be much greater than ever, you…”

Nami looked at Straw Hat Luffy.

“What does it matter, whether it’s the Four Emperors or the Five Emperors, One Piece – I’m !!”

The optimistic straw hat boy raised his fists high, and his morale was high.



When the four billion ‘royal’ bounty was published at the same time as the behind-the-scenes report of the World Economic News, it became known to people all over the world——

And so the whole sea trembled!!

The reaction of the East China Sea Straw Hat Pirates is just a microcosm of the world.

The South China Sea, the West Sea, the North Sea, the first half of the Great Voyage Paradise and even the second half of the New World—

Similar conversations and scenes are taking place in various areas of the sea.

“Fifth Emperor Luo Xiu! The mysterious Fifth Emperor, his name, his appearance, and everything about him have finally been revealed!”

“The Five Emperors who created the Great Incident on Hive Island! He is not afraid to avoid it!

“Mary Joy’s Big Incident! This is simply the most earth-shattering news of this era!”

“Five Emperor Luo Xiu, what kind of crazy person is this?

“Could this be the Five Emperors Luo Xiu’s response to the many doubts on the sea?”

“Create this bloody Mary Joya Celestial Dragon Man Massacre to announce the birth of the fifth Sea Emperor to the world!”

After this battle!

The Name of the Five Emperors –

Real, to, famous, and !!


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