“You, you, you… You are…… Five Emperors Luo Xiu !!”

When they saw the man who appeared on the bow of the huge battleship, the Nine Snake warriors on the Perfume Snake Pirate Ship invariably widened their shocked eyes.

There was an irrepressible look of horror on all of his faces.

The moment they saw Luo Xiu appear, at the first glance, they had already recognized the true identity of the man who had arrived.

It’s also natural.

After all, in the current sea, the Five Emperors Luo Xiu is simply a famous existence.

The tragic events of Hive Island in the New World are still vivid.

Today is the most earth-shattering Mary Joy event of this era.

Whether it was the shocking incident of the Holy Land of the Red Earth Continent being flooded, or the horrific fact that more than 100 Celestial Dragons were killed, all the people in the world trembled.

Plus the ‘royal’ bounty order issued by the government.

The first reward was the Four Billion Five Emperors Bounty Order, which was still in their hands, as if it had just been baked.

For Luo Xiu, the ‘main master’ who was still hotly discussed by them not long ago, how could the female warriors of the Nine Snakes not recognize it?

The emotion called shock suddenly occupied the bodies and minds of all the soldiers of the Nine Snake Pirates.

This was followed by a deep sense of fear and panic.

Their minds unconsciously appeared with reports about Luo Xiu’s deeds.

Whether it’s the Hive Island incident, or the Mary Joya event.

The domineering and cruelty of the methods displayed by this man is very much beyond imagination.

Once you are targeted by this murderous man and have a bad relationship with him, the consequences will inevitably be unimaginable.

Even if they are the powerful Nine Snake Pirates.

Facing the emperor of this sea head-on, the end is definitely not much better.

Worst-case scenario –

Their Nine Snake Pirates are going to be wiped out here today.

Come to think of it.

The faces of the female warriors of the Nine Snake Pirates were all white.

Just when the female warriors of the Nine Snakes were shocked and panicked.


The footsteps were loud again, very faint.

But listening to the ears of everyone in the Nine Snakes Regiment was tantamount to thunder, waking them up from their stupor.

When they saw Luo Xiu, who appeared on their ship at some point, the delicate bodies of the female warriors couldn’t help but tremble in unison.


After all, he is a Nine Snake warrior from a fighting nation.

Even if he knew that the man in front of him was the most terrifying emperor of the sea standing at the top of the world.

Even though they were terrified in their hearts and knew that the odds of victory were slim, they would not rest on their laurels.

One by one, they drew their weapons as soon as they were ready for battle.

“First time meeting, girls of the Nine Snakes, don’t be so nervous, I’m not here to fight today. ”

The corners of Luo Xiu’s mouth grinned slightly, and he opened his mouth with a smile.

The smile is bright, like a spring breeze.

However, no matter how kind and harmless the smile on Luo Xiu’s face was, the vigilance of the Nine Snake warriors still did not ease in the slightest.

Because they know that no matter how kind the smile of the ‘devil’ is, it is still the ‘devil’ after all.

If you slack a little, you will inevitably be eaten dry and wiped clean in an instant.

“Five Emperor Luo Xiu, why are you here?”

The soldier Gentian, armed with a new type of rocket launcher, plucked up his courage and asked the voices of the crowd.

Compared to the shock of seeing the Five Emperors.

Why the Five Emperors appeared here was also a point that they couldn’t understand.

After all, the man who committed a terrible crime in the Holy Land last night came to them in less than a day to be 108,000 miles away from the Holy Land?

This abnormal speed is really incomprehensible to them.

At the moment of seeing that huge aircraft carrier.

They had made many conjectures, including the possible owner of the bombastic battleship.

But they never imagined it.

The owner of this super-huge battleship turned out to be the Five Emperors Luo Xiu!!

It’s a shame that they haven’t really started plundering yet.

Otherwise, the situation will inevitably become irreparably bad.

The Perfume Snake pirate ship fell into a dead silence.

The female warriors of the Nine Snake Regiment all locked their eyes on Luo Xiu without blinking, waiting for his answer.

From beginning to end, Luo Xiu just carried his hands easily, and his face was full of calmness and calmness.

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At the same time, there is a little emotion.

Second check-in half a month ago.

Luo Xiu, who was in the Whitebeard Pirates, was just thinking about how to delay the time and drag out the time required for this check-in.

Now, however, the situation has been reversed.

Bearing the name of the fifth Emperor of the Sea, even if he is on her ship now, he will no longer have the slightest panic.

On the contrary, even the team led by the powerful Empress of the Seven Martial Seas, Boyahan Cook, had to panic when facing them.

The situation has changed dramatically.

This is the current majesty of Luo Xiu, who has officially ascended to the top of the world and achieved the name of the Five Emperors.

“Why don’t you speak?”

Seeing that Luo Xiu was speechless for a long time.

The hearts of the Nine Snake Female Warriors became more and more restless.

Tight heartstrings are about to reach a tipping point.

“The Fifth Emperor of the Sea, a man with a bounty of up to four billion Berry, what are you looking for us for?”

The black-haired girl Purple Fan, who is relatively petite and has slender legs wrapped in black suspender stockings, scolds coquettishly.


Finally, Luo Xiu was no longer silent.

The smile on the corner of his mouth lifted into the eyes of the soldiers of the Nine Snake Regiment, and his body shook suddenly.

Arrows, bullets, and shells were almost pouring out.

“As I said, don’t be nervous, I’m not here to fight today. ”

Luo Xiu repeated.

“If we didn’t come to fight and plunder, why did the famous Five Emperors come? ”

Nine snake cadres cosmos opened.


Luo Xiu nodded.

“You can take this meeting as a coincidence, I happened to hear the news of your Nine Snakes nearby, and it just so happened that I had heard about the beauty of the Nine Snakes’ Captain Pirate Empress Boyahan Cook, so I happened to come over to meet you this time, are you satisfied with this answer?”

Luo Xiu smiled.

Hearing this, the Nine Snake Warriors on the ship couldn’t help but look at each other.

I didn’t know what to say for a while.

But their hostility has lessened considerably.

If Luo Xiu really just came to see his own captain, it would naturally be better.

Thinking of the beauty of his captain, even the famous Five Emperors were unbearable, and the women couldn’t help but be proud in their hearts.


Suddenly, they thought of another important question.

“Fifth Emperor Luo Xiu, are you really just here to see Lord Hancock?

Cadre Purple Fan asked vigilantly.

“Hehe, it’s rare to meet the world’s No. 1 beauty, it’s too boring just to see it, come here, then have a meal together, talk about it, and have in-depth exchanges by the way. ”

Luo Xiu grinned.

It’s rare to come back to the world of pirates.

Since he already has enough strength, Luo Xiu naturally will not have the slightest scruples.

What about even the arrogant Empress of Pirates?

As long as Luo Xiu wants to, even if he grabs it directly!


How could the people of the Nine Snakes not hear the domineering like an order in Luo Xiu’s words, they couldn’t help but be angry.

They are the mighty Nine Snake Pirates.

How could he ever be so despised?

The atmosphere in the room was tense again.


Just when a group of Nine Snake warriors couldn’t help but want to fight to the death.

A cold and majestic woman’s coquettish voice suddenly sounded from the cabin.

“Everyone, stand down!”

With a majestic command, the hatch opened.

The haughty Pirate Empress Boya Han Cook stepped out under the guard of the two sisters of the Gate God and confronted the Five Emperors.

The narrow autumn eyes lifted slightly.

Look at each other!

In an instant, sparks burst out!


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