“Lord Luo Xiu!

“Mr. Rosho, please take care!”

“Lord Luo Xiu, I must come back next time!”


In the joyful cheers of the enthusiastic Nine Snake Female Warriors, the Radiant-level Sky Mother slowly walked away.

On the empty mother deck, he waved goodbye to the nine snakes, and Luo Xiu, who finally got free, couldn’t help but feel agitated.

That’s when it happened.

Stare at~~~

An undisguised gaze was firmly locked on Luo Xiu.

Luo Xiu looked up, and happened to meet the bright eyes on the edge of the fence on the second floor.


Luo Xiu laughed happily, jumped onto the second deck, and hugged the brilliance into his arms.

“Commander, I’m in a good mood today. ”

Guanghui Road,

“Haha, it’s okay. ”

Luo Xiu replied.

“That big sister called the One Piece Empress is so beautiful. ”

Glorious again.

“It’s okay. ”

Luo Xiu spoke casually again.

“The food just now looks delicious, too. ”

“It’s okay”

“Being surrounded by so many big sisters, is the commander really popular?”

Radiance opened four times.

Speaking of this, even if Luo Xiu is a straight man, he can hear some strange emotions from her words.

“Guanghui, you can’t be jealous, right?”

Luo Xiu asked rhetorically.

“How could it be? Radiance won’t be jealous!”

The bright little face puffed up, and he stubbornly turned his head.

Leave me alone, even if it’s a head-touching kill this time, it won’t work at all.

Radiance thought to himself.


Luo Xiu laughed happily several times.

Although I really want to take Guanghui back to the room, I can appease and compensate for it.

But for now, it’s better to meet your new partner first.

“Don’t make a fuss, Guanghui, would you like to meet our new partner?”

Luo Xiu touched the bright little head and asked with a smile.

“New partner?”

Hearing this, Wuzi’s eyes lit up with the brilliance of jealousy.

“New partner. ”

Luo Xiu smiled slightly.

Thoughts flutter slightly.

Servant summon card activation.

A purple streamer shot out from Luo Xiu’s fingertips and landed on the deck.

The dazzling purple lines wandered and intertwined, eventually turning into a huge magic array.

“This… Is it magic?”

Radiance’s eyes widened in amazement.

Effort between words.

The purple light of the magic array suddenly flourished.

Through the hazy light and shadow, a slender figure could be faintly seen.

About half a minute later.

The glow of magic finally fully converged.

What appeared in front of Luo Xiu and Guanghui was a royal sister-type beauty with long purple hair over her knees.

Her skin is delicate, fair, and shiny.

Wearing a tight short skirt with black and purple, the slender and graceful figure and curves are completely outlined.

Slender and straight thighs, without a trace of excess fat, wrapped in a pair of black stocking boots that also have purple lace.

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In the middle of her smooth forehead, there was a red serpentine mark.

Far from being abrupt, it adds a bit of mysterious beauty.

Even though those bright eyes are blocked by the ‘blindfold’, just looking at the delicacy and perfection of the other parts is enough to imagine how touching the eyes under the blindfold are.

“Follow the call, are you my master?”

The heroic spirit Medusa, who has traveled through time and dimension, maintains a posture of kneeling on one knee and speaks calmly.

“Sister R… No, Medusa, there is no need to be so restrained in front of me, in this world, we are all partners in the voyage together, and all the concepts of masters and servants can be discarded. ”

Luo Xiu smiled.

“The world… Partner…”

Sister Medusa, who was summoned from the Moon World, muttered blankly.

The moment she was summoned into the world, the system had already channeled the situation into her mind through the flow of information.

Medusa also learns that this is not the world she was in, but the fact that it is another world.

And the master who summoned her was the man named Luo Xiu in front of him.

“Well, forget it, anyway, someone like me, no matter where he is, all he has to do is to be loyal to the master as a servant, that’s all. ”

Medusa thought.

“Sister Medusa, Gui’an, my name is Guanghui, I met for the first time, please give me a lot of advice in the future. ”

Just as Sister R was giving up on herself and thinking, a sweet voice woke her up from her thoughts.

“Light… Hui”

Even if she couldn’t see the brilliance while wearing the ‘blindfold’, she could feel the petite and cute aura that came from the brilliance through her senses and magical powers.

Immediately, a little envy flashed on his face unconsciously.

For Medusa, who admires petite and cute, the radiant body shape is the type she envies the most.

“Sister Medusa, don’t be stunned, stand up quickly, you and I on this ship are the commander’s partners, there is no difference between up and down. ”

Radiance smiled and helped Medusa to her feet.

Looking at Medusa, who was tall and almost a head taller than herself, Guanghui suddenly looked full of envy.

“What’s wrong?”

Sister R, who sensed the glorious envy, asked puzzled.

“It’s so good, Sister Medusa, tall and tall, with a good figure, she has the breath of a mature big sister all over her body. ”

Radiant envy of the opening.


Medusa couldn’t help but be stunned.

The points that Radiance now envied were her own troubles.

For her, a petite and cute person like Radiance is the best.

“Radiance, you’re the … I’m going to envy your cuteness. ”

Medusa said.

“It’s not enough to be cute, after all, the commander likes the type of big sister like Sister Medusa, whether it’s Sister Gion or the previous Empress’s sister, it’s the same. ”

Radiance opened with a slight taste.

It wasn’t until I thought of Alice, a girl who belonged to the same cute type as myself, that the brilliance finally balanced her heart a little.

“Well, is that so? Master him… Was that his interest?”

Medusa wondered.

“That’s not all, let me tell you, the Commander, he likes to bully people the most. ”

Radiance waved a small pink fist.


Medusa, who has always been the most troublesome, doesn’t want to listen to or do anything, so that she seems a little cold, is also attracted by the glorious enthusiasm at this time.

However, without waiting for the brilliance, I will elaborate on the process of ‘bullying’.

A large hand suddenly fell, and the glorious collar lifted her off the ground.

“That’s it for you, Radiance, it’s my turn next. ”

Luo Xiu smiled and carried the brilliance back to the chaise longue.

Then he smiled and faced Sister R.


Sensing the manly aura that was close at hand, and then thinking of the ‘special interest’ mentioned by the previous brilliance, Medusa’s body subconsciously tensed, as if she was a little nervous.

“Rider, ah no, Medusa. ”

Luo Xiu spoke.

“Yes, please let me know if the master has any orders. ”

Listening to Luo Xiu’s direct name, Medusa’s delicate body trembled subconsciously.

“Then take off your blindfold first, I want to see your eyes. ”

Luo Xiu smiled.



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