A gloomy palace in the dead silence.

Only Luo Xiu’s footsteps echoed.

Under the nervous gaze of Perona on the ceiling, Luo Xiu, who had planned to leave, turned suddenly.

“This big bear doll, although it is dirty, but if you look closely, it is ugly and cute. ”

Luo Xiu seemed to comment casually and dragged Kumasi up from the ground.

“It’s pretty heavy!”

“I’m @#¥%, don’t touch it since you dislike it~ Bastard!”

Perona’s nervous heart was about to jump out of her throat.

However, the time to come has finally come.

Perona expected the worst.

Luo Xiu’s right hand was like a knife, cutting open the big bear doll and pulling out the real body of Perona hidden inside.

“A doll in a doll, this feels really like a real person. ”

Luo Xiu said “surprised”.

One moment touching the little face of Perona’s body, one moment patting her thighs, one moment …

“Bastard bastard bastard, is this guy a necrophilia?”

On the ceiling, Perona’s soul body was on the verge of collapse.

But he still didn’t dare to go out, so he could only hope that Luo Xiu would throw her away as a corpse earlier.

However, the next development was far beyond Perona’s expectations, and her little face flushed.

In the quiet palace, Luo Xiu was like a doll, wantonly touching Perona’s real body.

“No, no, no, I can’t help it. ”

Perona, the ghost form, screamed, unwilling to watch Luo Xiu do whatever she wanted with her body.

“Stop me. ”

Perona snorted, her eyes widened with anger, her hands crossed on her waist, her cheeks bulging, and she looked cute.

“Hehe, I finally couldn’t help but come out. ”

Luo Xiu smiled and spoke.

“Ahh ”

Perona, the ghost clone, blushed, and her whole body was on the verge of collapse.

With a ‘whoosh’, Perona’s soul returned to its original figure.

However, Perona forgot one thing.

Even if the spirit returns to the body, she still can’t get out of Luo Xiu’s clutches, and she is still just a little sheep who is powerless to resist.


Perona’s eyes were full of tears, her lips were tightly pursed, and she stubbornly didn’t let the tears of fear slip down.

In addition to the fear of emotion, it was the first time for Perona to be in contact with a man so closely.

For a while, all kinds of strange emotions came to my heart.

Perona screamed and fainted completely.

“I can’t stand it? Well, forget it, let’s go. ”

Luo Xiu carried the unconscious Perona and was about to leave.


The system prompt sounds, which means that the check-in is completed.

【Terror Three-masted Sailboat Check-in Completed】

[Sign-in Rewards: Captain John’s Soul Receiving Card, Sword Hero Dragon Horse Resurrection Card]

“Hehe, there’s a good show to watch now. ”

The corners of Luo Xiu’s mouth raised a teasing smile.

The mind moves.

Consciousness comes to the soul space.

“Yo, Luo Xiu”


As always, Roger and Tiger, the fish-man, stepped forward to greet Luo Xiu as soon as possible.

Followed by the tsundere Madara and Locks.

“Well, Luo Xiu, I’ll thank you this time, but speaking of which, that little ghost is completely vulnerable in front of Uncle Ben’s strength! Uncle Ben is really the strongest!Hahahaha!”

It didn’t take long for Locks to return to his true nature.

Don’t miss any opportunity to boast and brag.

For this behavior of Locks, the four Luo Xiu were already surprised.

“Locks, don’t laugh too soon, I’ve got a surprise for you this time. ”

Luo Xiu smiled mysteriously.


Locks’ eyes lit up.

“What surprise? Is it a resurrection card?”

Luo Xiu shook his head.


Locks cut and turned around without hesitation.

Luo Xiu grinned.

There is no more selling.

Captain John’s Soul Pickup Card is activated.

Countless fragments of light and shadow accumulate.

Not for a moment.

A middle-aged man with long pink hair appeared.

“This person is…”

Fish-man Tiger’s eyes narrowed.

“One of the three from before?”

Madara raised his eyebrows slightly.

“That’s a surprise, Locks, are you sure you don’t want to take a look?”

Roger snorted.

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“What to see, what to see… Whew”

Locks turned impatiently.

Before he finished speaking, it came to an abrupt end.

‘Crunch crunch’

It was the sound of Locks’ teeth rubbing and biting.

“Good, good”

Locks said hello three times in a row.

On the other side, Captain John, who had been resurrected in the soul space, opened his eyes blankly.


Locks drank.

“This voice is… Captain Locks?”

Captain John muttered to himself blankly.

After a few moments, it became clear what he saw.

When you see Locks in front of you.

Captain John’s eyes widened suddenly, and his face was full of horror.

“Lololo… Captain Locks!!”

Captain John’s voice suddenly rose more than eighteen degrees.

“It’s a shame you remember me, John, you old boy, why did you run away from the island of the gods back then?”

Locks’ eyes flashed with a cold and cold light, and the aura of danger was strong.

Feeling the murderous aura that came from the old Captain Locks, Captain John’s horrified face turned green.

“Mistake… Misunderstanding, you listen… Listen to me quibble with you, no, Captain Locks, you listen to my explanation…”

John, who was immersed in the power of Locks, couldn’t care about the doubts in his stomach, and hurriedly wanted to quibble.

“Okay, you old John, you still want to quibble, it’s really looking for a fight. ”

Rockton was furious.

When even jumped into the battle ring with John’s collar like a chick.




Unilateral hanging opening.

There was also the sound of John’s screams.

Even the famous Captain John is powerless in the face of his old club, Locks.

Roger and Madara looked at each other happily for a while, and then their eyes fell on Luo Xiu again.

“Luo Xiu, what’s wrong with you?”

Looking at Luo Xiu’s dumbfounded appearance, Madara Ye and Roger were both full of surprise.

It was the first time they had seen Luo Xiu, who knew everything in his heart, show such an expression.

“It’s not”

Luo Xiu tilted his head, and a big question mark couldn’t help but appear on his head.

“What the hell is going on?”

Madara asked with concern and suspicion.

“Actually, there is another one besides John this time. ”

Luo Xiudao.


Roger was curious.

“The great swordsman of the country of Wano four hundred years ago, the dragon slaying samurai Ryoma!”

Luo Xiudao.

“What do you say! Ryoma is… The sword god of Wano Country?”

Roger’s eyes widened in shock.

Rubbing his hands together, a look of anticipation.

After all, it was the big man of 400 years ago.

It would be fun to be able to play against each other.


Luo Xiu nodded.

“Even Ryoma four hundred years ago… Wait, look at Luo Xiu’s expression, Ryoma is gone?”

Roger, who had only been excited for a moment, was immediately dumbfounded.


Luo Xiu nodded.


Roger asked again.

“I don’t know!”

Even Luo Xiu himself was confused.

So far, from Locks to John, everyone has been honestly resurrected in the soul space.

This time, something unexpected happened.


Luo Xiu seemed to have thought of something.

From the very beginning of Locks, to Roger, Madara, etc., without exception, they are all resurrected in the form of souls through soul connection cards.

However, Ryoma’s card just now seems to be slightly different.

Is that…… Resurrection card?!

Luo Xiu, who finally figured out the reason, couldn’t help but widen his eyes in surprise.

Without saying a word, consciousness returns.

The top-level color detection field spread out in an instant.

“Sure enough”

After a moment, Luo Xiu opened his eyes, and the curvature of the corners of his mouth continued to expand.


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