“Don’t get me wrong, do you really think that you are really qualified to negotiate terms on an equal footing with me?”

Luo Xiu’s voice was no longer kind.

“Do you think that I really don’t have to pay any price for the trouble of helping you solve the civil strife in the country? Where in the world is there such a good thing!”

“Who do you think I am? good man, righteous partner, I’m a pirate!”

“If I can help this country regain its life, I can also make it fall into the abyss of death!”

“Y-would you like to try?”

As Luo Xiu’s indifferent words fell, the huge palace hall fell into a deathly silence for a moment.


King Kobra took a deep breath and nodded heavily.

“Five Emperor Luo Xiu, I accept your request! I just hope you can keep your promise too!”

Kobra Road.

“Hehe, happy to work with. ”



The two Feiyan fighters set sail one after the other.

With a screeching sonic boom, it was far away in an instant.

“Lord Kobra, are we really going to put him down roots in our country?”

Looking at Luo Xiu and his party in the distance, Bell couldn’t help but speak.

“That man, the Five Emperors Luo Xiu is really too dangerous. ”

“Of course I know that, Bale, but we don’t have a choice. ”

Kobra’s faint emotion.

“Otherwise, we will inform the government and navy now, and they will definitely send someone of the rank of admiral. ”

Bell proposed.

“Shut up, Bell. ”

Kobra scolded sharply, a rare hint of anger on his face.

“Lord Kobra”

Bell’s face was bewildered.

“Don’t try to provoke an emperor of the sea! If he is really so easy to deal with, how can the government be so out of shape? He made a big fuss on his own territory and created the Mary Joya incident! If he can’t succeed, then it will really be a disaster for us in Alabastan to destroy the country!”

Kobra Road.

“Lord Kobra, but…”

What else did Bell want to say.

“Bell, I know your concerns, but if you think about it, the actions of the Five Emperors Luo Xiu so far, whether it is the subjugation of Klockdal to terminate his ideal township battle or the previous rain, are a demonstration of his own sincerity, and for us, he is indeed a benefactor in solving the drought. ”

“Now that the contract has been concluded, it is better not to break it lightly unless it is absolutely necessary. ”

“Yes, Mistress Kobra, I see. ”

Bell nodded solemnly.



The other side.

At the ultimate speed of Mach 5.5 of the Feiyan fighter.

It only took a few minutes.

Luo Xiu and his entourage returned to the dream city of Rainland on the other side of the Sandora River.

Preliminary preparations have been made.

The partnership with Cobra has been reached.

The next thing to do is to officially complete the first phase of the formation of the force.

And after the abolition of the Ideal Township Campaign, the mission of the ‘Conqueror of the Dark World’ organized by the organization will also be put on the agenda.

Superior Suites on the top floor of the Pyramid Casino Rain Banquet.

Robin, dressed as a professional secretary in black silk, stood respectfully.

In front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows.

Luo Xiu stood with his hands in his hands.

Inform Robin of the general requirements of the ‘Conqueror of the Dark World’ quest.

“Boss, this…”

Listening to the huge goal that Luo Xiu said, Robin couldn’t help but be stunned for a while.

To this day, the Baroque working community under the leadership of Klockdahl.

The ultimate goal is to seize Alabastan, a mere country.

And yet now.

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Their target is indeed the entire underground dark world.

The dark world hidden under the light is even more terrifying than the world above the light.

The dark forces of the underworld in the various seas are intricately intertwined.

Behind it is a monster group that doesn’t know how many horrors are involved.

Their Baroque Workshop is barely one of the dark forces underground.

However, at most, it is a ninth-rate force, and it cannot be on the stage at all.

Compared with those real underground dark forces, the gap is not small.

Robin, who has been in the dark world for twenty years, knows this best.

As far as she knew, standing behind the top dark forces, the dark leaders known as the Heavenly Kings, was none other than the Sea Emperor of the New World.

It is too difficult for a small ninth-rate force like the Baroque Workshop to try to devour those dark predators or something.

“Robin, it seems that you still don’t quite understand the current situation. ”

Luo Xiu, who saw through Robin’s inner worries, shook his head helplessly.

Listening to Luo Xiu’s voice in his ears.

Robin suddenly woke up.

It’s like a flash of light in the darkness.

The horror on Robin’s face, the hesitation in his heart all disappeared and ceased to exist.

Oh, yes!

Originally, the Baroque Workshop, headed only by Klockdahl, could not be compared to those dark forces.

But now their boss is Luo Xiu!

The Five Emperors who created an unprecedented Mary Joy event!

Behind them stood the Emperor of the Sea.

On backstage.

They’re not at all.

And what is the need to be afraid?

They will inevitably be able to lead Luo Xiu to the top of the dark world.

Everything is just a matter of time.

Thinking of this, Robin couldn’t help but feel a little proud in his heart.

“That’s the way it is. ”

Luo Xiu grinned.

He stepped forward and patted Robin on the shoulder with his big hand.


Robin, immersed in the vision of the future, couldn’t help but be startled.

The delicate body stumbled and fell straight into Luo Xiu’s arms.

“Robin, you, unlike Klockdahl, are my officially invited partner, so you don’t need to be called by the boss in the future, just call you by your first name. ”

Luo Xiu put his arm on Robin’s shoulder and smiled.

Listening to Luo Xiu’s words of approval, Robin couldn’t help but be stunned for a while.

There was a trace of warmth in my heart unconsciously.

It was the first time she had been fully accepted by others.

In response to this heart.

She also has to give her whole heart.

Robin took a deep breath, already making up his mind in his heart.

Now! Here is where she belongs!

“Yes, Rosho… My lord. ”

Robin called softly.

Luo Xiu: “…”

At least it’s much closer than the boss.,Adults are adults!

“Alright, Robin, then I’ll leave the detailed schedule of the next mission to you. ”

Luo Xiu smiled.

“Yes, Lord Luo Xiu, I’ll go and make sure it will be completed before the organizational meeting begins tomorrow. ”

Robin nodded happily.

In other words, it is a resolute way out.

“By the way, boss, have you already figured out the name of our new organization?”

Before leaving the door, Robin suddenly turned his head and asked.

“The name of the new organization! Let’s call it ‘Dawn’!”

Luo Xiudao.


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