Huge pyramid casino rain feast.

Basement level.

The marble floor is also covered with a layer of precious fur blankets.

Exquisite lights hang from the ceiling, illuminating the entire underground space as bright as day.

In the middle of the large basement conference room is a conference table made of precious trees.

Nine of the eleven seats have already been seated.

The long table, which was supposed to be used for meetings, was in shambles, and the table was littered with food debris.

“Another cup of black tea, and give me another pack of senbei. ”

Miss Golden Week, a senior Baroque agent who looked no more than ten years old, raised his hand.

The next moment, a waiter immediately served him black tea and sent a senbei.

“The slave family has already eaten twelve octopus parfaits, really, why hasn’t that mysterious boss appeared yet, didn’t it mean a meeting?”

Shemale agent von Clay in a pink swan ballet costume complained.

“That’s it, we’ve been waiting here for more than an hour, MissallSunday doesn’t know where to go except for the first time, we won’t be released pigeons, right?”

The old woman’s senior agent, Ms. Merry Christmas, spoke at a hot mouth, and gave the tall man next to her a slap in the face.

“Eat, eat, you know, how many pizzas have been eaten. ”

“I’m sorry. ”

Mr4, who is the tallest and has the most gentle personality, apologized weakly.

“Be a little more patient, there are still a few minutes before the agreed twelve o’clock, and everything will be clear in a few minutes. ”

Miss opened her mouth with two fingers.

“The rules are dead, people are alive, and when it’s all over, can’t you show up in advance?, or is our mysterious boss now thinking hard about what reason to explain yesterday’s heavy rain?”

The mole-man old woman guessed.

“Do you think our boss is shy, ohhahaha. ”

Miss Valentine’s Day, who looks beautiful but is not flattering, laughed exaggeratedly.

“It’s all at this point, and it’s not much fun to continue the mystery. ”

Gartino took a sip of black tea and shook his head.

“Indeed, it’s all here, even a fool can guess the identity of our mysterious boss who has never met, so just show up quickly. ”

Even Agent Five, who had always been silent and cold, couldn’t help but echo it.

“Perhaps… The boss and MissAllSunday have other surprises in store for us. ”

Miss. Two-fingered Bora chuckled.


Just then, the sound of high-heeled soles kicking against the marble floor rang out, attracting the attention of the high-ranking agents in the room.

“Sorry to keep you waiting. ”

Robin, dressed in a professional secret art outfit, walked neatly with long legs and a comfortable smile on his face.

“MissAllSunday, you’re finally back, where’s the boss?”

Miss Valentine’s Day couldn’t wait to ask.

“The boss’s word has arrived. Robin smiled subtly, and the white jade pointed to the top of the long table.

“It’s there, where is it…”

A group of high-ranking agents were wondering to themselves.

However, before they could ask, they could speak.

The next moment, the doubts on the faces of the senior agents all turned into shock.

Because they had subconsciously followed Robin’s direction to see it.

The boss chair at the head of the conference table with his back to them suddenly had an extra person.

To be exact, they saw the hands on the transfer handle

“This is…”

“When the hell?”

“Is that when MissAllSunday came along?”

“Unbelievable, this is our boss!

A group of high-ranking Baroque agents were secretly shocked.

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As high-ranking agents of the Baroque, they consider themselves strong enough.

But now, someone appeared quietly under the noses of the nine of them, avoiding the eyes and ears of all of them.

That’s a bit surprising.

Shocking to the point of being terrifying.

This is especially felt by Mr1, the most powerful of them.

Because the position in which he sits happens to be the first in the bottom, the closest.

However, even so, he never knew exactly when the ‘boss’ appeared.

“Oh hahahaha, it’s really worthy of our boss, our president of the Baroque, this strength is qualified to lead us. ”

Miss laughed on Valentine’s Day.

“Boss, although we can guess your identity if you don’t turn around, I’m afraid it’s not good to keep your back to you. ”

Gardino spoke, speaking the hearts of the people.

“Indeed. ”

Luo Xiu, who was sitting in the boss’s chair, finally answered and said yes.

The rotating boss’s chair slowly rotated, allowing everyone to see the appearance of Mr0, the president of the Baroque Work Society.

“Seven… Ga”

“Our boss is really the Seven Warriors… Ga”

“In this country, there are only seven … Ga”

“Ha ???”


Be quiet!


Falling pins can be heard!

This is the situation in the conference room on the basement floor of the rain banquet at this moment.

It’s as if the world has been put on pause.

Mr3 Gardino, Miss Valentine’s Day, and Ms. Merry Christmas’s rainbow fart came to an abrupt end when they were halfway through.

Mr2 Shemale Von Cree stared at a pair of exaggerated eyes, and his chin continued to elongate and touch the table.

Miss Jinzhong, a senior agent of Little Lori, opened her small mouth into an ‘O’ shape, her face full of surprise.

The taciturn Agent 5, Jem, the Exploding Fruit Ability, had his sunglasses bounced off his exaggerated eyeballs.

And no wonder!

After all, no matter who you are, you will be shocked and speechless in the current situation.

Since receiving an urgent summoning order from Robin two days ago, and learning that they can finally meet the mysterious boss, the senior Baroque agents present have been speculating about what kind of big man their boss will be!

At eight o’clock this morning, the agents began to feel thrilled when they learned that the destination of their meeting was the dream city of Rainland.

When Turtle Binchi takes them to the casino rain banquet and meets Robin, the agents have been unifying the mysterious boss candidates that they had previously disputed.

Who in all of Alabastan doesn’t know whose turf it is for Dream City Rainland?

Who doesn’t know who is the boss behind the Giant Pyramid Casino Rain Banquet?

At this point, the identity of their mysterious boss has been revealed, and there is no need to think about it.


However, the reality was a big joke on them.

Just when all of them were so sure that they even dared to say that the final boss was the ‘hero’ of Alabastan, the mighty Seven Martial Seas Klokdal…

Surprises appeared!!

The person sitting in the boss’s seat at this moment was not the Seven Martial Seas they had in their impression.

It is the ultimate figure who is ten or a hundred times more terrifying than the Seven Martial Waters Klockdal.

In the past month, the big man who has stirred up the boundless storm in the world – the Five Emperors Luo Xiu!!

“I, I, I, I… We…”

“Of the… bo……”

“Boss yes yes yes yes yes

“Actually… And yet…”

“Five Emperors !!”


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