After the rain is a sunny day.

The fresh air carries the fragrance of earth and life.

In the distance, there was a faint rainbow hanging in the sky.

And on the roof of a busy street somewhere –

A big event is happening that will shake the world.

With the sparkle of brilliant golden light.

A tall figure emerged in the light.

For this day, the long-awaited One Piece Roger has finally been completely resurrected from the world.

“It’s been a long time!

Roger closed his eyes, feeling the rhythm of the world and the sea, and his face unconsciously appeared intoxicated.

“One Piece Roger, what an amazing man. ”

Ryoma, who was holding a black knife on the side, nodded approvingly.

“Finally met, dragon slaying samurai Ryoma, long admired the name, if you have the chance, you must learn a thing or two in the future. ”

Roger grinned.

Even if he is already an old man in his forties and fifties.

He still has a bright smile on his face that is not inferior to Luffy, a straw hat.


Ryoma nodded solemnly.

“Well, here we are. ”

Luo Xiu, who was standing against the railing, suddenly spoke.

Hearing this, Roger’s eyes suddenly lit up, and he hurriedly stepped forward in three or two steps, and the whole person lay on the railing.

“Where, where?”

“No, it’s the golden apple stand. ”

Luo Xiu reminded.


Roger, the unparalleled One Piece in the world, unconsciously instigated his lips.

One Piece, who had collapsed in front of Tarzan and did not change color, couldn’t stop trembling at this moment, trembling with excitement.


Lively streets.

Carrying a green spotted bag and a smiling hat.

The young man, who was naked, with a white beard sign behind his back, walked calmly.

“Hey, little brother, do you want one? Golden apple, one for a thousand berry. ”

Apple profiteers enthusiastically pitch their stalls.

“No, I don’t. ”

Ace calmly refused.

“Really, don’t you want to? This is what I painstakingly found in the ruins, and I can live for a thousand years with one bite. ”

Profiteers and stall owners are seductive.

For his promotion, Ace, who just wanted to say no, suddenly changed his face.

Suddenly turned around, and looked at the rooftop of a high-rise building not far away.

Even if the cultivation of seeing and hearing the domineering is insufficient, Ace’s intuition after experiencing various battles since he was a child should not be underestimated.

He is very sensitive to the peeping eyes of others.

“That man is…”

looked at Luo Xiu standing on the railing on the rooftop.

Ace’s eyes narrowed, and a solemnity unprecedented appeared on his face.

His instincts told him.

The man who was watching him from the rooftop now was strong, more powerful than he could have imagined.

What shocked Ace even more was that no matter how much he focused.

No matter how big his eyes were, he couldn’t see Luo Xiu’s true face clearly.

That face obviously fell so clearly in the sun, but when people’s eyes fell, what they saw was hazy.

“Who the hell is it?”

Ace desperately wanted to see clearly.

A moment later.

His pockmarked face involuntarily showed a ghostly expression.

Because this time he finally saw it more clearly.

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However, the face that caught his eye, or rather the face that came to his mind, was… His biological father!!

“Luo… Jay, hell, I’m going!”

Ace rubbed his eyes and turned away with a curse, not wanting to delve into the identity of the person on the rooftop.

Anyway, there was no conflict between the two sides, just passing by and seeing it.


Luo Xiu on the rooftop grinned.

He turned to look at Roger, who was sitting on the ground with a nervous and unproductive expression.

“Roger, your son is leaving. ”

Luo Xiu reminded.


Roger, who had been busy avoiding before, hurriedly got up and watched Ace’s figure disappear into the restaurant.

“Hahahaha, it’s so ugly! Roger! What was your reaction just now? It’s really laughing Uncle Ben!”

“yes, yes, bastard Roger, are you one piece?”

Locks, who eats melons and watches the theater in the soul space, laughed mercilessly with his little brother John.

It’s a pity that Roger can’t hear their ridicule.

The only thing that could be heard by Luo Xiu was to block their voices early.

“Roger, are you alright?”

Luo Xiu asked.

Looking at Roger, who was peeping at Ace like a thief, Luo Xiu’s face couldn’t help twitching.

The image of the heroic One Piece in my impression was shattered in an instant.

“It’s okay, it’s okay. ”

Roger waved his hand, his face nervous and solemn.

“Why don’t I go with you? ”

Luo Xiudao.


Roger decisively refused.

“Of course, my son has to go and see him by himself, so I don’t have to be nervous. ”

Roger waved his hand sharply.

“Then again, Luo Xiu, do you have any money? Lend me a little. ”

“Yes. ”

Luo Xiu flipped through his hand and took out two gold coins.


didn’t wait for Luo Xiu to ask.

Roger grabbed the gold coin and jumped from the rooftop, disappearing from the sight of Luo Xiu and Ryoma in an instant.

About three minutes later.

A tall figure appeared outside the door of Ace’s restaurant.

He wears a down-to-earth Alabastani civilian robe and a windproof hat with local characteristics.

Most of the face was also tightly wrapped in a scarf to protect against the wind, and only a pair of eyes were exposed.

“Roger, that guy… Haha”

Looking at Roger’s outfit at the moment, Luo Xiu couldn’t help but be amused again.

“What a strange father and son. ”

Looking at Roger who walked into the restaurant, Ryoma couldn’t help but smile and shake his head.

“Forget it, Roger will let him come by himself, and Ryoma will go and meet your children and grandchildren next. ”

Luo Xiu grinned.

“Your Excellency Luo Xiu, is that kid named Luo Noa Sauron you mentioned really my descendant?”

Ryoma asked.

“How, you should see with your own eyes, after all, this is just my guess. ”

Luo Xiudao.

As for the relationship between Ryoma and Zoro, to be honest, Luo Xiu can’t be completely clear.

But he was sure of one thing.

That is, the appearance of Ryoma and Zoro is as if they were carved out of the same mold.

It will be interesting to see them.

Luo Xiu thought expectantly.


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