The Golden Merry.

This is a legendary ship.

As the first ship of the Straw Hats.

The Golden Merry carried the Straw Hats and the gang through countless hardships and dangers.

Starting from the East China Sea, we climb the Upside-Down Mountain, pass through small gardens, the country of magnetic drums, and finally come to the Kingdom of Alabastan.

And then it will fly up to 10,000 meters.

For an old-fashioned sailing boat that does not have any advanced technology.

What it has been through has been nothing short of miraculous.

It is also truly a ship of miracles.

Compared to the second ship of the Grass Hat Regiment, the Thousand Sun, which is outstanding in all aspects of performance, and the Golden Merry is indeed far inferior.

But it has a ‘heart’ that is rare in the world.

The ship’s spirit, which was born through the bond between it and the Straw Hats, is a miracle of its own.

Because of this miracle, it can be judged by the most professional shipwright to be unable to sail, when the most important keel of a ship is broken-

Crossing the terrifying tsunami, go to Justice Island, and rescue the trapped companions, until the end of their lives.

It is precisely because of this kind.

Compared with the later Qianyang, which had a cool shape and function, Luo Xiu was more pleased with this old-fashioned sailing ship.

Hands brushed over the keel of the cabin.

Luo Xiu seemed to be able to feel the rhythm and heartbeat from this ship.

Is that the spirit of the ship brewing and awakening?

If you have the chance, I really want to see what kind of existence the ‘boat girl’ in the pirate world is!

What is the difference between it and the real ship lady like Guanghui?

Luo Xiu couldn’t help but think curiously.

Leave the lower cabin where the men are mixed.

Luo Xiu came to Chopper’s exclusive medical room…

It only took a few minutes.

Luo Xiu just walked around the Golden Merry.

There is one last room left.

Originally, it was designed for the captain’s room.

It’s just because there is a ‘queen’ on the ship who is even more terrifying than the female tyrannosaurus.

This largest room is naturally …

Eating oranges plucked from the orange tree on the second floor, Luo Xiu came to Nami’s room.

The door was locked.

But for the current Luo Xiu, this is naturally not a problem.

With a little force, the lock falls off completely.

I apologized in my heart.

Luo Xiu stepped in unapologetically.

It’s completely different from the stinky smell of the men in the lower classes.

The girls’ rooms are always so fragrant.

In addition to the smell of perfume, there is also a virgin fragrance that belongs to a girl in the air.

Luo Xiu’s gaze swept over the room.

The eyelids are not by one.

Although in terms of smell, it smells thousands of times better here than below.

However, in terms of chaos, the two sides have a fight.

On the boat, on the floor, on the chairs, and on the dressing table, the girl’s clothes were scattered everywhere.

Among them, there are many things with scarce fabrics.

It’s no wonder Nami locks the door tightly.

After all, this is really not a scene that can be visited at will.

Just when Luo Xiu marveled at the laziness behind the glamorous girls.

The sound of people’s footsteps and conversation could be heard on the deck.

It was the returning Straw Hats on their way.


With the sound of exclamations.

The Straw Hats noticed the captain’s disappearance.

“Hey, Nami, what now? Luffy is gone again. ”

Usopp looked overwhelmed.

“That idiot captain… There is no choice but to leave here first, the reinforcements of the navy are about to arrive, just stop here, and you will definitely be surrounded. ”

Nami said with a bit of her thumb.

on this.

Even Sauron didn’t object.

“Then I’ll go to the lookout and observe. ”

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Usopp said and climbed towards the mast.

“Nami, I’ll go back to my room and change my clothes first. ”

Wei Weiqiao’s face was slightly red and slightly twisted.

“Ah, I’m with me. ”

Nami replied.

“Miss Nami, Miss Vivi, please bring me one. ”

Sanji followed in circles.


He was greeted by Nami’s relentless stampede of her thirty-four-yard feet.

“Really, one or two, no one is worry-free, Vivi, let’s go. ”

Nami walked into the cabin first.

Ten seconds later.


The girl’s screams of nervousness, shock, and embarrassment resounded in the sky.


At the same time, Usopp’s screams were heard.

‘Da Da Da’

Nami pulled Vivi out of the cabin in two steps.


With a loud bang, Usopp slammed down on the deck.

“Miss Nami, Miss Vivi, what’s going on?”

Sanji stepped forward as soon as possible.

He looked at the two girls with worried faces.


“Usopp, what’s wrong with you?”

Chopper and Zoro were the first to check on Usopp.

“Up, up… There are people up there. ”

“Riri … There are people inside. ”

Usopp, Nami, and Vivi spoke in unison.

Mixed together, it became more and more confusing to Zoro and the others.

“Calm down, one by one. ”

Sauron’s majestic order.

“Zoro, there’s already someone on the lookout above, it’s the same person just now! The man who called himself Ryoma just now is up there!”

Usopp shouted.

“What do you say!!”

Zoro’s face changed suddenly, and he suddenly looked up.

“Are you back?”

Ryoma, who was napping on the lookout, pulled himself up and yawned lazily.

“What the hell are you…”

Don’t wait for Sauron to ask.

“Leave the people up there alone. ”

Nami let out a panicked cry.

“Inside the cabin… There was also a man in my room with Vivi. ”

“Nani, who the hell is there? How dare you break into Miss Nami and Miss Vivi’s room, oh oh oh, oh oh, I can’t forgive it, Miss Nami’s room has never even been to me. ”

Sanji’s eyes flashed with anger, and he was already extremely angry.

“Miss Nami, let me visit your room now, no, it’s to catch the thief. ”


Nami’s grumpy punch nearly knocked out Sanji’s head full of flamboyant intestines.

“Sanji, you guy, definitely want to go to my room and do strange things, just like the man inside. ”

Nami complained irritablely.


The sound of the hatch opening was accompanied by footsteps.

As a result, the deck, which was originally very noisy, was suddenly quiet.

Nami, Vivi, and the others all stared nervously at the cabin, as if it were the entrance to hell.

“Miss Nami from the Straw Hats, what exactly do you mean by this strange thing, and can you please explain it to me in detail?”

Luo Xiu grinned.


“You, you…”


“You’re… Five Emperors !!”


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