The most powerful move in the ability of the natural thunder fruit –

A Thunder God giant constructed from 200 million volts of world-destroying thunder.

As soon as the beginning was born, before it showed its prestige, it was announced.

Under the true thousands of hands of the ninja god, even the thunder god giant that is enough to destroy the world is also handsome for three seconds.

After the roar, there was an unspeakable dead silence.

In a huge crater with a radius of 100 meters.

Anilu, covered in blood and swollen with a pig’s head, collapsed to the ground like a dead dog.

In fact.

Despite his appearance, Anilu himself was not mortally injured.

He only took a few punches from thousands of fists, and Luo Xiu had already stopped in time.

compared to physical pain.

Physical emptiness and mental fear are the real torment.

Those who are capable are still human beings after all, not real natural disasters.

The release of natural elements by the natural fruit ability consumes the physical strength of the ability.

Previously, in order to show the posture of the thunder god giant standing on the top of the sky, Anilu had already overdrawn all the strength of his body.

The power of thunder and lightning that has been exercised and stored in the body for more than ten years is poured out.

Originally, after the battle, he could also absorb the remaining power of thunder and lightning into his body on his own and use it as a supplement.

However, his Thor stance was blown up.

The power of thunder and lightning that wrapped around him was also detached from his body, escaping between heaven and earth, and could no longer feed back to his body.

Running out of stamina and lacking enough power of thunder and lightning, Anilu is already at the end of his crossbow.

It was the first time since he had obtained the invincible Thunder Fruit that Anilu had experienced this near-detachment.

At this moment, he finally realized the gap in strength between himself and Luo Xiu.

Luo Xiu treats him just like he treats ordinary people – completely crushed!

How many years?

Once again, the emotion of fear grew in Anilu’s heart, intensifying.

The pupils of his eyes were trembling.

His body trembled uncontrollably with fear.

Especially when he saw Luo Xiu walking towards him with a smile on his face.

Anilu’s fear was at its peak.


Anilu, the god who was once high up and regarded all beings as ants, let out a cry of fear that broke down emotionally.

There is no longer the arrogant posture of the past.

“No… No…… Don’t come here!”

Anilu exerted all his strength, and his limbs moved together like a dog.

He wants to escape!

But there is no escape!

“Electric shock boy, you dare to call yourself a god?”

Luo Xiu’s large, armed hand clasped Anilu’s neck like a vice.

“Ahh Ahem, no… Don’t dare.”

Anilu struggled violently, tears streaming down his face.

The shadow of death hung over him like a haze, clear as never before.

“Don’t worry, Shock Boy, it’s still a little useful to keep you, but…”

The corners of Luo Xiu’s mouth lifted slightly, and a kind smile was raised.


There was a loud bang.

Anilu was thrown from the earth by Luo Xiu and fell to the ground with a heavy blow.

Countless cracks as fine as spider’s webs spread.


Anilu’s eyes bulged out, and his expression was painful and hideous.

His mouth opened wide and a mouthful of blood erupted.

In the next second, Luo Xiu came again, raising his hand to grab his upturned calf.

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What followed was a series of snapping sounds of faces touching the ground.

Luo Xiu follows the famous scene of Hulk educating Loki in Marvel’s Avengers.

In the same way, the gourd was drawn to Anilu, and a set of up, down, left and right were thrown together.

After dozens or hundreds of violent impacts, Anilu’s body was barely humanoid.

The whole person collapsed in the underground pit like a dead dog, unable to move.

Only the mosquito-like hum means he’s still alive.

“Sure enough, it’s a weak ‘god’. ”

Luo Xiu clapped his hands, turned around, and ignored it.

“Commander, great work!”


“Lord Rosho”

Seeing that the matter on Luo Xiu’s side was over, Guanghui, Medusa, Robin and others stepped forward together.

or tidy up the corners of Luo Xiu’s clothes, or tidy up the messy hair, and beat the back and pinch the legs.

For a man.

Getting so many beautiful girls’ clothes at the same time is naturally a great joy in life.

“Lord Luo Xiu of the Five Emperors”

Ganfuor, the Sky Knight who stepped forward with Sauron, bowed respectfully to Luo Xiu.

For Rosho, who defeated Anilu and ended his reign as a cool official, this is the respect they should have for the people of the Sky Island.

A little further away.

Sandia’s strongest young warrior, Webber the War Ghost, struggled to his feet.

He also bowed in the direction of Luo Xiu from a distance.

No matter who Luo Xiu is, what he has done today.

Defeat Anilu and find their glorious bell tower in Sandia… These are all great favors, and they deserve his worship.

For Ganful and the war ghost Weber’s thanks, Luo Xiu just shook his head helplessly.

Originally, he thought that if the war ghost Weber still attacked him impulsively, then he would easily defeat it, and then rightfully collect the golden bell tower.

But don’t hit the smiling man.

Since they are so knowledgeable, Luo Xiu is not really a strong robber.

Besides, if he wants to completely let Weiwei, a kind princess, return to her heart, occasionally Luo Xiu has to show her justice.


There is more to this empty island than just the golden bell tower.

Then there’s the Golden Ark, which took Anilu six years to loot all of the city’s gold.

In terms of value, it is definitely not under the golden bell.

The golden bell tower is good, but at best it is a work of art.

If you choose one of the two, you will naturally still have to be a golden ark that can go to the sky and even the universe.


Due to Luo Xiu’s intervention halfway, the golden bell rang early.

The culprit Anilu was also arrested, and the Sky Island Rebellion came to an early end.

After this great crisis, the estrangement between the people of the Sky Island and the Sandians disappeared with the ringing of the golden bell.

What will happen to the Sky Island next has little to do with Luo Xiu.

However, as a major contributor to the end of Anilu’s rule, Luo Xiu inevitably became the center of the evening banquet, and was thanked and revered by both the people of the Sky Island and the Sandia.

In the banquet room, the Straw Hats led by Luffy are naturally active.

It’s only been a week since I left the rain.

It is to reopen the banquet with the Five Emperors Luo Xiu, Weiwei and Robin and others.

For the Straw Hats, this is also a great event to celebrate.

The lively banquet lasted all night and came to an end for the time being.

Tired people lay on the ground haphazardly.


While everyone is asleep.

Luo Xiu took Robin and Weiwei, five girls, and quietly set off with the half-dead Anilu towards the secret cave of the Sky Island.


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