The vermilion palace gates were blown open.

The wind and snow beat like elves, and then melted by the heating in the palace.

Looking at the hazy youth who walked slowly from the palace gate.

Shi Ji, the golden lion sitting on the highest seat of the palace, suddenly got up.

His face was shocked and unbelievable.

Even the strong spirit is shaken by excessive shock at this moment.

Under the ‘illusion’ power of the Perfect Transformation Technique, he couldn’t see the true face of the person who came.

But somehow.

In his mind, in front of him, there was a familiar face that had been absent for decades.

That’s his former captain!

The face of the man he had betrayed!

Thirty-six years ago, the overlord of the sea – Locks Djibek!!


How is this possible?

Totally unreasonable!

The man who had terrified him should have died.

Thirty-six years after death, even the bones will turn to ashes!

How could he appear in front of him again?

The golden lion Shiji had mixed feelings, staring at the hazy young man walking slowly.

I opened my mouth, but I couldn’t say a word.

From beginning to end, Luo Xiu’s eyes only fell on Shi Ji alone.

For the pirates he recruited, Luo Xiu was nothing.

It’s just a group of fools who are making waves in paradise, bullying the weak and afraid of the hard, how can they get into Luo Xiu’s eyes.

“This is your plan to disappear and prepare for twenty years? Find a bunch of weak idiots as your subordinates, plus some bugs and try to conquer the world, or save it, don’t go out and make people laugh. ”

Luo Xiu still walked calmly, with a sarcastic smile on his face.

The words he uttered were also extremely sarcastic, devaluing the Golden Lion Shiji’s plan to prepare for twenty years worthless.

And the golden lion Shiji couldn’t even say a word at the moment.

The golden lion didn’t speak, and the other pirate captains who were still waiting for Shiki to open his mouth finally couldn’t help but burst out.

Also because of the illusion of the perfect transformation technique.

Now Luo Xiu’s image in their eyes is also strange, and they are different.

The only thing that is the same is that no one in the field can see Luo Xiu’s true face.

Naturally, he would not recognize Luo Xiu’s identity.

The ignorant are fearless.

For Luo Xiu, who suddenly appeared and devalued their existence as worthless, and was not even as good as a bug, how could the always brutal pirates endure such a shameful humiliation.

“Bastard, what corner of the hell are you a wild man who came out of here?

“It’s such a big breath, don’t you know how to write dead words, and you want us to teach you!”

“Do you know that the Lord in front of you is the legendary sea pirate, the Flying Pirate Admiral Golden Lion Shiki. ”

“Boss Shiki, in the past, he was a legendary pirate on the same level as One Piece Roger and Whitebeard, and I can’t tolerate your slander. ”

“It’s so audacious, I’m going to cut him into a stick. ”

“Looks like he needs our pirates’ training!”


“Kill him”

“Kill, kill, kill”

In the luxurious banquet palace, nearly 100 pirate captains and thousands of brutal pirates were excited and full of murderous intent.

That’s when it happened.

“Shut it all up!!”

The first seat of the main hall.

The majestic roar of the golden lion Shiki, like the king of beasts, resounded throughout the audience.

So the huge banquet hall was silent.

“Shiki… Boss?”

The eyes of nearly 10,000 little pirates in the main hall all fell on the golden lion Shiji.

There was a puzzled look on his face, and he was even more excited.


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All eyes on it.

Golden Lion Shiki exhaled a long breath.

The shaking eyes gradually returned to calm.

The look of horror on his face also disappeared.

Instead, all that emerged was a thick gloom.

How he said it is also a legend of the previous era.

The flying pirate Golden Lion Shiki, who has been roaming the New World for decades.

Caught off guard, he fell for Luo Xiu’s ‘illusion’ hint.

But the effect won’t last long.

to the present.

His turbulent spirit had calmed down.

The image of the former captain Locks faded before his eyes.

What I saw instead was Luo Xiu’s true face.

“Sure enough, it’s you, this kid! The so-called fifth emperor of the sea in this sea!

The golden lion Shiji roared in a deep voice.

His face was gloomy, as if he were dripping water.

In his eyes, no matter how strong Luo Xiu’s strength is, he is just a junior kid after all.

However, it is this junior boy.

He dared to play such a trick on him before.

This had already lifted him out of his anger.


Listen to the roar of the golden lion Shiki.

Luo Xiu smiled.

“I didn’t even realize until now that you are really an old lion who has lost all his teeth, Golden Lion Shiji!”

Luo Xiu sneered lightly.

The illusion effect of Perfect Transfiguration is removed.

The true body is revealed.

And so.

The banquet hall where nearly 10,000 pirates had gathered fell into a deathly silence at this moment, and a needle drop could be heard.

The ultimate silence was followed by the extreme hustle and bustle.

When I saw Luo Xiu show his true body.

You can see the true face under the haze.

The nearly 10,000 pirates gathered here were all like the previous Shiki, with a ghostly look on their faces.

“Five-five… Five Emperors Luo Xiu !!”

“He, he, he… He is the fifth emperor of the sea!!”

“How can this be? How can there be such a thing! Why did the Five Emperors Luo Xiu appear here!”

“Why is the fifth emperor of the sea of this sea…”

“What the hell did we just say!”

“I’m sorry! I’m really sorry! Five Emperor Luo Xiu! Please forgive Xiao for his previous rudeness!”


The huge banquet hall is full of hustle and bustle.

The screams of shock and horror were accompanied by the cries of begging for mercy.

Especially the pirates who had been in the limelight in front of Shiji before and scolded Luo Xiu.

At this moment, their heads shrank into quail appearances, and they apologized humbly.

It is a stark contrast to the previous high-spirited picture.

And no wonder!

After knowing that the man standing in front of them was the terrifying Emperor of the Sea, they were already shocked, and how could they dare to be disrespectful.

“What a sad group of weaklings. ”

Luo Xiu smiled teasingly.

Step out.

It seems to be an ordinary step, but it bursts out with extraordinary sparks.

The extremely powerful overlord color domineering exploded at this moment.

Shocking the audience!!


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