When the legendary identity of the third person on the execution table is revealed.

One Piece Gore D Roger returns from resurrection.

The entire battlefield of the Navy Headquarters was boiling.

The shock in the hearts of the people and the uproar in all parts of the battlefield were several times greater than the previous knowledge of the resurrection of the sea overlord Locks.

Because that’s One Piece Gore D Roger.

Locks’ title of the overlord of the sea is resounding though.

The members of the Rocks Pirates were even more terrifying.

But no matter how horrifying it is, there is always some emptiness for people.

Here’s why.

Except that it is too old.

More because of the burial of the world government.

Buried by the hands of the World Government, the story of Locks, the overlord of the sea, and the mysterious Battle of the Isle of the Gods have been erased from history.

In this era, not many people know about it.

For unknown characters, people’s hearts naturally do not resonate much.

Compared with.

One Piece Roger is different.

He was the first man in history to conquer the Great Voyage.

It is also recognized by the world as the king of the pirates.

Twenty-two years ago.

Roger even single-handedly created the current era of pirates with his own death.

He was the beginning of this era.

Looking at the sea, no one knows about it, and no one knows about it.

Such an existence, resurrected and returned on the stage of world attention, can imagine the shock to the world.

The repercussions were magnificent, as can be seen from the reactions of people on the battlefield at the Navy Headquarters.

For the fact that the shock caused by Roger’s resurrection at this moment is far beyond his own, Locks also sees it in his eyes and is on fire in his heart.

However, no matter how unhappy and dissatisfied he is, there is nothing he can do.

After all, he also knows the reason.

This is the reason of the times.

The times make heroes.

Roger, who is the one who lifts the curtain of this era, deserves such treatment.

Understand to understand.

The unhappiness in the heart must always be vented.

Locks glanced across the battlefield.

In the end, it fell on Doflamingo, who was self-exalted and talked endlessly on the stone pier not far away.

“Locks, Lord of the Seas, is there anything going on?”

Sensing the lock of sight from Locks, Doflamingo’s body froze for a moment, and forced himself to speak calmly.

“Little ghost, have you been chattering crookedly since just now, looking for death?”

Locks said coldly.


Doflamingo’s face turned pale, and his fists clenched and released.

Just as Doflamingo was about to give in and leave, a fierce wind suddenly hit his face.


Doflamingo was shocked for a moment and hurriedly raised his hand to block.

However, how could Doflamingo, who couldn’t even catch Luffy’s fourth-grade Great Ape King gun, could catch the fist of the sea overlord who was not known how many times stronger than Straw Hat Luffy.

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Just one punch.

Doflamingo’s body flew upside down like a tattered kite.

It slammed down on the headquarters building, motionless.

“What a little imp who can’t help fighting, it’s boring. ”

Locks cut disdainfully.

The battle between the Sea Overlord Locks and the Seven Martial Seas Doflamingo, which was not even beginning and ending, did not cause much turmoil.

Aside from the people who were close to him, not many people noticed.

At this moment.

The attention of the people on the battlefield of the Navy Headquarters is still firmly locked on the One Piece Roger on the execution table.


There are also people watching the live broadcast of the war on the sidelines in Chambord Square, which is no exception.


“Hey, hey, what the hell is going on? One Piece Gore D Roger actually appeared!!”

DJ sound: Skulachmanap screamed.

“What a fuss, isn’t this what I expected to be?”

Captain Eustace tried to be calm, but he couldn’t be calm.

“Roger, the King of the Pirates, Locks, the Overlord of the Sea, Reilly, the Golden Lion, the Samurai Mitsuki Mita, the Sea Pirate John plus Whitebeard, and the mysterious Five Emperors who have never appeared, this war is destined to go down in history!!”

Surgeon Trafalgarro, who died, took a deep breath continuously.

“This war, if the Navy is not prepared, then the result can be announced now!”

“The Navy is finished!”

“Under the competition of high-end combat power, the navy has been completely defeated!”

“Maybe after today, the Navy Headquarters will cease to exist!”

Capenbecky, Urki, Joe Elibonee, Hawkins and others spoke one after another.

Supernova Drake, who was in the heart of the pirates and in the navy, had a dark face.

Except for the pirate supernovas that gather here.

The shocking uproar of people in other parts of the square also came and went, one after another.

“I was wrong, I said earlier that I wouldn’t be shocked even if I saw One Piece Roger appear again, who would have thought that One Piece, who had been dead for twenty years, could really be resurrected, ahh!!hhh

Someone screamed.

“Me @#¥%”

There are also people who are spitting fragrance in their mouths to vent their inner shock.

“Headquarters headquarters, big news, big news, right now…”

“Headquarters, please answer when you hear it, just now, the biggest incident broke out in the war on the top…”

“Headquarters headquarters, this is the battlefield of the Navy headquarters, One Piece Roger has been resurrected! Twenty years ago, One Piece Gore D Roger has reappeared!!”

“It’s not just Locks, the overlord of the seas, but now even One Piece Roger has come back from the resurrection! The miracle caused by the Five Emperors!!”


Whether it is the rich people who came from all over the world to watch the war, or the reporters of news agencies everywhere.

There was no other superfluous expression on their faces at the moment, only extreme shock.

On the live broadcast screen of Chambord Place, all the figures reflected are the figure of One Piece Gord Roger, who was publicly executed in Rogue Town twenty years ago.

How can it not be shocking that a person who should have been dead for more than 20 years has reappeared in front of the eyes of the world!

Reporters from all over the world and different newspapers were working hard to convey this shocking event to the headquarters and the world as soon as possible.

The shock caused by the resurrection of One Piece Gore D Roger is spreading.

With the joint efforts of newspapers all over the world, this shocking news spread all over the world in the shortest possible time.

And so—

The world was shaken!!


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