Navy Headquarters, Execution Platform in the Bay Square.

Straw Hat Luffy, Sabo and Ace who have regained their freedom hug each other, and there is a hint of philosophy in the warmth of the picture.


At a certain moment, a figure suddenly descended from the sky and landed on the execution table.

He has seaweed-like hair and wears three knives at his waist.

It was none other than the Straw Hat Pirates’ three-sword swordsman, Roronoa Zoro.


“Zoro, what are you doing down here?”

Ace and Luffy asked in surprise.

“Luffy, I’m here for them. ”

Zoro gestured directly in the opposite direction from the execution table.

“That person is the world’s number one swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk!”

Ace’s pupils are constricted.

“Luffy’s partner, you don’t want to challenge for the world No. 1, do you?”

Sabo asked, glaring.

“It’s not”

Sauron shook his head.

“I’m so far from the top now, and I’m just a spectator this time. ”

Sauron calmly admits his immaturity.


Hearing this, Straw Hat Luffy couldn’t help but let out a long sigh.

A few months ago, the incident at the sea restaurant Bharati was still fresh in my mind.

At that time, Sauron, who faced Hawkeye Mihawk, was completely powerless to fight back, and was on the verge of death at one point.

Even if he trusts his partner Zoro unconditionally, Luffy doesn’t think that the current Zoro has enough strength to defeat Hawkeye.

“Spectators, who are you watching? besides the world’s number one swordsman, and…”

Sabo’s doubts came to an abrupt end before they could be completely settled.

A pair of eyes widened suddenly, and without blinking, they locked on the young man who was walking slowly.

“That person is also from Mr. Rosho’s boat, who is he?”

Sabo asked curiously.

This time, he accompanied Luo Xiu to the Navy Headquarters.

Saab has seen too many legends aboard the Radiance.

Compared with the sea overlord Locks and One Piece Roger, who are both resurrected, the taciturn Ryoma, Madara and others are relatively more inconspicuous.

“I see, it’s Zoro’s wife, Mrs. Grandpa. ”

Luffy clapped his hands suddenly.


Hearing this, Reilly and Vice Admiral Crane, the chief of staff of the Navy, on the execution table both looked surprised.

Sauron, on the other hand, stumbled and almost fell straight off the execution table.

“Well, I said Luffy, the relationship between me and that person hasn’t been confirmed yet!”

Sauron was speechless.

“Hahaha, sorry sorry. ”

Straw Hat Luffy scratched the back of his head embarrassedly.

“Luffy, who the hell is that person? I thought it was Zoro’s brother?”

Saab asked.

“Don’t be too surprised to hear it, that great swordsman carved out of the same mold as Sauron, his name is Ryoma, Frost Moon Ryoma. ”

Ace said Ryoma’s name with a shocked face.

More than a month ago.

When I first met Ryoma in Alabastan, I didn’t believe that Ryoma was the dragon slayer warrior 400 years ago.

It’s not just Ace.

No one in the Straw Hat Pirates believed it except for Luffy, who had a missing head in his head.

And yet now.

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The situation is different.

After witnessing the resurrection of One Piece Roger and the Sea Overlord Locks.

The resurrection of the dragon-slaying warrior four hundred years ago does not seem to be something unacceptable.

“Frost Moon Ryoma, this name always feels a little familiar?”

Reilly looked thoughtful.

“Four hundred years ago, the great swordsman who slashed the flying dragon and made the name of the samurai resounded all over the world, and his name was the Frost Moon Dragon Horse !!”

Vice Admiral Tsuru, a naval staff officer with extensive knowledge, took a deep breath and guessed Ryoma’s identity.

“What! The dragon-slaying samurai Ryoma of Wano Country four hundred years ago! Not only Roger and Locks, but even the people of four hundred years ago have been resurrected!”

Reilly was also shocked.

“Fifth Emperor Luo Xiu, what big secret is still hidden in his body! Is this world really going to be turned upside down by him?”

Lieutenant General Crane muttered in shock.

The legendary dragon-slaying samurai Ryoma, this is another legendary figure who does not lose to One Piece Roger and the sea overlord Locks.

A top-notch combat force that can change the tide of battle.

What disturbed Lieutenant General Crane the most was that she still didn’t know how many legends like this were hidden on that huge empty carrier?

“This is really amazing! The sword competition between the dragon slaying great swordsman Ryoma four hundred years ago and the world’s largest swordsman in this era cannot be missed. ”

Reilly pulled out the flask and sat back and waited to see the opening of the pinnacle kendo duel of the era.

“Yes, he seems to be the real great sword hero Ryoma from four hundred years ago, which is really interesting. ”

Klockdahl, who also finally believed in Ryoma’s identity, was full of interest in his arms.

Under the collective gaze of the people on the execution table and the sailors of the battlefield in the bay.

The world’s No. 1 swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk, and the swordsman Ryoma, four hundred years ago, walked together.

Finally, they stood in the middle of the square, about 50 meters apart.

“I’ve been waiting for you for a long time. ”

The world’s No. 1 swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk, spoke calmly.

Between the sharp eagle eyes, the battle intent and sword intent were full, and in addition to that, there was a trace of imperceptible doubt.

“What a pair of good eyes. ”

Ryoma nodded approvingly.

“But you still seem to have any doubts, if you don’t mind, you can talk about it first. ”

Ryoma Road.

Hawkeye Mihawk was stunned, then nodded.

“You’re a lot like someone I’ve met. ”

Hawkeye raises his doubts.

“Green-haired Sauron boy. ”

Ryoma smiled slightly.


Hawkeye nodded.

“Hahaha, that kid is probably my junior relative. ”

Ryoma laughed.

I see, thank you for the answer. ”

As he spoke, he could only hear a soft sound, and the supreme fast knife black knife behind Hawkeye Mihawk was unsheathed at night.

“What a good knife. ”

Ryoma did not hesitate to appreciate.

“My name is Jorah Kolmihawk, I don’t know what your Excellency will call me?”

Hawkeye asked subconsciously.

“Ryoma, Frost Moon Ryoma!”

As Ryoma answered, he also drew his knife out of its sheath.

The twenty-first black knife of the big fast knife flashed with cold light in the autumn water.


When he heard Ryoma report to his home, the look on Hawkeye’s face was stunned again.

“You’re Ryoma, the dragon-slaying samurai Ryoma of Wano Country four hundred years ago!!”


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