The vast, empty sea.

Huge battleships and Glory-class aircraft carriers stand in the middle of the sea like the Dinghai Shenzhou.

On the aircraft carrier deck.

Luo Xiu and Admiral Momotu Gion looked at each other a hundred meters away, and the atmosphere was tense.

"Then let’s get started."

Luo Xiu grinned.


Gion nodded.

His slender right leg was slowly raised, almost at the same level as his waist, and he kicked it far away.

There was a hundred meters between this kick and Luo Xiu, so it should be impossible to get it.

But if it were different. If you have six-style Lanjiao, it’s different.


The bright blue light of"Arashi Rain" shines. It is as dazzling as the stars in the dark night.

It is a piece of Arashi's blade.

It flies away with the wave of Gion's beautiful legs and shoots towards Luo Xiu's direction.

"This little trick doesn't work for me."

Luo Xiu grinned.

His armed fists clashed in front of him, and the collision stretched out a jet-black armed air flow, covering his whole body instantly.

With Luo Xiu's current strength, he is still far from being able to compete with the ghosts and gods of Overlord Locks. Compared with the weapon skills, it is more than enough to resist Gion's Arashi attack.

"If you don't come over, then I will take the initiative!"

Luo Xiu shouted domineeringly.

He raised his feet and stepped forward, facing the shower of Arashi's bare feet without flinching.


A sound similar to the clash of gold and iron could be heard for an instant.

The self-made Arashi's feet in Gion extended Under the obstruction of"Lanyu", Luo Xiu's steps gradually slowed down, but he did not stop.

Even though he was slow, he stepped forward steadily step by step.

Finally, under the gaze of Gion's wide-open beautiful eyes, Luo Xiu stepped forward.

Even though the upper body was broken, there was no trace of scars on the whole body.

"I was wrong. Is the strength of this armed color domineering already at a high level?"

Gion was shocked.

While he was frightened, Gion did not freeze.

With the help of the Six-Style Moon Step, Gion jumped into the air and kicked out a huge blue air blade with his left and right feet one after another, crisscrossing in mid-air.

""Lanjiao Cross Star" intertwined cross stars, the Lanjiao Qi blade fell towards Luo Xiu's body with a huge force.

"How could something like this be useful! If you want to defeat me, come up with stronger means! Luo

Xiu shouted loudly.

The dark armed color that originally covered his whole body faded instantly.

It gathered on Luo Xiu's right fist like water.

This is the strongest shield.

It is also the strongest spear.

In an instant.

Luo Xiu's extremely armed fist collided with Gion's Arashi's ultimate move, which could cut through a warship. There was a soft bang, and the cross-shaped Arashi's air blade shattered and turned into countless light rains.

On the other hand, Luo Xiu's fist power remained unabated.

The armed haki that should have been surrounding the human body turned into a substantial energy ball and bombarded Gion in the sky. Shocked, she was able to avoid it with the help of her sense of danger.

Luo Xiu's domineering punch passed by her ear, leaving a faint blood streak behind her. Her beautiful hair made countless hair fall down.

If you taste it, Gion, who has always cherished her hair the most, must have gone crazy.

However, now she just stood there, motionless. Her face was already filled with an emotion called horror.

At that moment, she really felt the breath of death.

If she failed to avoid it and took Luo Xiu's full blow with her body, the consequences would be inevitable. It's unimaginable.

For Gion, who has experienced the darkest days in the early days of the Great Pirates, she has experienced countless difficult and thrilling battles in her first half of her life, but she has never encountered a powerful enemy with great reputation. What made her truly feel that death was approaching like today was that the person who threatened her with the death of this elite lieutenant general was actually a young man who seemed to be in his early twenties.

Didn't he lie before?!

He is really the captain of this battleship! He is really the tyrant who came to the Whitebeard Pirates yesterday to meet and fight! This is what Gion felt for no reason! This ridiculous idea that she had ridiculed and scorned countless times before

"Ajia, after all, is also a candidate for the Navy. You can't be intimidated by me like this, right? This is not good, the main course hasn't been served yet. Luo

Xiu stroked the iron broken teeth on his waist, raised his head and frowned at Gion, who suddenly fell into a sluggish state, and felt troubled for a moment.

"I'm sorry."

Just when Luo Xiu was thinking secretly about how to regain Gion's fighting spirit.

Gion took a deep breath in mid-air and said an inexplicable apology again.

Her slender right hand fell on her waist.

In the sonorous sound, golden light Suddenly, it was the light of the famous sword Kinpira held by Gion.

Seeing the dazzling light coming from the famous sword Kinpira, Luo Xiu's inner worries disappeared, and the curvature of his mouth became wider.

"Next I will use my strongest sword to decide the outcome."

Gion looked solemn.

"Yes, yes, that’s how it should be."

Luo Xiu happily responded.

Seeing Luo Xiu's extremely excited expression, as if he had been waiting for her to use the sword for a long time, Gion suddenly felt an inexplicable uneasiness in his heart.

The crisp sound of the sword sounded again.

Gion's His thoughts were brought back.

That was the sound of the demon sword Iron Broken Fang unsheathed on Luo Xiu's waist.

"You are also a swordsman."

Gion raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he understood some of the reasons for Luo Xiu's excitement.

"Let’s call it that."

Luo Xiu nodded.

"So let's report each other's names according to the etiquette of swordsmen."

Gion said in a deep voice, speaking first.

"The supreme sharp sword, the golden sword - Vastu"

"Luo...cough cough."

Luo Xiu, who originally thought he was going to tell each other's names, was suddenly embarrassed. After coughing slightly, he spoke again and told the name of the knife in his hand.

"Demon Sword - Tie Suiya"

"Iron broken teeth?"

Gion frowned slightly.

After searching his mind, he still couldn't find any information related to it.

In desperation, Gion had to give up for the time being.

"So let’s get started."

Gion nodded calmly.

Holding the sword in both hands, Jinpira raised it high above his head.

The bright golden sword light exploded, more dazzling than the brilliance of the sun, making it impossible to look directly at it.

The powerful sword power and sword intention erupted from all over Gion. It rose up.

There was obviously no movement, but the sea opened up crisscrossing ravines without any warning.

Even the aircraft carrier deck and the wings of the carrier aircraft were made of steel and alloy. They are all cut apart by the invisible powerful sword.

This is the power of the great swordsman in the pirate world who can break mountains and split seas.

"This is the sword of the great swordsman. It is indeed extraordinary.

Luo Xiu sighed secretly, and the look of anticipation on his face was even greater.

"Now, it's still too late to call it a day, but I have a condition, that is, you must come back to the Navy with me."

Gion seriously invited

"Women are just nagging. If you want to fight, just come over. If you really want me to go back to the navy with you, then defeat me first. Luo

Xiu spoke impatiently, and turned the iron blade in his hand.

In an instant, the air of heaven and earth changed inexplicably.

The invisible sword energy radiating from Gion suddenly became chaotic.

It should have been aimed at the sea and the aircraft carrier. The sword energy turned around without any warning.

Even the sword energy on the supreme sword Jinbi Luo showed signs of being out of control. This was the characteristic of the system's modified Tie Suiya - the sword energy control.

At this moment, in Luo Xiu's perception, the invisible sword energy escaping from Gion and Jinbiluo has become his helper, with just a thought. Those sword energy would immediately turn around.

As the master of the sword energy, it was impossible for Gion not to be unaware of this sudden change, but she had no time to think about the reason.

The sword power of Jinpira Sword has almost reached its peak, and if it continues, it may lose control.

In addition, she is no longer able to perfectly control the sword power that has reached its limit.


A sweet cry came out of Gion's red lips.

At the same time, the supreme sword in his hand, Kimhira, fell.

One of the top swordsmen in the pirate world, Momotu Gion's The sword - exploded at this moment!


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