
A splash of water suddenly exploded on the undulating sea.

Luo Xiu gathered all the remaining strength in his body, hugged Gion and soared from the sea into the sky, returning to the messy aircraft carrier deck.

"Phew, it looks thin, but it turns out it’s still very heavy."

Putting the unconscious Gion smoothly on the relatively flat deck near the cabin, Luo Xiu let out a long sigh and turned slightly pale.

The previous battle with Gion, the naval candidate admiral, almost exhausted his energy.

Now, His body had reached its limit, and his physical strength and armament Haki were exhausted.

After intimidating the Sea King type, waves of mental exhaustion hit him, causing Luo Xiu to stumble. He fell down, just in time to pin Gion underneath him.


Gion couldn't help but frown in pain due to Luo Xiu's weight suppression order.

His white neck moved, and then spurted out a mouthful of blood.

His head tilted, and he truly fell into a deep coma.


Seeing Gion's sudden spurt of blood, Luo Xiu's eyelids twitched.

He just received a slight blow and ended up vomiting blood?

Just now, was he still thinking about using the cardiopulmonary resuscitation technique he learned in his previous life to make Gion vomit seawater when he regained some strength?

If this was really pressed, what would be spit out would probably not be sea water, but blood mixed with internal organs.

Luo Xiu also had no idea for a while.

As a candidate general, Gion's body was far more fragile than Luo Xiu imagined.

The injuries caused by forcing the gods to avoid were far more serious than Luo Xiu imagined.

If you can't do this well, you will really die.

Even so, Luo Xiu doesn't have any good ideas at the moment.

After all, he is not a professional doctor.

Those two guys who asked about the soul space? forget it

"what to do? Send it directly to the naval base by carrier-based aircraft? Will it be too late?"

Luo Xiu was also in trouble for a moment.


At this moment, the door of the cabin opened

"Good morning, Commander."

Guanghui's lazy voice came from the cabin.

As the footsteps approached, Guanghui walked out of the cabin, rubbing her eyes and looking like she was hungover.

However, her drowsy state came after seeing the messy deck. wide awake

"Commander, what is going on?"

Guanghui's blue eyes widened and he cried out in shock.

"Guanghui, you came just in time."

Luo Xiu suddenly stood up, but his body began to shake uncontrollably again.


Guanghui shouted worriedly, and quickly stepped forward to support Luo Xiu with his soft body.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me for now, the top priority now is this person, Guanghui, do you know medical skills? Luo

Xiu asked quickly.

Guanghui's eyes followed Luo Xiu's direction.

When he saw Gion with no trace of clothing on the deck and weak breath, Guanghui couldn't help but his eyes widened in shock again.


Luo Xiu urged.

"Ah, oh, I'm pretty good at dealing with emergencies."

Guanghui said

"That's good, let's take him to the infirmary quickly." Luo

Xiu breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as he can do some emergency treatment for Gion and give him a few injections of adrenaline or something, he should be able to survive with the small physical strength of the strong men in the pirate world.

A minute later,

Luo Xiu hugged Gion. Arrive at the ship's infirmary

"Okay, Commander, just follow me here. Next is my work. Commander, you'd better go and have a good rest first."

As Guanghui spoke, he pushed Luo Xiu, who wanted to watch the whole process, out of the door.

"What happened to Guanghui today? Isn't this usually the case? Could it be……"

Luo Xiu seemed to have guessed some reasons, and couldn't help but smile and shook his head.

The reason why he wanted to stay was simply because he wanted to know the status of Gion's treatment as soon as possible.

I definitely don’t want to see it, after all, when I held it just now...ahem

"Forget it, just wait and wait."

Luo Xiu began to close his eyes and rest.

After only a minute,

Luo Xiu opened his eyes again.

The power derived from the super soldier serum and the Liuku Immortal Thief made his recovery power far beyond that of ordinary people. At this time, his kung fu was already The state of complete demobilization was lifted. The emergency treatment in the infirmary continued. After waiting for a while, Luo

Xiu came to the core of the aircraft carrier with a hint of irritation. Xiu casually picked up the golden shovel beside him

"Eighty, eighty, eighty" accompanied by the magical slogan, Luo Xiu temporarily dispelled the worries in his heart.

One shovel after another shoveled the gold onto the special krypton gold machine at the core.

Accompanied by the sound of clicking. , the krypton gold machine that had eaten the gold spread out a layer of clear light, covering the entire ship. As a result, the damaged deck in the battle between Luo Xiu and Gion was restored at a speed visible to the naked eye.

They all recovered like miracles.

Unknowingly, Luo Xiu was shoveling gold faster and faster at the core, and the power in his body was constantly emerging.

However, Luo Xiu was immersed in it. He hadn't noticed yet.

When the thirtieth shovel fell, Luo Xiu put down the golden shovel and planned to go out to see the recovery status of the deck.

At this moment, the sound of rapid footsteps suddenly sounded.


Guanghui's anxious voice sounded.

"What's wrong?"

Luo Xiu was shocked.

"Commander, come and see me, a miracle, a miracle happened."

Guanghui shouted excitedly.

Three minutes later,

Luo Xiu and Guanghui returned to the infirmary.

"Look, Commander, all the wounds on this sister's body are healing. Also, listen carefully to her heartbeat, is it louder than before?"

Guanghui said in surprise.


Luo Xiu nodded subconsciously.

He stared at Gion's body without blinking.

Luo Xiu saw that the wounds on her body were indeed healing.

The originally pale complexion gradually returned to rosy.

The weak heartbeat also sounded. Gradually getting stronger.

But why is this?

Could it be that Gion's own strong physique comes into play?

No, no, no - except for a few exceptions such as the animal type awakeners and Marco and Kaido, who can continue to stare at it? After watching Gion for a while,

Luo Xiu's eyes suddenly opened wide, as if he thought of something.

"Commander, what's wrong with you? asked Guanghui

"Guanghui, you wait here, I'm going to test something."

After Luo Xiu said this, he quickly rushed out of the door and went straight to the core of the aircraft carrier.

Then he picked up the gold shovel again and poured it into the krypton gold machine one shovel after another.

"That's indeed the case. Luo

Xiu nodded suddenly.

Previously, he thought that the recovery of his physical strength was the result of the Super Soldier Serum and the Liuku Immortal Thief.

However, he never expected that this was the ability of this special krypton gold machine.

It emitted Qingguang can not only repair the aircraft carrier, but also have a restorative effect on the creatures on the ship.

When he realized this, Luo Xiu's speed of shoveling gold suddenly increased.

After the sixtieth shovel, Luo Xiu was lost in the battle. His physical strength and armament were all restored.

The fatigue from overexertion was gone, and Luo Xiu was back to his peak. However

, after all, there was a more seriously injured person on the ship... One shovel was almost ten million, which didn't bother him at all. Luo Xiu grinned and continued to pour forty shovels into the krypton gold machine. Luo Xiu returned to the infirmary in three minutes. Looking at Gion with a rosy face and completely calm breathing, I couldn't help but sigh.

"It seems that I need to prepare more gold on the ship in the future. Luo

Xiu sighed to himself


Just then, the phone bug's voice suddenly rang.

"Commander, what is this sound? Guanghui asked curiously

"Phone bug?"

Luo Xiu was stunned.

The phone bug that the shop owner Lan and the girl Alice gave him before leaving was still in his and Guanghui's bedroom.

He looked around.

Luo Xiu's eyes were locked on the sleeping Gion.

His eyes slightly pointed at Guanghui..

Guanghui nodded in understanding and went forward to explore for a while, finally finding the source of the sound somewhere in the upper part.


Guanghui curiously looked at the big snail in his hand that was ringing like a phone.

"Contact with the Navy."

Luo Xiu rubbed his chin, as if he thought of something, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously raised a curve.

"After all, you paid for it yourself this time. Of course, your navy will have to bear the cost of repairs. I don’t want more, Babei... Bah, two billion is about the same. Luo

Xiu whispered to himself, and the smile on his face became brighter.

‘Gajia' phone bug connected

"Moses Moses, is it the Navy?……"


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