"Moses Moses, is it the Navy?"

"This is Major General Andrew, Lieutenant General Gion... No, you are not Lieutenant General Gion. Who are you? Why is Lieutenant General Gion's phone bug in your hand?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing now is whether you want the Vice Admiral of the Navy to survive"

"What did you say!!!"

"Three days later, prepare a ransom of two billion for me to collect, otherwise I will wait to collect the body of your Lieutenant General Taotu! Ah, by the way, be careful, I don’t want cash for these two billion, all of them must be converted into gold, otherwise I will still wait to collect the corpse! In addition, I know that you have the life card of Gion. If you send people to raid, you will also wait for me to collect the corpses!"

"Hmm~ It hurts"——The sound Momotu Gion made unconsciously when his face was pinched hard.


The phone bug hangs up.

Simultaneous recording playback ends


Naval Headquarters, Marineford.

There was dead silence in the Marshal's office.

The three navy veterans all looked at the pieces of paper in front of them in silence.

This piece of paper was almost burned out not long ago, representing the flickering of the corresponding person's life fire.

Fortunately, the situation did not deteriorate to the point of no return.

Now, the life card representing Navy Admiral Candidate Motosa Gion has been restored, which means that Gion's physical condition has also returned to normal levels.

It is precisely because of this that the three elders in the office can continue to sit peacefully.


At a certain moment, the crisp cracking sound of senbei sounded, breaking the dead silence in the office.

The two legendary veterans of the navy, Marshal Sengoku and Lieutenant General He, both glared at Garp.

"Hahahaha, sorry, sorry, I will subconsciously eat senbei when I am shocked."

Garp laughed and said sorry.

"It's okay, at least the Gion girl's life is saved, ah, but I really didn't expect that the Gion girl would be defeated and captured alive! This is really unbelievable. After all, she is also the backbone of our navy. There are not many people who can defeat her on this sea!"

Garp said with emotion.


Lieutenant General He, the chief staff officer, snorted coldly, his old face covered with frost.

As one of the few high-ranking female soldiers in the Navy, Lieutenant General He and Gion have a decades-old age difference, but their relationship is one of love. Same sisters.

When I heard that Gion was seriously injured and was in danger, how could General Tsuru not be worried about it?

Even his usually calm mind was completely confused at this moment.

"According to Andrew's story, they encountered a surprise attack yesterday while blocking the mysterious huge battleship. Gion alone drove a scout ship to pursue Whitebeard's territory. Could it be Whitebeard?"

Warring States frowned deeply.

"No, no, no, how could it be Whitebeard? That bastard is not so poor that he needs to blackmail us."

Garp waved his hand, rejecting Seng Guo's speculation.

"So are they really the people on that huge battleship? Who is he? Why meet with Whitebeard? Did Gion really fall into his hands?"

Zhan Guo's brows became more and more deeply knitted.

"It’s the Five Emperors from the Beehive Island incident!!!"

Lieutenant General He finally spoke.

Then the atmosphere in the Marshal's office became stagnant again.

"I actually thought so too."

Garp nodded, the laughter on his face disappeared, and an extremely solemn look appeared instead.

Marshal Warring States clenched his teeth, his expression was horrified and ferocious.

"Five Emperors... Rocks... Sure enough, he went to see Whitebeard because he wanted to……"

"Sengoku, now is not the time to think about this. The top priority is to rescue Gion, and we must not let the child make any mistakes. Lieutenant General He interrupted.

"Gion is a major force of our navy, so of course we need to save it. The question is where can we get 2 billion?"

Warring States shook his head helplessly.

The three people present were all the most senior veterans of the navy and were in charge of the entire navy.

However, they themselves did not have much property. They were even poorer than the colonel of the branch in a remote area.

The three of them together It ’s difficult to raise 20 million yuan to use navy military funds privately?


"I remember that Sakaski captured a large number of pirates on Beehive Island two days ago. I heard that a lot of gold was seized. It would be better to use it for emergency purposes before it is stored in the warehouse."

Karp suggested


"Sakaski must not be involved in this matter!"

Warring States and Lieutenant General He both rejected it.


"With Sakaski's temper, he will definitely push the matter into the worst possible situation. I will never allow Sakaski to negotiate." Lieutenant General He said decisively. Dang Dang! There was a knock on the door. With a creaking sound, the office door opened. General Qingzhi Kuzan, carrying a recliner in his hand, stepped straight in

"Are Mr. Karp, Mr. Sengoku and Sister He here?"

General Qing Pheasant said hello lazily.

"Kuzan, what are you doing here?"

Warring States asked

"Didn’t I hear that Gion was arrested? So let’s take a look at the situation. After all, she is also my junior."

General Qing Pheasant said seriously.

"Do you have two billion? asked Karp


Qing Pheasant was stunned.

"The Five Emperors used Gion as a threat and asked our navy to pay 2 billion to redeem people. Do you have it? By the way, it should be all gold."

Karp explained.


General Aoki left decisively.

Just kidding.

Let alone two billion, he is an 'innocent' person who can't even get two hundred thousand.

Anyway, as long as Gion is still alive, the remaining difficulties will still be solved. Leave it to Mr. Sengoku and the others, Admiral Aokiji thought, shortly after General Aokiji left.

""Mr. Warring States Period!"

A shrill cry sounded like a cry for father and mother.

A hunched-over man with a wretched appearance, who looked like he was not even fifty years old but who looked like he was seventy or eighty years old, walked straight up to the headquarters building.

He was walking on moon steps. He is another admiral candidate in the Navy who is as famous as Gion. He is also the ultimate dog licker who has been pursuing Gion for more than ten years and confessed ninety-five times.

"Jiajia, aren't you in Mariejoia? Why are you here?"

Warring States asked

"Such a big thing happened, how could I remain indifferent? Some bastard from somewhere actually arrested me in Gion!"

The tea dolphin was so angry that his whole body was shaking.

"Has the news reached Marigio? So fast?"

Garp was surprised, and then seemed to sense something. He stood up silently and looked from the corridor to the square outside the building.

"Warring States, this is really bad. The news should have been blocked before, but now almost the entire headquarters knows about it."

Garp's eyes widened.

As one of the few high-altitude flowers in the navy who has both strength and beauty,

Momotu Gion is almost the dream lover of most sailors in this department.

If something happens to her, the repercussions will naturally be huge.

"It was indeed my mistake."

The Warring States Period

"I have a responsibility too."

Lieutenant General He said in a deep voice.

She was also concerned about chaos, so she ignored this.

"Now is not the time to talk about this. Mr. Sengoku, please send me. I will definitely bring Gion back."

Cha Dou Jiaji looked determined.

"What are you going to do? Call it directly? You must know that what you have to face may be the devil of this sea!"

Warring States said quietly.

"Mr. Warring States Period……"

The tea dolphin's breathing was stagnant

"Warring States Period, why don't I go there? If I'm alone, I can get close without anyone noticing."

Garp seems to have made up his mind.

"Me too."

Cha Dou quickly agreed and wanted to participate in the action.


Lieutenant General He still refused.


"We can indeed find each other based on the direction of the life card, but we can't do this. You also heard the devil's warning before, he will really take action! Lieutenant

General He said quietly.

The office fell into dead silence again.

Especially Garp and Sengoku. You must know that they had seen the stormy life card in Gion before, and they were almost


At this moment, an arrogant laugh suddenly sounded from outside the door.

A World Government official wearing a white suit walked over with steps that he did not recognize.

"You are Charles from the government, what are you doing here? This is not a place you can just set foot on."

Warring States said coldly.

"Don't be so harsh, Marshal Warring States, I am here on behalf of Saint Saldes this time."

The senior official of the World Government gave a sinister smile.

"Celestial Dragons?"

Warring States and others all narrowed their eyes.

"Saint Saldes already knows the current situation of Lieutenant General Gion, so he specifically ordered me to prepare gold worth two billion, ready to send to the new world to redeem people at any time."

Charles said

"Would the Tianlong people be so kind?"

Karp questioned

"This is of course not free. In fact, Lord Saldes has been in love with Lieutenant General Gion for a long time, so let’s just regard these two billion as a deposit for marrying Lieutenant General Gion. I hope that Lord Saldes will follow him. When Shampoo comes back, Lieutenant General Gion will also be able to come back safely! Ha ha ha ha!."

World Government Official Charles left laughing.

"No, absolutely not! Gion is going to marry a Tenryuto? I will never accept it!"

Tea Dou was so angry that his whole body was shaking.

"Calm down, Jiajie, not just you, do you think any of us here would agree with what that guy is saying?"

Warring States comforted me.

"The garbage Celestial Dragon wants to steal people from our navy, but I can't kill him."

Garp rolled up his sleeves angrily.

"As long as Gion doesn't want to, no one can force her, not even the Celestial Dragons, but we can make use of the two billion he sent without any hesitation."

A wise light flashed in Lieutenant General He's eyes.

His eyes fell on Garp.

"Xiaohe, what do you think I am doing?"

Garp was stared at with fury in his heart.

Lieutenant General He pushed the pen and paper in front of Garp.

"Garp, make an IOU."



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