Thousands of people with thousands of faces, thousands of faces and one mind.

This is exactly the essence of Luo Xiu's newly acquired skill - the perfect level of transformation.

Among them, thousands of people have the ability to change all things in appearance.

It can even exert strong hints on other people's subconscious while maintaining its original appearance.

Let them see the 'old friend' they subconsciously want to see or have the most profound impression on. In this way, even though Luo Xiu still maintains his own appearance, in the eyes of others, he has become someone else.

Especially when the figure deep in their hearts happens to be the soul template owned by Luo Xiu.

The effect of this illusory ability becomes more and more obvious.

Just like now.

When Luo Xiu pushed the door and walked into the bar, he appeared in front of the two people inside and outside the bar.

The Luo Xiu they saw in their eyes had suddenly changed.

"You are...Captain Rocks!!!"

This is the image in the eyes of Xia Qi, the bar owner who was wiping the wine glasses at the bar.

When she saw the 'former Captain Rocks' appearing at the door, Xia Qi's face was still not very aged after she was over fifty.���I couldn't help but feel extremely shocked and unbelievable.

Her movement of wiping the wine glass was stagnant, and all the muscles in her body seemed to be stiff at this moment.

The lady's cigarette held in her mouth fell unconsciously, splashing a few weak sparks.

Xia Qi was unaware of this at all.

At this moment, her mind and spirit were occupied by the stormy waves.

The huge waves called memories kept piling up one after another, hitting her spirit one after another.

When she was young, Xia Qi was once the best intelligence expert in the New World.

She only rose to prominence when she was a teenager, and she became a member of the Rocks Pirates after being spotted by Rocks, the overlord of the sea at the time.

Within a few years.

With her outstanding abilities, Xia Qi became the leader of the secret Legion Zero of the Locks Pirates - the Intelligence Corps.

He has a huge intelligence network covering most of the new world, and controls half of the underground dark world.

She was once an underground blood rose that made countless dark forces fearful.

If it hadn't been for that later battle, Xia Qi would have definitely become one of the legends of that era.

Together with Rocks, the overlord of the sea, he is feared by the world.

Thirty-six years ago, the sea overlord Rocks raided the Tianlong base and launched a crazy battle on the Island of Gods.

And in that battle, he was defeated by Navy Garp and Roger.

The Rocks Pirates, who were already connected by fragile interests, fell apart, and the surviving members went their separate ways.

The disheartened Xia Qi disappeared since then.

Finally, I came to Shampoo and opened this rip-off bar.

Xia Qi thought her life would be like this.

Earn a little money in an ordinary way and support a 'worthless' old man.

But she never thought that she would see that man again today.

The man she was afraid of and missed.

Whether he was interested in her talent or something else, Rocks, the overlord of the sea who was crazy about the world, also had a lot of preference and care for her.

It was because of Rocks that she was able to express her ambitions and do many things that she wanted to do but was unable to do before.

As memories of the past continued to resurface, Luo Xiu's image of Rocks became more and more deeply rooted in Xia Qi's eyes.

"No, Xia Qi, close your eyes, this is an illusion."

At this moment, a majestic shout suddenly sounded in the bar.

It came from the white-haired and stylish old man at the bar.

He is Rayleigh!

Pluto Silbaz Rayleigh!

The right wrist of the legendary Pirate King Roger!

And Xia The same thing happened to Lei Li when he saw Luo Xiu coming in. The figure that caught his eye was his former captain. He is also his best brother - Pirate King Gol D Roger! But legends are legends after all. When Xia Qi was trapped in the memories of the past , it was... In an instant, he broke free from the shackles of illusion. His eyes were as bright as lightning, and he saw the true face hidden under Roger's face.

"You are...that boy from Beehive Island!!!"

Leili shouted loudly.

The white hair was flying on his forehead, and his domineering power was looming.

At the reminder of Rayleigh's violent shout, Xia Qi's stiff body suddenly trembled.

The whole person suddenly regained consciousness.

When all the extra thoughts in his mind were gone, Being suppressed, ordinary hints could no longer affect her heart.

After all, she was once the king of the underground world.

"You are really that Luo Xiu boy!!!"

Xia Qi, who finally saw the true identity of the person coming, still couldn't help but scream in shock.

Even if it wasn't her former captain Rocks, the fact that the person coming was Luo Xiu would be enough to shock them.

Not to mention that she had experienced it before Such a weird hallucination’

…… at the same time.

Soul space.

Manor hall.

Rocks, Roger and newcomer Tiger sat on three chairs in a row.

Become a professional melon-eater.

While eating melon seeds, I watched the live broadcast on the central audio-visual live broadcast screen.

When Luo Xiu came to the rip-off bar and Xia Qi and Lei Li appeared on the screen, the emotions of the three people were aroused.

Especially Rocks and Roger.

One was adopted by Rocks as his daughter, and the other was Roger's best brother.

Seeing each other after so many years, I miss you so much

"Hahahaha, did you see it? Roger, I know it. As I said just now, even after so many years, Xia Qi still misses me. She is so dumbfounded. Look at your Lei Li, she doesn’t have any nostalgia at all."

Rocks laughed proudly.

"That's of course because Lei Li is stronger and has seen through Luo Xiu's disguise, and if you look at Lei Li and Xia Qi, they seem to be together. Roger said with a look of relief.

"Shut up, shut up, how could my Xia Qi like your Lei Li?"

Rocks covered his heart with an ugly look on his face.

After seeing the obviously unusual relationship between Xia Qi and Lei Li, Rocks felt a little sick.

"Ahahaha, keep reading!"


"Boy Luo Xiu from Beehive Island, was that thing hovering in Shampoo Land yesterday really you?"

Leili stared at Luo Xiu with unblinking eyes, and shouted in a domineering voice.

"He is truly worthy of being Pluto Rayleigh. He is getting stronger with age and is still as domineering as ever. It’s just that……"

Luo Xiu changed the topic and completely blocked the panic brilliance behind him.

"Please be careful and don't scare my family's glory."


As Luo Xiu's words fell, the surging overlord-colored domineering energy suddenly emerged like a tide. In an instant, it completely suppressed Rayleigh's aggressive momentum and turned around.

"Humph, you are so brave, boy, you actually want to compete with me in the strength of your domineering power. I want to see how powerful your domineering look is? Is it as powerful as others say?"

Feeling the pressure of Luo Xiu's momentum, Rayleigh snorted coldly and responded tit for tat.

There was a trace of dissatisfaction in his words?

This is a bit intriguing.

After all, he is the legendary pirate Rayleigh of Hades.

With that, With his courage, how could he be so unconvinced when dealing with his juniors, as if he had been stimulated by someone?

"The kid has taken a good look at it, let the seniors teach you what is the true domineering and domineering look!"

Reilly put his hands in his trouser pockets, with a confident smile on his old face, and took a step forward calmly.


The next moment, endless and powerful overlord colors like the waves of the sea poured out from all over Reilly without reservation. Emerged.

He rushed towards Luo Xiu, wanting to defeat him in one fell swoop.

Regarding the sudden provocation from the 'senior' Pluto, Luo Xiu narrowed his eyes slightly, his face filled with doubts and confusion. Now that the other party has said this, there is only one thing he has to do, and that is to respond with all his strength!! Boom! Luo Xiu’s high-level domineering energy explodes at this moment!

"Damn it, his domineering look is really better than mine!!!"


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