
The girl's cry was full of surprise and surprise.

It spread all the way far, and could still be faintly heard even at the edge of mangrove tree No. 13.

Xia Qi's rip-off bar has cracks in the outer wall and is in a mess inside.

But right now, even the boss lady Xia Qi, who is the best at extortion, is not taking advantage of this situation.

The huge bar was silent, and no one spoke again.


At a certain moment, the few wine bottles that were still intact on the wine rack fell to the ground and shattered, ending the deathly silence in the venue.

""Luo Xiu"

The voice of the blond girl Alice who came out of the 'little black room' was raised an octave.

It was still full of emotions of disbelief, disbelief and surprise. We said goodbye to the new world a week ago.

The girl Alice originally thought I don't know how long it will be before they meet again.

I never thought that it would only be a little more than a week. It would be like heaven for her to meet him again in her 'home'!

Destined fate!

There is indeed a fate between her and him.

"Luo Xiu, why are you here?"

After a brief moment of joy, the girl Alice asked.

"Of course I came to see you. Aren't you afraid that you will miss me too much?"

Luo Xiu spoke matter-of-factly.

To be honest, Luo Xiu was a little surprised to see the girl Alice here.

But after thinking about it, it made sense.

Back then on Beehive Island At that time, Luo Xiu had already guessed that the shopkeeper Lan, Alice, and Xia Qi must have some connection.

Later, he confirmed from Rocks that the shopkeeper Lan was Xia Qi's sister in the Rocks Pirate Group for more than a week. Before, when Luo Xiu said goodbye to the shopkeeper Lan and Alice, the girl Alice also revealed some information through her farewell.

For example, she was not a subordinate of the shopkeeper Lan, and she was only there to communicate with the superiors. , Luo Xiu had already thought about it.

There was no other place besides this authentic rip-off bar in Chambord, so it was logical for Luo Xiu to see her again now that she was here.

There won't be any big surprises or surprises.

The words subconsciously restored the feeling when he was getting along with Alice on Beehive Island.

But what Luo Xiu didn't expect was that his casual and flirtatious words would have a profound effect on him. The lethality of the girl Alice is no longer what it used to be

"He... Luo Xiu actually came to see me specially!"

"Come specifically to see me!"

"come see me!"

"Look at me!"

The girl Alice's mind kept echoing Luo Xiu's previous words.

Her fair and pretty face suddenly turned red, as cute as a ripe apple. Her normally calm mind was suddenly overloaded and heated, so that she could not think of anything.

At the end, there was even hot steam steaming out of her head.

""Alice" looked at the capable subordinate who suddenly covered his cheek and remained motionless. The corners of Xia Qi's eyes twitched, and she already understood the reason.

"Silly girl, don't be deceived by that kid's sweet words. That bastard is here to cause trouble today. Look at your sister Xia Qi's store. He destroyed everything."

It was also obvious that his little apprentice was so happy that he couldn't find Bei because of Luo Xiu's words. Lei Li slapped his thigh sadly.

While shouting loudly to wake up the nymphomaniac disciple, he also took full responsibility for the ruin of the bar. Recommended to Luo Xiu

"Reilly, don't try to shirk it. You are also responsible for what happened to my bar. Don't try to escape."

Thanks to the people's sharp eyes, especially Xia Qi's eyes are like a bright mirror.

Even if Lei Li is an old friend, she will never show favoritism.


Lei Li failed to shirk responsibility, his old face suddenly froze, and he looked at Xia Qi with resentment in his eyes.

"It's no use looking at me like this. The responsibility is half and half on you."

Xia Qi said categorically.

Under the 'noise' between Rayleigh and Xia Qi,

Alice, the girl who was immersed in the emotion of surprise and couldn't help herself, finally came back to her senses.

"Teacher Lei Li and Sister Xia Qi, although you already know this, let me introduce you to him. This person is Luo Xiu, my... my friend."

The girl Alice quickly introduced her.

After saying that, she immediately trotted to Luo Xiu.

"Luo Xiu, these two are my closest elders, Sister Xia Qi and Teacher Lei Li."

Alice turned to introduce Lei Li and Xia Qi to Luo Xiu.

Luo Xiu was already familiar with Lei Li and Xia Qi.

However, it was rare that Alice had the intention, and Luo Xiu also nodded in agreement to express his knowledge.

"Luo Xiu, don’t be too surprised when you hear this. My teacher Rayleigh used to be the world-famous legend, the right hand of the Pirate King, Rayleigh the Pluto."

The introduced girl Alice subconsciously blurted out Rayleigh's secret identity.

"Roar, so powerful. Luo

Xiu agreed with a smile.

At the same time, he glanced at Lei Li intentionally or unintentionally, with a smile on his face.

Feeling the proud sight from Luo Xiu, Lei Li's expression twisted, and he raised his hand angrily to cover the bear's mouth.

Liver It hurts, stomach hurts, heartache... it hurts everywhere.

If it were anyone else, especially a young and beautiful girl, Lei Li would be happy in his heart.

If so, it would be different.

This guy had obviously known his true identity for a long time, but now he was still pretending to be surprised.

He had obviously had a fierce battle with him before, and even defeated him by half.


this was simply a mockery of him.

What made Lei Li most heartbroken was Alice's attitude towards Luo Xiu.

, is also the only disciple who has taught him.

To the lonely Rayleigh, Alice is like his daughter.

However, looking at Alice who has completely fallen, Rayleigh only feels that he has worked hard.

The cabbage was fucked for nothing.

As an old father, Lei Li couldn't bear it.

On the other side, the angry girl Alice was still talking.

After a long while, the girl Alice finally finished introducing Lei Li, and then she seemed to think of something.

"By the way, Luo Xiu, I'm just telling you about Teacher Lei Li. You must keep it a secret. You can't cause trouble to the teacher."

The girl Alice said solemnly


Before Luo Xiu could speak, a playful voice suddenly sounded from behind Luo Xiu.

"Did I accidentally hear it?"

Guanghui, who had always been hiding behind Luo Xiu, poked out his little head, smiled and tilted his head.



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