"Luo Xiu, let's have a fight. If you win, everything will be easy."

Reilly grinned.

"Well, come on, Pluto Rayleigh! Luo

Xiu also grinned, full of fighting spirit.

As the two people invited and responded to the challenge, the atmosphere in the rip-off bar suddenly became stagnant.

But the silence lasted only a moment.

The next second, Xia Qi and the girl Ai Li Si turned their heads and looked at their respective men.

"Hey, Lao Lei, are you serious?"

Xia Qi's eyes widened, with shock and disbelief written all over her face. She has known Rayleigh for so many years.

This is the first time she has seen Rayleigh so 'impulsive'. Her previous confrontation with Luo Xiu was beyond expectations. As expected, Xia Qi actually challenged junior Luo Xiu. This time it was not like the previous battle, but a full-scale fight with real swords and guns!

"Luo Xiu, don’t be impulsive! This time your opponent is Mr. Rayleigh. He is the legendary great pirate. He was once the right hand of the Pirate King. Even in that state, you will never be able to win."

The girl Alice persuaded anxiously.

"Don't worry, I know what's going on."

Luo Xiu smiled slightly, with the expression on his face still calm and calm.

Even if the opponent he was about to face was a legendary pirate, he didn't have the slightest fear.

All he had was a high fighting spirit.

For those who were once in Whitebeard's territory For Luo Xiu, who had fought against the strongest Whitebeard in the world, nothing could be greater than this. No matter how strong Rayleigh was, he couldn't be stronger than Whitebeard, let alone a few days ago in Gion. Before he came to the door,

Luo Xiu was originally planning to have a fight with Rayleigh to test his own strength.

Now that he had already fought against Gion, the opportunity to confront Rayleigh was right in front of him. I won’t refuse.

It’s true that getting stronger through combat is not as fast as the system, but the more important combat experience, the better.

"Haha, Alice, Guanghui, you two should watch my performance from now on.

Luo Xiu smiled confidently.

"Yes, Commander."

Guanghui responded obediently.

"Oh well."

Alice is still a little reluctant.

"Hahaha, you are so brave, boy Luo Xiu, but I don’t hate your confidence."

Reilly laughed boldly and said

""Old Lei"

Xia Qi wanted to say something else.

The next second, Lei Li held her hand.

"Xia Qi, don't worry."

Leili looked into Xia Qi's eyes and nodded.

After all, they are old friends for twenty years.

From Lei Li's eyes, Xia Qi suddenly saw some clues.

The always stable senior Lei Li this time So being so impulsive is not just due to the previous domineering pressure or the current invitation to a duel, it's all just to test Luo Xiu

's true strength!


Test whether he is the devilish sea overlord Rocks!


Xia Qi, who knew Lei Li's true intention, nodded heavily and did not stop her.

The duel was established.

Let's get started without further delay.

The venue for the battle was quickly decided.

It was behind the rip-off bar. On the coast of Mangrove Island No. 13

This is a no-man's land. You don't have to worry about being seen from a distance. Even if someone feels the fluctuation of the battle, they won't rush over to watch the excitement.

Knowing that the bar owner on Island 13 was not easy to deal with, the cool sea breeze carried the breath of the sea.

On the hill, Xia Qi held Alice and Guanghui one by one, preventing them from going to the battlefield below.

It can almost be regarded as a battlefield for the world's top duels.

The aftermath alone is not something that ordinary people can resist.

"Luo Xiu, are you ready?"

Reilly was holding an ordinary long knife in his hand and stood carelessly.

"Always be ready. Luo

Xiu said calmly

"I know everything about what you did on Beehive Island, so I will not treat you as an ordinary young junior. I will go all out in this battle."

Reilly said seriously.

"Can't get it."

Luo Xiu's answer was still concise and domineering.

"Then that's it."

Leili's right wrist holding the knife turned slightly.

Before the girls on the mountain had time to react, he had already drawn the knife.

The bright light of the knife shone, powerfully cutting through the land of the island, and slashed towards Luo Xiuli.

This The legendary great pirate, Pluto Rayleigh, is even more powerful than the candidate general Gion, and is comparable to the real general, but Luo Xiu will not let it go. Arrogant.

After all, he had many tricks up his sleeve.

This battle would be more difficult than the previous one, but Luo Xiu would not lose.

The weapon's color instantly covered the blade.

Lei Li's domineering sword light was already in front of him.

Luo Xiu's expression remained unfazed.

He put his palm against the handle of the knife and stabbed out with the tip of Tie Suiya's blade.

The air was stagnant for a moment.

The next second, Lei Li's sword energy suddenly became stronger, pushing Luo Xiu's body backward step by step, leaving a deep footprint on the ground.

"Ah ah"

""Commander" watching this scene, the two girls on the hilltop all screamed in unison.

Their screams had not yet completely subsided.

Luo Xiu, who had taken seven steps back, suddenly stepped on the ground and stopped..At the same time, the tip of Tie Suiya's sword also successfully penetrated into the bright white sword energy.

The sword energy was already under control!

"Okay, here's my counterattack. Luo

Xiu grinned.

Wind injury!!!


Leili's solid sword energy suddenly exploded.

Those sword energy fragments that have not had time to dissipate collide with each other, creating another powerful force.

Eventually it turned into a fierce hurricane and turned back toward Rayleigh.

"Hey, this is really an interesting move."

Leili smiled happily and nodded.

He raised his hand and waved out several sword energy again, smashing the menacing tornado hurricane into pieces.

The person who appeared after the broken hurricane was Luo Xiu who came up close. Lei Li was not surprised at all by Luo Xiu's sudden appearance, because his powerful sense of sight and color had already grasped Luo Xiu's every move.

When Lei Li was calmly preparing to take the attack,

Luo Xiu suddenly stopped ten meters away from him without any warning.

The demon sword Tie Shaoyang in Xiu's hand suddenly changed.

A layer of more crystal clear material gradually appeared on the originally bright iron blade.

That was diamond!

The second form of Tie Shaoyang, the diamond form, was revealed for the first time!

"Not only your moves, your knife is also very interesting."

Reilly exclaimed in surprise.

"The more interesting things are yet to come."

Luo Xiu smiled and stabbed out again.

Gold, steel, gun, break!!!


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