Under Rayleigh's surprised gaze.

In Luo Xiu's hand, the originally smooth fine iron blade of the demon sword Tie Suiya appeared out of thin air with a layer of transparent diamond armor with sharp edges and corners.

This is exactly the second form Tie Suiya possesses - the diamond form.

Just like the characteristics of diamond, the characteristic of this form of iron broken tooth is that it is as strong as diamond.

The sword skill attached to Diamond Iron Fang is called - Diamond Gun Break!!!

"Rayleigh, try my trick next. Luo

Xiu grinned.

The diamond-shaped iron teeth suddenly pierced towards Rayleigh.


The sharp sound of breaking wind suddenly exploded.

Luo Xiu's diamond-iron teeth still maintained the piercing position.

Invisibly, it seemed as if something invisible to the naked eye penetrated the air and shot towards Rayleigh.


Rayleigh frowned slightly.

Even if his eyes couldn't catch it, his vision could definitely capture the trajectory of Luo Xiu's blow.

Rayleigh's head moved an inch to the right seemingly at random.

That was so fast that it almost Invisible sharp objects rubbed his hair���And passed.

Finally, it stabbed into another hillside about tens of meters away behind Rayleigh.

‘"Dong" the hills trembled.

A small hole with a diameter of about one centimeter appeared in the originally smooth hillock, almost penetrating the hillock that was tens of meters thick.

"This is really good penetrating power. Ordinary armed weapons cannot prevent it."

Leili made a judgment.

Immediately his eyes fell on the diamond-shaped iron teeth in Luo Xiu's hand, and his eyes were full of fire.

"Boy Luo Xiu, what’s going on with your knife? Are there diamonds attached to the surface?"

Reilly rubbed his hands and spoke with envy.

It was as if he had forgotten about the duel.

"If you want to know, beat me first."

Luo Xiu smiled slightly and returned all Lei Li's previous words.

"Hey, today's young people are really becoming more and more unsophisticated, so come on."

Leili held the knife in one hand and pointed it at Luo Xiu.

"It was just a greeting before, but the next step is the real thing - King Kong Gun Break!!!"

The diamond-shaped Iron Broken Fang swung.

It slashed in the direction of Rayleigh.

Still no sword energy was produced.

But instead, diamond needles appeared one after another with a diameter of about one centimeter and a length of ten centimeters.

Just once. With a wave of his hand, a group of twelve diamond needles came out of thin air and shot out in the direction of Rayleigh.

""Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,"

Rayleigh shouted softly, stamped his feet on the ground, and his figure suddenly retreated.

‘Boom boom boom boom……’

Twelve loud noises occurred in succession, and twelve bottomless holes appeared on the ground.

"Just this level is not enough."

Reilly smiled easily.


Luo Xiu nodded calmly.

The diamond-iron broken teeth swung eight swords in succession in all directions.

Eight groups of ninety-six diamond needles covered the sky, blocking Rayleigh's route from all angles and directions.

There was a constant roar between heaven and earth.

No. 13 The ground on the mangrove island continued to crack.

Endless smoke rose into the sky, covering the battlefield for a long time.

The roar of the ground suddenly stopped, which represented the end of Luo Xiu

's diamond-shaped iron teeth. go

"So if that’s the case, if there is a skill limit, can it be said that all those diamonds are real?"

Luo Xiu couldn't help but think to himself.

If the diamonds shot by the diamond gun just now were real diamonds, then he would have really made a lot of money.

In this pirate world, the price of diamonds will never be lower than gold.

This diamond-shaped iron broken tooth is not only a group attack weapon, but also a money printing machine!

"Hey, boy Luo Xiu, you dare to lose your focus during the battle with me. How brave you are!"

Just when Luo Xiu was secretly summarizing the results of using the Diamond Iron Broken Fang, Rayleigh's voice suddenly sounded from the thick smoke and dust.

Two bright sword lights flashed, blowing away the dust all over the sky with an unparalleled sword wind. It was empty.

Lei Li reappeared in the sight of Luo Xiu and others, but his clothes were slightly damaged. After all

, his opponent was Pluto Lei Li..

It is natural to be able to do this.

"He is truly worthy of being the King of Hades, and he will get stronger with age.

Luo Xiu praised without hesitation.

"Luo Xiu, boy, stop talking nonsense with me. You should be more than that. The temptation ends here. Next, it’s time to show your true strength. I’ll be waiting."

Reilly urged, seeming a little impatient.


Luo Xiu nodded, not being polite to Lei Li anymore.

He held the knife in both hands, and put his iron teeth behind him on the right.

‘The thick air flow that seemed to be a materialized high-grade armed color was instantly covered.

Followed by the additional special high-grade overlord-colored domineering energy.

This is Luo Xiu's strongest attack now.

Feeling the dangerous aura coming from Luo Xiu's body, Lei Li's expression became a little more solemn.

‘Amidst the loud bang

, Luo Xiu's feet suddenly stepped on the ground, and his figure suddenly shot out.

"Take it, Rayleigh, this is my best effort.

Luo Xiu roared, and Tie Suiya suddenly swung out from the lower right to the upper left.

"Haha, this looks like something."

Reilly laughed happily and stepped forward with the knife without dodging.

However, the next second,

Reilly couldn't laugh.

The smile on his old face suddenly froze.

In his original imagination, he would A real sword fight with Luo Xiu.

It was a battle of strength and dominance.

However, Luo

Xiu, who had never used sword energy skills before, actually unleashed such a terrifying flying slash!! This is!! Lei Li's expression suddenly changed, and his whole face was filled with shock and disbelief.


It wasn't until he felt the slashing aura from Luo Xiu at close range that Rayleigh finally knew - reminded by the strong sense of familiarity and déjà vu, Rayleigh finally remembered.

The blow that Luo Xiu made at this moment.

It’s clearly a divine avoidance!!!

His captain and his best brother's favorite sword skill - Divine Avoidance!

"Luo Xiu, who are you?……"

Before Rayleigh could say the rest of his words, he was completely submerged by the power of 'God's Avoidance'.

Xia Qi, the girl Alice and Guanghui, who were watching the battle on the hilltop, watched with shocked eyes.

Rayleigh - was blown away!!!


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