A shocking blow!!!

It's the same way God avoids a sword!

But the level of this fourth sword is completely different from the previous three swords.

The power of the God-avoiding sword slashed out by Roger the Pirate King with his whole body, all his strength, and all his soul was completely different from what Luo Xiu himself had displayed.

After all, Luo Xiu only mastered this move with the power of the system, and it only took a short week.

However, Pirate King Roger spent a full ten years studying and practicing.

In the end, he created and perfected this shocking attack - one that even gods must avoid! Not even God can escape!

‘Rumble, Rumble, Rumble, the sky and the earth were filled with rumbles.

Countless black lightnings appeared in the void, as if they were splashed ink paintings on the blank atmosphere.

The ground on Mangrove Island No. 13 was shaking violently at this moment.

Even the mangrove trees No. 12 and 14 that bordered it started to vibrate.

Hundreds of insurgents screamed and fled in terror.

"Damn it, Roger, you are also a fake corpse!"

This was Rayleigh's scream as he flew upside down.

If he had just felt Luo Xiu's aura before, and he was not sure that it was Roger who was pretending to be a corpse.

Now, he has personally experienced the familiar weight of this knife.

Even though he tried his best, he was still easily knocked away by this sword.

Lei Li was completely convinced in his heart that this was the founder of the God's Avoidance.

Now, the person fighting him with this God's Avoidance was the captain and good brother he was most familiar with..After the Overlord of the Sea Rocks, his brother Roger is also a cheat!


Kozuki Oden, the captain of Whitebeard's second division who was once known as the invincible, was struck by Roger's divine sword and vomited blood and was knocked upside down.

Nowadays, Rayleigh, who is at the same level as Oden, is no exception.

Rayleigh's body was like an arrow, flying upside down at a speed about twice as fast as when Luo Xiu suddenly attacked him.

Hit the hill again.

This time, the stubborn Xiao Shan Bao could not hold on.

Accompanied by a loud bang.

Centered on the area where Rayleigh hit.

Countless large cracks that were densely packed like spider webs spread rapidly.

Finally, the entire hill exploded.

Endless smoke and dust rose into the sky, covering the sky and the sun.

Countless fragments of rubble were scattered in all directions, leaving the ground riddled with holes.

Even after crashing into a hill, Rayleigh's figure still didn't stop flying upside down.

It swept out between the gravel and dust, and finally fell straight into the sea with a"plop" sound.

"Ah, Teacher Rayleigh."

Looking at Rayleigh going into the sea, the girl Alice was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

""Old Lei"

Even Xia Qi, who had no doubts about Lei Li's strength, could not help but murmur at this moment.

In her feeling, the aura on Luo Xiu's body was indeed different from before, and had undergone earth-shaking changes.

This It means that he should have used the hidden power.


Xia Qi did not feel the slightest bit of madness in it. It was more like the power of her former captain, the Overlord of the Sea.



Xia Qi whispered softly, the pupils of her eyes gradually expanded.

"Sister Xia Qi, what did you say? Teacher Rayleigh has been thrown into the sea. Let's go and take a look."

The girl Alice urged.

Just when Alice and others were anxious,

Luo Xiu, who borrowed Roger's strength, took a step forward, and his speed suddenly increased.

In an instant, he reached the coast.

"Hey, Rayleigh, you should still be alive. You shouldn't be able to bear this level."

Luo Xiu spoke.

Luo Xiu, who was possessed by Roger's soul template, also brought the heroic spirit of Roger the Pirate King in his words and deeds.

The similarity is quite high.

"Bastard, who do you think I am?"

Rayleigh's roar came from the sea.

‘The sea water surged violently.

A huge hill rises from the sea.

After a while, Rayleigh emerged from the sea.

At the same time, a sea creature appeared that was knocked unconscious with a big head covered in bruises.

"Roger... no, no, no, Luo Xiuxian... neither, who are you now?"

Leili sat on the unconscious sea beast, staring at Luo Xiu on the shore with bright eyes, wanting to know the answer.

"Hahahaha, if you want to know, just beat me. If you beat me, everything will be easy to talk about.

Luo Xiu laughed boldly.

Lei Li:" I@#¥%!!!"

This guy has as many secrets as a mountain.

But there was no oil or salt at all, and nothing could be asked.

But there is nothing I can do.

After all, 'Everything is easy to say if you win' was what he originally said to Luo Xiu.

Now it is reasonable and reasonable for Luo Xiu to return it to him.

"How about it? Rayleigh, do you want to continue practicing after a long absence?"

Luo Xiu was carrying Tie Suiyang on his shoulders, his face was full of relaxation and ease.

"If I don’t come, I won’t come. My knife is broken and I’m still spanking."

Reilly threw the half-cut knife into the sea angrily.

"Why are you still standing? Come here and help me, I’ll eat it at noon."

Reilly pointed at the unlucky sea beast beneath him.


Seeing Rayleigh admitting defeat, Luo Xiu naturally wouldn't force it anymore.

He responded and helped drag the sea beast to the shore, and cut it into sections with a few knives.

Just after dealing with the sea beast, the three-minute power bonus ended.

"Teacher Lei Li, Luo Xiu"

"Lao Lei"


At this moment, the three girls who were watching the battle, Alice, Xia Qi and Guanghui, trotted to the coast.

"Lao Lei, are you okay?"

Xia Qi quickly stepped forward and asked with concern.

"It's okay, it's okay. I'll tell you the other details later."

Leili said


Xia Qi nodded.

On the other side

""Commander" with a pleasant cry of surprise, Guanghui jumped up lightly and ran straight into Luo Xiu's arms.

"The commander is really awesome."

The light hung on Luo Xiu's body like an octopus, his eyes sparkling.

"Hahaha, not bad."

Luo Xiu laughed and rubbed Guanghui's little head.

The other two people all have their own preferences.

Only the girl Alice is caught in the middle, unable to move forward or retreat.

On one side is the teacher he respects, and on the other side is his own. That'.

Alice didn't know what to choose for a moment.

Just as Alice lowered her head in frustration, there were two big warm hands, one slightly rough and the other tender.

"Cheer up, Alice girl."

Reilly said gently.

"Don't worry, your teacher Rayleigh and I are just having a friendly discussion, right?

Luo Xiu asked with a smile.


Lei Li's tsundere snorted coldly and tilted his head.

""Luo Xiu, Teacher Rayleigh" the girl Alice's eyes were slightly red.

"Okay everyone, it’s almost noon. Today’s staple food has been decided, so let’s start preparing."

Xia Qi clapped her hands to attract everyone's attention.



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