"Lord Saldes Saint!!!"

When they found the trembling blond man sitting on the sofa, everyone shouted excitedly and gathered around immediately.

"Lord Saldes Saint, I'm so glad you're safe."

"I'm extremely sorry, Lord Saldes, we should have discovered it earlier!"

All the guards headed by No. 1 fell to their knees.


On the sofa, 'Sardes Luo Xiu, the Heavenly Dragon' closed his eyes and took a deep breath, as if to suppress the trembling in his body and the fear in his heart.

After a while, Luo Xiu, who stopped trembling, suddenly opened his eyes.

His sharp eyes scanned the people in front of him

"What the hell are you idiots doing? This saint was really almost killed just now!

Luo Xiu roared with an angry look on his face.

"Lord Saldes Saint, I deserve death for failing to protect you."

No. 1's forehead touched the ground and he loudly apologized.

The other sequence guards also echoed in unison.

"Your sin deserves death. Hum, if I die, even if you die ten thousand times, it won't be enough. Luo

Xiu said coldly.

What followed was a long silence.

"Get up, everyone."

The Celestial Dragon Sardesroxiu seems to have completely calmed down.

"Lord Saldes Saint."

No. 1 raised his head in confusion.

"You are all the most capable subordinates of this Saint, and you will never allow such a huge gaffe to happen next time. Luo

Xiu shouted coldly.

"Yes, Lord Saldes Saint."

The No. 1 and other serial guards who escaped death all shouted with joy.

"Leave a few people to handle the scene completely without leaving any traces. Also, be careful to block the news and never let others know about this saint's gaffe."

The Celestial Dragon Sardesroxiu gave a stern order.

"Yes, I understand, Lord Saldes."

No. 1 nodded solemnly.

"Lord Saldes, that little girl over there……"

No. 3 pointed at the shining light in the clean corner of the room.

"Huh, that is my trophy. After suffering such a big loss this time, of course she can only make up for it a little and prepare the frame for me. I want to go back."

While speaking, Luo Xiu stood up and went straight to the corner of the room.

He picked up the 'scared' Guanghui and headed out the door step by step.

"Saint Saldes is indeed the most merciful Lord!"

"The gaffe this time was caused by our gaffe, but your Excellency has never done anything to punish you!"

"This is the King of Celestial Dragons we want to follow! With this magnanimity and magnanimity, I believe our lord will definitely become a king in the future!"

Several sequence guards shouted with fanatical expressions.

"Okay, that's it for the small talk. Number 3 and 5 will quickly follow Lord Saldes. Number 9 will go meet the others to describe the situation. I will be responsible for the aftermath here."

The tall man from Serial Number One issued the mission assignment.


All three people left in response.

Only No. 1 was left.

Looking at the room strewn with corpses and the strange death sculpture.

No. 1 couldn't help but frown. Ever since he stepped into this room, he felt something strange in his heart. There are too many unnatural things.

Whether it is Saldes' reaction or this death 'artwork', there are deep traces of disguise hidden under it. No.

1 really couldn't figure out the important points.

If he couldn't figure it out, then he didn't want to. A fire fell down - everything that happened in this room was swallowed up by the raging flames.



The Hotel Street fire spread like wildfire.

Island Thirteen, a shabby rip-off bar.

As the island's informant, Xia Qi was naturally the first to know about the hotel street.

"Sister Xia Qi, this... this is the hotel where Luo Xiu and Xiaoguang belong. Why did it suddenly catch on fire? What happened to them? No, I'm going to take a look."

After hearing the news, the girl Alice's pretty face was filled with anxiety.

"Calm down, Alice."

Xia Qi grabbed Alice who lost her cool.

"Sister Xia Qi, why are you stopping me?"

Alice looked aggrieved.

"This fire incident is no ordinary fire accident. Luo Xiu's plan has already begun. All we can do next is trust him and wait."

Xia Qi said quietly



It was dawn the next day.

The morning light penetrates the darkness and illuminates the earth.

Luxury Villa Manor on Island No. 66, Shampoo Islands

"Sorry, Kouki, for causing you to experience some bad memories. Luo

Xiu looked at Guanghui, who had barely slept all night, and spoke apologetically.


Guanghui shook his head gently.

"Any experience with the commander is an important memory."

Guanghui said seriously.

Luo Xiu held Guanghui's hands tightly.

"Just have a good rest now and leave everything to me. Luo

Xiu said softly


Guanghui responded.

Under Luo Xiu's comfort, Guanghui gradually fell asleep.

After confirming that Guanghui had fallen asleep,

Luo Xiu quietly stood up.

The moment he put his right hand on the door handle, he transformed into the Celestial Dragon Sardes.

"Lord Saldes, good morning. The breakfast has been prepared according to your preference and is ready to be enjoyed at any time. In addition, I would like to report to you that Lord Charles has returned from the Navy Headquarters and is waiting in the lobby."

The butler wearing a tuxedo suit reported.


Luo Xiu didn't look away and walked straight towards the hall.

Ten minutes later, in the quiet hall, Luo Xiu finished his meal, took the handkerchief handed by the servant and wiped his hands, then his eyes fell on Charles.

He knelt beside him After ten minutes, Charles, who didn't even dare to breathe, suddenly tightened his body.

As for what happened in the hotel street last night, no one else knew about it. As an insider, Charles also heard about it from the mouths of the senior serial guards. Some situations.

So he knew that Saldes, who had experienced the terrible incident last night, would definitely not be in a good mood now.

If he were to learn about the rogue behavior of the senior officials of the Navy Headquarters, his already unhappy mood would definitely become worse. Intensified.

At that time, he would be the one who would suffer.

Thinking of this, Charles couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

"Tell me, Charles, when will the Navy Headquarters decide to send Vice Admiral Gion to this saint? Luo

Xiu asked


Charles's head drooped lower and lower, and he was too nervous to speak.


Luo Xiu frowned slightly

"How did they do it? Recruit me truthfully.

Luo Xiu shouted majestically.

"Yes, Lord Saldes Saint, the Navy Headquarters...the top brass of the headquarters, Marshal Sengoku, Hero Garp, Chief Staff Officer Crane...they are all scoundrels!!!"


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