After a long time, Lin Tian returned to the supreme battlefield again.

Time has been restored at this time, and this result is something no one expected.

The fierce battle they expected did not occur.

Lin Tian just said a few words, and after breaking through to the realm of nothingness, with a simple wave of his hand, Lin Jie, the enemy they thought was unmatched, disappeared.

"it's over."

Lin Tian glanced at the people on the supreme battlefield and spoke softly.

As these words fell, the supreme battlefield disappeared.

The two battlefields between the heavens and the abyss also disappeared.

There are no more living creatures in the Abyss, and the war is over.

"it's over?"

Many supreme beings cannot believe all this.

The war ended too suddenly, before they fully understood the situation.

"Let's go back."

Lin Tian looked at the people in Wanbao Pavilion and said.

At this time, he remembered that the system had disappeared when he reached the highest level.

The system was created by him and is part of him.

Many rewards given by the system have not been used yet.

The opportunity to ask questions to the system and the future transition cards are not used, and there is no need to use them.

The future that Honglian once observed, in which Wanbao Pavilion will still exist after a thousand heavens in the future, no longer exists.

In that future, the war between the two worlds is still going on, but at this moment, the war is over.

There was no need for the system to create him again, but Lin Tian had a new idea.

This idea could be realized in the near future.

After returning to Wanbao Pavilion, Lin Tian went to meet his relatives and friends.

The moment Lin Tian appeared, everyone was excited.

"Lin Tian, ​​what on earth have you done? I haven't seen you for so long."

Han Ming ran over directly and shouted to Lin Tian.

"Something happened, and I haven't gotten around to it until now."

In response, Lin Tian just smiled.

Then he chatted with everyone.

Soon, Jiang Huang and the others arrived here, looking at Lin Tian and the others in a state of shock.

Lin Tian on the supreme battlefield was too terrifying and illusory, making them yearn for but also full of fear.

They yearn for Lin Tian's realm, yearn for Lin Tian's power, and want to become such a powerful being.

But he was afraid of such a powerful Lin Tian.

And the Lin Tian here has returned to the Lin Tian they are familiar with.

"Jiang Huang, Xia Lingxi, Qimeng, you are here!"

At this time, Lu Xueer waved to them and pulled them to play together.

At this time, everyone seemed to have returned to the ten special universe periods, back to that stable era, when everyone had fun together, and their elders looked at this scene and felt happy.

Lin Tian did not tell everyone his identity. Their cultivation was too weak and there was no need to know this.

With the existence of Wanbao Pavilion, these people don't need to worry about anything.

That's fine.

Hundreds of years later, many people gathered in Lin Tian's room.

Honglian, Heidao, Yuan, Shen Ming, Jiang Yunting, Jiang Huang, Xia Lingxi, Qimeng and the members of Wanbao Pavilion originally summoned by Lin Tian.

"I plan to take you to other timelines. There are people I want to meet in that timeline."

"After this time, that timeline will no longer exist. All timelines will return to one, and only this timeline will exist."

Then Lin Tian took everyone to the future timeline.

In this timeline, I met Jiang Huang, Xia Lingxi, Honglian, Heidao, Mu Ling, and Yueshen. These are the only remaining members of Wanbao Pavilion in this timeline.

Jiang Huang and Xia Lingxi from the two timelines understood everything instantly when they met.

"Lin Tian, ​​you really did it."

Jiang Huang in the future timeline was a little excited at this time. Lin Tianzhen had really done it. Everything was over. Their timeline full of suffering would end.

The black knife in the future timeline was quickly restored by Lin Tian's power.

After Lin Tian appeared, the abyss of tribulations in this timeline has disappeared, and soon, this timeline will also disappear.

"Let's talk."

Lin Tian looked at Jiang Huang and Xia Lingxi in the two timelines and said that he left Qimeng and other members of Wanbao Pavilion here to communicate with Jiang Huang and Xia Lingxi in the future timeline.

As for him, Honglian and Heidao from two timelines went elsewhere.

After stopping, Lin Tian came to Honglian in the future timeline and gently raised his hand and placed it on Honglian's head and stroked it gently.

"She has grown up. The little girl back then has grown up."

After these words, Honglian in the future timeline could no longer hold on and threw herself into Lin Tian's arms and cried.

Guren in both timelines have the same experience.

It's just that Guren in the future timeline is even more painful, having experienced his own demise twice.

After a long time, Honglian in the future timeline has recovered her emotions, and Lin Tian also said something to Black Knife in the future timeline.

"You can't favor one over the other."

Lin Tian smiled and said to Honglian and Heidao in the two timelines.

"Soon, the timelines will be unified. I'll stay here longer."

Lin Tian finally told the matter.

Lin Tian, ​​who stayed in this timeline, has been accompanying the remaining members of Wanbao Pavilion.

When leaving, he resurrected all the fallen members of Wanbao Pavilion in this timeline, said goodbye to them one by one, and left.

"The timeline is finally unified."

Lin Tian sighed after returning.

For everyone, the future timeline is a dream, but only he knows how difficult the future timeline is and how painful the hearts of those who still exist are.

In this era of the heavens, Lin Tian created the Ten Realms again and resurrected all the creatures during the final war of the Ten Realms.

It's just that the creatures in that time period were worthy of Lin Tian's doing this.

Lin Tian re-planned the Abyss of Ten Thousand Calamities. This disaster was created by Lin Tian, ​​and every calamity was at the lowest level of the Great Emperor.

These tribulations will cause corresponding catastrophes in the blank area according to the rules. More big worlds will appear in the future, and it will be time for these tribulations to play their role.

Lin Tian also integrated the heavens and worlds, and the cosmic sea merged into the heavens and worlds to form a truly great world.

The heavens still exist and are a place of opportunity. Every big world born in the future will have a passage connecting the heavens.

Several heavens later, Lin Tian brought back a little boy from all realms. Lin Tian named the little boy Lin Tong.

Lin Tong was transformed by the system. Lin Tian created the former system into a real creature. Lin Tong will become his attendant like Honglian and Heidao.

At this point, everything has been arranged, and Lin Tian puts all his attention on breaking through to a higher realm.

After a long time, Lin Tian, ​​who had been in seclusion, opened his eyes.

At this time, he was in an indescribable space. Everything did not exist. It was nothingness or existence.

This space can create countless blank areas and is the origin of everything.

"Is this the new realm?"

Lin Tian felt himself carefully.

Feel nothing.


This is Lin Tian's state at this time.

Everything is nothing to Lin Tian. Lin Tian can create everything and can also turn everything into nothing.

“Let’s call this realm ‘nothingness’.”

Lin Tian said slowly.

It is most appropriate to name this realm after the practice of "Wu".

In the supreme state, everything can be created. The so-called time and space have no meaning to the supreme state.

The state of nothing is indescribable, everything is nothing!

Then Lin Tian returned to the world again and lived with everyone.

season finale!

very excited! very excited!

Thank you all readers for reading so far!

This is my first book, with a total of 1.58 million words, and it is already very good.

I have already written all the plots I want to write.

After all, this is my first book, so I expected it to be poorly written. My initial idea was to write something I wanted to read, and persist in finishing it.

After writing this book, I felt a lot of emotions, and some of them I don’t know how to express.

In the later period, the world view was too big and the time span was too big for me to grasp. I couldn’t write anymore, so I could only write out all the plots.

The ending may be a little rushed, and some may think that there is no fierce battle and the strength of the protagonist is not revealed, but I think the ending is quite good.

I had thought about it from the initial design. The "None" skill exists just for this last step. The reason why the protagonist's talent is not strengthened is just for this step.

There are many things that are poorly written, and I will correct them in the next book.

In this book, I still have a few characters that I feel I am quite satisfied with.

Guren, I think is the most satisfying character I have written in this book.

Guren is involved in the whole story and plays an important role in it. I am very satisfied with Guren's character portrayal. At the beginning of writing this novel, I had already decided on all the experiences of Guren and how he can be in it. In the finale, it is still considered the strongest fighting force.

I want to make a side story about Guren. I’ll see if I have time later. If possible, I will write a side story about Guren.

Qimeng, the presence of this character may not be very strong, but I am quite satisfied with this character, at least I am quite satisfied with the writing in the early stage.

I originally wanted to regard Qimeng as the heroine, but I have already written it here, so let’s leave it like that. Everyone thinks that if there is a heroine, there will be one, and if there is not, there will be no. I think Guren is not bad as the heroine (personal opinion). The final life together is an open ending.

The characterizations of Yuan and Shen Ming are pretty good, at least the characters of these two people are fairly obvious, which is one of the things I'm quite satisfied with in this novel.

The first few chapters of this novel were written in imitation, but it was these chapters that held my initial enthusiasm. They may not be very well written, but I like these chapters very much.

Among the last dozens of chapters, I am also quite satisfied with a few chapters. In these chapters, the portrayal of Honglian, Jiang Huang and Xia Lingxi have been perfected.

That's all I want to say, I don't know what to say.

Finally, I would like to thank all readers again for reading, thank you!

I will work hard for the next novel!

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