
In the dark corridor.

Chen Feng looked around at the surrounding environment and was full of emotion for a while.

The last time I stood here was when my grandfather handed the pendant to him.

However, when he stood in this corridor again, his grandfather was already separated from himself.


Chen Feng exhaled heavily, as if he was eliminating the distracting thoughts in his heart.

Then, he set his gaze on the nine whirlpools in front of him.

This time, in addition to the dark yellow vortex representing Huangquan Road, the second vortex beside him also changed from the previous dark gray to dark red at this moment.

This also confirms Chen Feng's original conjecture, each vortex corresponds to one of his own ghost subduing realms.

Now, after advancing to the 'Chen' realm, he already has the qualifications to open the second whirlpool.

Merely.. Why it is necessary to repair Huangquan Road by one-third to open this passage, Chen Feng does not know.

"Behind the first dark yellow whirlpool, there is the broken Huangquan Road, and behind this dark red whirlpool... What kind of scene will be hidden?"

With full questions, Chen Feng took a step towards the dark red vortex in front of him, and his figure gradually disappeared into this vortex.

The buzzing ——!

accompanied by a buzzing sound, Chen Feng's figure completely disappeared from the pitch-black corridor and entered the ......world behind the dark red passage

"It's... What kind of place is this?"

In the mistant, Chen Feng felt as if he had come to another area of the underworld that was different from Huangquan Road.

It's just that the scene in front of me is a dark and dreary fog that obscures the vision.

When the fog gradually dissipated, the scene in front of him really stunned Chen Feng.

At this moment, the young man was standing on top of a three-story hill, and below it, there was a blood-colored river!

In the wide river, blood flowed naturally!

On the edge of the river, many tattered spears and forks lay on the ground, as if they were going to drive back something that had climbed up from the river of blood!

At the end of the river of blood, it was like a high mountain.

Chen Feng, who was in a high place, looked around, but found that the high mountain was full of rusty broken steel knives, and there was a sea of blood full of steel knife fragments under the high mountain.

Even from a distance, Chen Feng could smell a bloody stench similar to the smell of corpses, which made him almost nauseous.

Further on, there is a huge grinding disc.

It's a pity that the grinding disc at this moment has been broken into several pieces, and one after another hideous cracks continue to extend along the broken mouth to the surroundings...


at the scenes in front of him, Chen Feng couldn't help but be a little frightened.

"I'll be obedient, this can't be the legendary eighteen layers of hell, right?!"

At the same time, the ink-colored text of the underworld space once again distorted and appeared in front of Chen Feng's eyes:


Current Host's Location: The Eighteen Hells of the Underworld

contain facilities: Tongue Pulling Hell, Scissors Hell, Iron Tree Hell, Evil Mirror Hell, Steamer Hell, Iron Pillar Hell, Knife Mountain Hell, Iceberg Hell, Oil Pot Hell, Oxpit Hell, Stone Pressing Hell, Mortar Hell, Blood Pool Hell, Vain Death Hell, Saucer Torture Hell, Volcano Hell, Stone Mill Hell, Knife Saw Hell.

Broken things:

Tongue Pulling Hell (100% breakage)

Scissor Hell (100% breakage)


Degree of repair: 0%


Chen Feng carefully browsed the text in front of him, and then nodded.

"Go on, don't you have an introduction?"

As soon as the words fell, the words in front of me changed crookedly:


Description: The 'Eighteen Layers of Hell' is now completely shattered, and the host needs to complete the repair of the 'Eighteen Layers of Hell' according to the mission requirements.

When the repair progress reaches a certain level, some of the abilities of the 'Eighteen Layers of Hell' will be extracted.

Current Mission: Items needed to repair the broken Tongue Pulling Hell

: One Nedan of any level of Long-tongued Ghost Nedan

to complete the quest reward:

1. [Hell on Earth] will add the scene of 'Tongue Pulling Hell', and its power will also be increased.

2. Gain the ability to draw [Silence].

[Silence]: According to legend, all living people who sow discord, slander and harm others, flamboyant tongues, clever arguments, lie and deceive others, will be sent to the hell of pulling out their tongues and being punished after death.

In this hell, the imp will break open the mouth of the tortured, clamp the victim's tongue with iron tongs, and pluck it out alive!

As the name suggests, this ability makes the target unable to make any sound, as if it were mute.


“...... This ability... How do you feel that it is specifically aimed at Xie Zi'an?"

When Chen Feng saw the effect of [Silence], this idea came out unconsciously.

The way in which the word of truth is used lies in the word 'word'.

If the holder of this ability can't speak, then the [Word of Truth] won't be useless?"

Chen Feng touched his chin and smiled smugly.

"It just so happens that there is a long-tongued ghost in the No. 7 ghost tomb in this assessment, so let's just get a Neidan at that time!"


Half an hour later.

Chen Feng, who had wandered around the eighteenth layer of hell, yawned boredly and said,

"There are more facilities in this eighteen-story hell than those on Huangquan Road, but... Teachers, they probably won't want to come here. "

Joke, what ghost would be stupid enough to be willing to come to the eighteenth layer of hell? In comparison, isn't Huangquan Road fragrant?!

Immediately, Chen Feng didn't stay too long, just a thought, and withdrew from the underworld space.


Time is like an arrow, and in a blink of an eye, it is the day when everyone participates in the assessment.

As Xiao Fei expected.

In the four days before the assessment, Liu Xiao, Xie Zi'an and Su Qianyu broke through the bottleneck one after another and stepped into the 'morning' realm.

This incident also caused a lot of repercussions in the circle of the training camp.

Not for anything else, just because in the previous training camp, no recruit could break through to the 'morning' realm within a month of the start of the training camp.

Not to mention the appearance of four at a time!

In this regard, many instructors secretly rejoiced, saying that in the next few decades, the human race will not lack the talents of the pillars.

on the training ground.

In November, Yanjing has gradually shown some signs of winter.

The cold wind has gradually risen, and the white dew in the early morning has turned into frost, and the slightest cold air is like a small swimming snake, penetrating into the skin through clothing, making people want to shiver.

However, at this moment, on the training ground, all 237 recruits are wearing thin black long-sleeved physical suits, and they are running around the playground one after another!

This is their last warm-up event before the assessment - 5,000 meters of light clothing!

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