"Not bad. Chen Feng smiled slightly, "Except for the Long-tongued Ghost Inner Pill in my hand, we have harvested a total of one hundred and one Soul Soul Grade Inner Pills and seven Resentful Soul Level Inner Pills this morning. "

In fact, this kind of hunting performance can no longer be described as simply good.

In just half a day, even if it was a team of ghost slayers in the 'morning' realm, it was almost impossible to kill hundreds of spirit-level ghosts in the ghost tomb.

In this way, it is enough to show that the achievements of Chen Feng and others are very exaggerated.

"I remember Xiao Fei said before that a Soul Level Inner Pill is one point, and a Soul Level Inner Pill is ten points.

In other words, we now have a full 171 points. Liu Xiao snapped his fingers and counted carefully.

"It's only one hundred and seventy-one points, so little!" On the other side, Wang Hao said with some dissatisfaction.

"yes... It's not that high, indeed. Chen Feng put all the Inner Dan into the [Dimensional Space] and sighed helplessly.

Although this kill score is very good, if you convert it into points, it is really not high.

After all... The ghosts killed by the team are still mostly lowest-level spirits.

The atmosphere fell silent for a while.

After a long time, He Yuchen suddenly stroked the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said in a low voice:

"Anyway... Shall we go to the No. 2 crater next to it in the afternoon?"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes fell on the girl's body, and the latter felt uncomfortable.

"Uh... Why are you looking at me?" the girl asked, a little embarrassed.

"How long are you left from the 'Morning' realm?" Chen Feng said suddenly, opposite him.

"It should be OK tonight. He Yuchen said without thinking.

Hearing this, Chen Feng bowed slightly, and then shifted his gaze to the few people on the right.

"Tianfang, Xingye, and Ah Hao, what about the three of you, can you advance to the 'Chen' realm before tomorrow?"

Hearing the news, the three of them nodded and said in unison: "Yes." "

Then wait until tomorrow after all the 'morning' realms, and then go to the second crater. "

Yes!" replied at the same time.

Nothing to say for a while.

In the dim world, there was only a bonfire that emitted a faint light, beating slowly next to a large tent.

Time flew by, and in the blink of an eye, it was night.

At this moment, the seven teenagers and girls had already counted the results of the day, a total of three hundred Soul Level Inner Dan and twenty-two Soul Level Inner Dan.

Immediately afterward, the crowd discussed the order of the vigil for the next three days.

To put it simply, five male soldiers are responsible for the vigil today and tomorrow.

As for the day after tomorrow...

After a while, except for Chen Feng, who was in charge of guarding the first half of the night, the other six people lay down in their sleeping bags one by one, hid in the tent and fell asleep with their eyes closed.

Beside the dense bonfire, in the reflection of the beating firelight, Chen Feng turned sideways and sat alone on the dirt floor.

He turned his head to look at the sleeping people in the tent, and then turned his gaze to the inky night sky above him, ...... silent for a long time


The sun and the moon are like a shuttle.

In the blink of an eye, it was the morning of the next day.

In the dimly lit crater of the No. 2 volcano, a young figure in a black trench coat stood here like the same god of war.

In his right hand, he is holding a bright horizontal knife.

The blade of the horizontal knife is covered with blood-colored flame patterns with different rules, as if it was made by the furnace of heaven and earth, and it always exudes a majestic killing power of iron and blood.

Under the trench coat, a handsome and deep handsome face was staring at a blood-colored figure in front of him with a solemn face.

I saw that in front of him was a sneaky man covered in blood, emaciated, and unable to see his facial features—

Blood Demon!

In an instant, the young man's pupils turned into a pair ——!of

blue-purple pupils.

At the same time, the phantoms of the Ghost Gate Pass, Wangxiangtai, and Sansheng Stone also appeared behind the young man out of thin air at this moment.

Under the huge coercion of the three underworld space facilities, even if it was a blood demon at the peak of the demon level, its body unconsciously sank down an inch!

Around the boy and the blood demon, a group of ghostly ghosts with teeth and claws knelt down around the young man under this powerful divine power.

Chen Feng in the 'Morning' realm could already extend the realm range of [Hell on Earth] from the original radius of fifty meters to a radius of five hundred meters.

The difference of ten times is not small!

Suddenly, a sound similar to the breaking of bones ——! came into Chen Feng's ears.

The next moment, the blood demon in front of him was crushed by the coercion of [Hell on Earth] and broke his leg bones, and fell to his knees in front of Chen Feng with a thud!

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng's expression couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

But soon, Chen Feng, who came back to his senses, raised the Blood Flame Knife in his left hand, and then slammed a crescent-shaped arc light containing the power of [Hell on Earth] towards the Blood Demon on the opposite side!

In the blink of an eye, the crescent-shaped slash hit the throat of the Blood Demon on the opposite side!

However, this was enough to severely hit the knocking ghost who was still at the demon level at the beginning, but it only left a slightly hideous bloody mouth in the Blood Demon's throat!

The most important thing is that the latter, after noticing the scar on his throat and the pain on his legs, just stretched out his blood-stained hand and gently wiped it on it.

The next moment, the hideous wound on his throat that was deep and visible and the broken bones on his legs were restored to their original state!

It's really hard to deal with!" "

As early as when he was still in Shangdu before, Chu Weiguo had told Chen Feng that in the face of ghosts above the level of evil ghosts, if he couldn't kill them with one blow, the ghost qi in his body would be able to continuously heal the wounds on his body.

In other words, if you want to kill ghosts above the demon level, there are only three ways.

The first is to kill one of them with absolute strength,

the second is to attack faster than its recovery speed, and

the third is to continuously consume the ghost energy in the opponent's body, and when the ghost energy is exhausted, the healing ability will be eliminated.


At this moment, the Blood Demon suddenly raised his blood-stained arm and grabbed it straight at Chen Feng's throat.

In this regard, Chen Feng just smiled coldly, without the slightest intention of dodging, and let the other party grab his throat.

However, just as the Blood Demon was about to pinch the human in front of him to death, it found that no matter how hard it tried, it couldn't cut the throat of the human boy in front of

him! It's smoked to me!".

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