At this point, Xu Yin immediately glanced at Huang Mao who was lying on the ground by the power of the underworld space god with some curiosity, and asked out loud:

"Dare to ask your lordship, what kind of crime did this son commit that made your adult so angry?"

"Rape women several times, deliberately wound people and maim people several times, and have been acting as a member of the underworld forces in society before his death.

But... I always felt that it was too cheap for him to die like this.

So I plan that in the future, it will be up to you to torture him for a period of time in the eighteenth layer of hell, and then beat him to pieces.

After knowing what Kangfushi had done, Xu Yin, who had always been polite and polite, also couldn't help but widen his eyes at this moment.

The next moment, Xu Yin rushed forward and kicked Huang Mao's body one after another.

At the same time, he scolded angrily: "Fuck, you are not as good as a beast!"

After a while, it seemed that he was tired, and Xu Yin stopped panting.

Then, he bowed respectfully to Chen Feng and said,

"My lord, please rest assured, treat this kind of social garbage, the scum of the world, Xiaosheng will definitely let him be punished as he deserves!"

As he spoke, Xu Yin stepped forward, wanting to drag Huang Mao into the whirlpool passage of the eighteenth layer of hell.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng hurriedly stepped forward to stop the other party, "Don't worry, the scissors hell has just been repaired, and I will go with you this time." "

Okay!" Xu Yin nodded, then grabbed Huang Mao's hair, like dragging a dead dog, and followed Chen Feng into the entrance of the eighteenth layer of hell.


Inside the eighteen layers of hell.

As soon as a person, a ghost, and an animal entered this place, they were blown a little untenable by an oncoming bloody breath.

After feeling the oppressive atmosphere around her, Xu Yin shuddered unconsciously, "My lord, here... It's really not as comfortable as Huangquan Road. Hearing

this, Chen Feng just smiled lightly and didn't say anything.

Immediately, Chen Feng took a step forward and walked to the wooden table where the torture instruments were placed in the tongue pulling hell.

"Xu Yin, let's see if you can pick up these iron tongs. "

Iron tongs?" Xu Yin was stunned for a moment, and then dragged Huang Mao over.

Seeing the neatly stacked iron tongs on the old wooden table, Xu Yin unconsciously stretched out his hand and grabbed one of them.

And yet....

Nothing happened!

Chen Feng: (* ゚ー ゚*)

Aren't you cold?

Looking at Xu Yin in front of him, who was like a ghost, Chen Feng was stunned on the spot.


In order to verify the guess in his heart, Chen Feng once again opened the teleportation to Huangquan Road and brought the teacher and Ye Xiaole over together.

As expected, after the teacher and Ye Xiaole picked up the iron tongs, nothing happened at the same time.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng shook his head with a wry smile, and then turned his head to look at Xu Yin.

"Xu Yin, from today onwards, Huang Mao's punishment will be handed over to you to be responsible.

His tongue had to be pulled out ten times a day, and his twenty hands and feet had to be cut ten times.

Got it?"

"Got it, but... My lord, how long is this son's sentence?"

Chen Feng blurted out.

"So long?"

"The sentence in the underworld is already long. This... It's already short. "

Okay. Xu Yin shrugged his shoulders, looking indifferent.

Anyway, I didn't commit any crimes in my life, so why do I care about this? Just do what I tell you!"

Also, before the end of this guy's sentence, as long as there is a new hell repair, the punishment of the new hell will be added to him. Chen Feng added.

Xu Yin: (⊙ˍ⊙)

I'll it, my lord is really ruthless!

Kang Fuji (Huang Mao) :(; ́༎ຶД༎ຶ')

I rub it, don't you want to be so ruthless!

However, Chen Feng chose to turn a blind eye to Xu Yin and Kang Fuji's reaction.

At this moment, he just turned around and walked in the direction of the upper reaches of the Blood River.

Because the moment he entered the eighteenth layer of hell, Chen Feng clearly felt a bloody aura that was even stronger than before.

If nothing else, these bloody qi appeared because of the repair of the scissors hell!


"It's... Is it scissor hell?

How did I think it was... It's different!" At

this moment, in front of Chen Feng's eyes, there is the well-known second layer of hell - scissors.

Merely... The appearance of Scissor Hell is no different from Tongue Pulling Hell.

The only difference was that the torture equipment on the old wooden table had been replaced by iron tongs with blunt knives.

"It's just a torture device... Forget it, let's go to the Lethe River. Looking at the torture instrument on the wooden table, Chen Feng sighed boredly.

Immediately, he simply waved his hand and summoned the dark yellow vortex heading to Huangquan Road.

The next moment, Chen Feng's figure appeared on the avenue of Huangquan Road.

"Let's go, let's go see the Lethe River. Chen Feng muttered, and then took a step, galloping along the avenue under his feet.

Not long after, a bare black-gray land attracted Chen Feng's attention.

"Shouldn't this be the location of the Lechuan River, how is it a deserted land?"

Looking at the gray and dead ground in front of him, Chen Feng scratched the back of his head a little dazedly.

At this moment, an ink-colored text appeared in front of his eyes:

"... Lechuan River, just in the distance..."

Seeing this, Chen Feng hurriedly stood on tiptoe and looked into the distance.

Sure enough.

When Chen Feng stood on tiptoe and squinted his eyes to look ahead, a dark yellow river really appeared!

Is it the Lethe River?" Chen Feng muttered a few words in a trance, and at the same time, his feet moved involuntarily and walked in the direction of the dark yellow river.

When he came back to his senses again, he found that he was already standing on the bank of the Lethe River.

As far as the eye can see, apart from the river in front of you, there is only the boundless gray-black land left.

So, Chen Feng simply leaned down and sat down, turning his head left and right to look at the entire river in front of him.

When he looked at it from a distance, what Chen Feng saw was a long river with a dark yellow winding.

But when Chen Feng took a closer look at this time, he found that the river was not dark yellow, but translucent white!

However, under the bottom of the river, there was a dim yellow soil, reflecting a dull yellow faint light.

"I remember... The water of the Lechuan River seems to be called the Yellow Spring Turbid Water, right? It is one of the five holy waters of the Three Realms?"

Obviously, this sentence was asked for the underworld space.

The next moment, an ink-colored text condensed in front of Chen Feng:

"... That's right..."

"Can you post rewards and new quests?, how did I notice that your golden finger is always delayed?",



Lethe River Repair Progress: 100%

Lethe River Repair Quest Completed


1.Qualifications for Extracting Ability [Yellow Springs]

2.[Hell on Earth] Restoration Scene 'Lechuan River', [Hell on Earth] Power

IncreasedScissors Hell Repair Progress: 100%

Scissors Hell Repair Quest Completed


1.Draw Ability [

2. [Hell on Earth] Restore the scene 'Hell of Scissors', and the power of [Hell on Earth] is increased


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