I saw that in the dim corners of the shooting range, there were several headless corpses lying horizontally and vertically at this moment!

Moreover, the remains of these corpses had almost turned into pools of rotten flesh, and they were no longer human!

The originally smooth tiled floor was also stained with a layer of dark red by blood, exuding a fishy smell that ordinary people could not bear.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Chen Feng's eyes widened unconsciously, his pupils contracted, and a chill ran in his heart.

How could this be?

Isn't this just a drill?

How could it be that people were killed? Just

as Chen Feng was still digesting the scene in front of him in his mind, a creepy 'stinging, stinging, stinging' sound came from the ceiling above Chen Feng's head and into his ears.

If you listen carefully, it is not difficult to hear that this is the sound of fingernails scratching the cement wall, making a sound of rubbing!

As if thinking of something, Chen Feng raised his head sharply and looked towards the source of the sound on the ceiling.

I saw that on the smooth cement ceiling, a woman with a deformed body, dripping with dark red blood and black qi was like a spider at this moment, spreading her limbs and moving rapidly on the ceiling in an unimaginable way!

Although he could not count the ghosts he had seen and the ghosts he had killed.

However, it was the first time he had encountered such a strange ghost thing in front of him!

"There is no ghost cloak, is it a demon level?" Chen Feng glanced at the female ghost above his head and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the level is not high, so it shouldn't be difficult to deal with.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng closed his eyes suddenly.


this moment, the surging power of heaven and earth in the ——!!! jumped out of Chen Feng's body, and behind him, the six major facilities of the underworld space were formed—

the Ghost Gate Pass, the Wangxiang Terrace, the Sansheng Stone, the Lechuan River, the Tongue Pulling Hell, and the Scissors Hell!

At the same time, Chen Feng's pair of jet-black pupils also turned into a pair of blue-purple pupils in the blink of an eye!

"Evil ghosts, I don't know how many I killed at the Flame Ghost Tomb before!" With

the blessing of the ancient divine power all over his body, Chen Feng couldn't help but grin at this moment, and his fighting intent was high!

What Chen Feng didn't expect was that the demon-level female ghost on the ceiling, after seeing his [Hell on Earth], instead of being oppressed and kneeling down like the previous sneaky, turned into an afterimage, from the skylight of the shooting range...

Chen Feng: (°ー°〃)

Hmm? What's the situation?

A ghost creature that is immune to the divine power of [Hell on Earth]...

Is it wrong with you or something wrong with me?!!!

but what Chen Feng didn't know was that when he was stunned, the surveillance camera in the corner of the shooting range turned to his position without realizing it...


At the same time, the underground monitoring room.

"Haha!Old Wu, have you seen it, Chen Feng's stupid boy is stunned, hahahaha!!" In

the center of the monitoring room, after seeing Chen Feng's reaction, Xiao Fei actually held his stomach and laughed convulsively.

Beside him, Wu Dongchen chuckled and nodded, "No matter how smart Chen Feng is, he shouldn't be able to guess that this spider poisonous ghost is actually the 'tamed ghost' that we subdued by the ghost descendants!"

Hearing this, Jiang Chengfeng behind the two grinned and said with a smile:

"I said, let's do this, isn't it a bit unauthentic?

Remotely manipulating ghosts to fight with recruits, isn't this just playing them like monkeys?"

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Fei was not happy on the spot.

I saw that he turned around and met Jiang Chengfeng's gaze, "Chengfeng, what you said is not right."

If it's an ordinary recruit, there's really no need for us to manipulate these three 'tame ghosts'.

But the key is that in addition to ordinary recruits, there are still several demons above the S level in our training camp!

If this is not remotely controlled, this 'Spring Festival Gala' will definitely end in less than half an hour, how boring it is!"

"Hmm...... It's the same!" Jiang Chengfeng hugged his hands and bowed his head slightly.

"But then again, isn't it a little too difficult for the recruits to manipulate the 'Taming Ghosts' to play the 'game' like this?

After all, the combat effectiveness of these three 'Taming Ghosts' is relatively high, and the [Stand-in Clay Puppet] creates the illusion of the recruits dying.

I'm worried that under this kind of premise, the psychology of some recruits will not be able to resist. Wu Dongchen's eyebrows furrowed slightly, and he said in a deep voice.

"No, it won't. Xiao Fei shook his head, "I understand the soldiers I bring."

The group of children has been training for more than three months, during which they even went to the No. 7 ghost tomb.

Although not everyone has had a head-on battle with demon-level ghosts, the psychological quality has been somewhat sharpened.

I believe that even if some of them panicked, they will definitely be able to regain their form in a very short time.

"I hope so..."Wu Dongchen sighed and didn't say anything more.


Look, back inside the shooting range.

At this moment, Chen Feng was staring at the skylight where the female ghost had escaped, and he was quickly turning his brain, trying to figure out why this spider-like sneaky person was immune to the coercion of [Hell on Earth].

However, he racked his brains and failed to think that this ghost creature was actually a 'puppet' manipulated by Xiao Fei and others.

After a moment, he shook his head and pulled his thoughts back to reality.


Let's go see somewhere else.

Chen Feng retracted the [Blood Flame Knife] in his hand, then glanced at the corpse on the ground suspiciously, his eyebrows furrowed imperceptibly, and then turned around and walked out of the shooting range.

"Brother Feng, what's going on inside?"

"Lao Chen, what did you shout just now?"

"Ah Feng, are you injured?"

"Lao Chen, did you see something inside just now?"

Seeing Chen Feng walk out, Liu Xiao and the others hurriedly stepped forward, and you asked about the situation in the shooting range.

Hearing the news, Chen Feng waved his hand, "Go in and see for yourself, the ghost has run away, people... It's dead!" "


Hearing the second half of the sentence, everyone present felt a tingling in their scalps.

But fortunately, everyone present was indeed as Xiao Fei said, just after a moment of shock, they immediately stabilized their minds, and all of them looked around vigilantly, for fear of encountering a sneak attack by ghosts.

"Do you want to go in and have a look?

If you don't, we'll hurry to another place, time waits for no one."

Seeing that everyone was a little stunned, Chen Feng hurriedly reminded him.

Hearing this, everyone look at me, I look at you, look at each other, not knowing how to make a decision.

“...... Forget it, Brother Feng, let's go somewhere else, time is life now.

After a while, Liu Xiao looked at the swaying crowd around him, then exhaled heavily and said in a deep voice.

"Hmm. Chen Feng nodded, and then took the lead and ran towards the location of the dormitory...

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