As soon as these words came out, Jiang Chengfeng was immediately amused by the recruit's question.

"Comrade Tang Guangyan, do you think it is possible?

Not to mention the possibility that there will be more than 200 supernatural incidents in Yanjing in one day,

even if there is, how many recruits in our training camp can solve supernatural incidents alone?"

Hearing this, the recruit named Tang Guangyan also found that the question he asked was a little naïve, and scratched his hair in embarrassment.

For this little episode, Jiang Chengfeng did not take it to heart, but regained his former easy-going attitude, and continued to everyone in the audience:

"This assessment, like last time, is grouped in the form of a team, and each team is responsible for a supernatural event.

Speaking of this, Jiang Chengfeng paused slightly, "When this class is over, the captains of each team can come to my office and choose the supernatural events within the scope of their team's ability." "

Instructor, will the squad continue from the last assessment, or will it be regrouped?" asked one of the recruits.

"If you continue the last team and regroup, there may be a lack of tacit understanding with each other, which is a big taboo in the process of dealing with supernatural events!" Jiang Chengfeng said with a serious gaze.


Not long after, with the end of the course, Chen Feng, Xie Zi'an and other team leaders followed Jiang Chengfeng to his office.

When you enter the office, you will be greeted by a huge LCD screen hanging on the wall.

At the top of the screen, there are neatly lined up with information about paranormal events, which looks like a school report board.

"Elementary paranormal event, codename: Hotel Killer.

Description: In the Love Hotel in Lingyang District, at two o'clock in the morning every night, there will always be a figure that cannot be photographed by the surveillance, knocking on the door of any room in the hotel...

Reward: 10 points. "

"Intermediate paranormal event, codename: Butcher on a Rainy Night.

Description: Yesterday night in the Happy Valley of Jinnan District, some people witnessed a tall figure holding a machete when it rained...

Reward: 50 points. "

High-level paranormal event, codename: Theater Evil Spirit.

Mission description: In the early hours of yesterday morning, when a couple was watching a movie in a private theater, a female ghost in white with a cloak of hair crawled out of the movie screen...

Reward: 100 points. The

dazzling array of tasks on the "......" LCD screen dazzled many recruits for a while.

It's just that what makes Chen Feng a little unhappy is that among these tasks, the super-level supernatural events that represent white-clothed ghost-level ghosts seem to be only a palm.

At this moment, a line of red supernatural event information attracted Chen Feng's attention:

"(Suspicious) super-grade supernatural event, codename: Heterogeneous under the bridge."

Mission Description: A ghost hidden under the Jianjiang overpass, unwilling to take the initiative to hurt people, due to too little known information, it is impossible to determine its specific level...

Reward: 500 points. "

Instructor Jiang!" After seeing the information of this supernatural event, Chen Feng shouted to Jiang Chengfeng on the side.

"What's wrong?"

"Why is this 'alien under the bridge' so much higher than the average supernatural event?" Chen Feng stretched out his hand and pointed to the red font and asked out loud.

You must know that the reward points for the rest of the supernatural events are only 300 points, but this 'anomaly under the bridge' has as many as 500 points!

After seeing the supernatural event that Chen Feng was referring to, Jiang Chengfeng smiled,

"This is a supernatural event that happened half a month ago, it is said that this female ghost always hides under the overpass and cries, but never takes the initiative to hurt passers-by."

Later, Captain Liu of our Yanjing City team personally investigated and found that this supernatural event was more interesting, so he handed it over to our training camp to take over.

"That's it..."Chen Feng held his chin with one hand, "Then our team, let's choose this!"

"Are you sure?" Jiang Chengfeng raised his eyebrows.

"Sure, what, is there any problem?"

"It's not that the problem isn't a problem, it's main..." Jiang Chengfeng looked left and right, and found that the attention of the rest of the recruits was focused on the LCD screen on the wall, so he put his mouth to Chen Feng's ear and said in a low voice:

" The main reason is that when this supernatural event happened, Captain Liu Shaoming didn't notice it at all, so some people suspect that the sneaky in this supernatural event may be a ghost above the Yuan level!"

Hearing this, the corners of Chen Feng's mouth twitched violently, and his heart was messy.

Good guy, you don't even know the true realm of this ghost thing, so you dare to throw it to the recruits to deal with? This heart is also big, isn't it!?

After learning the news, Chen Feng hesitated.

If this ghost is just a white-clothed ghost, it doesn't matter.

But if this ghost thing is a meta-ghost or even a mysterious ghost... I don't dare to take Liu Xiao and a few of them on an adventure!

You know, with their current realm, let alone a Yuan ghost, even if they come to the peak of white clothes, it will be enough for them to drink a pot!

As if seeing Chen Feng's concerns, Jiang Chengfeng hurriedly patted the other party's shoulder, "Look at your scare, Yuan ghost or something... It's just a suspicion of false rumors, in fact, this female ghost is at the level of a white coat when she dies!" "

Chen Feng: (¬_¬)

Hehe, if you don't wear this military uniform, if you don't fit this instructor, I will have to kick you twice!

After hesitating for a moment, Chen Feng still decided to ask for the opinions of the team members.

So, he took out his mobile phone, took a photo, and sent it to the team's WeChat group, and sent the words of Jiang Chengfeng to the group chat.

After a while, the first message of @Chen Feng popped up.

Su Qianyu: @陈峰 I listen to you (✿◕‿◕✿)

Immediately after, the remaining five members of the team also expressed their opinions.

Shen Tianfang

: A real man, you should have the courage to challenge the unknown, Lao Chen, just choose this!

Zhan Xingye: +1

Wang Hao: +1

He Yuchen: Although it is a bit dangerous, but...

Looking at the news of all the people passing on his phone, Chen Feng chuckled and shook his head.

These guys, in terms of the ability sequence, may not be as good as themselves, but if there is a death sequence, they must be tied with themselves 001!

Immediately, Chen Feng put away his mobile phone and stretched out his hand to point to the red supernatural event.

"Instructor Jiang, all members of our team have unanimously decided to choose this 'outlier under the bridge' mission. Hearing

this, Jiang Chengfeng chuckled and shook his head, "Hey~ It's still good to be young, dare to fight."

After speaking, Jiang Chengfeng walked to his desk, took out a file from the drawer, and after a brief arrangement, handed it to Chen Feng.

"This is all the information for 'Aliens Under the Bridge', after you take it back, read it with your team.

In addition, before tomorrow's assessment, there will be no more training, so you should hurry up and make up for your shortcomings!"

"Thank you, instructor!" Chen Feng took the file and smiled lightly.

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