"Speaker Jiang, all the Earth Terrans..."

"Joining my Blue Mountain Empire does not mean being ruled by us."

"The Blue Mountain Empire has a highly developed civilization and will not rule any race."

"Join the Empire, you will only be protected by the Empire from the invasion of other Imperial civilizations."

"The purpose of my Blue Mountain Empire is to lead all kinds of intelligent life to develop together and evolve to a higher level of life form."

"Joining the Blue Mountain Empire will only be, and we will not interfere in your internal policies or interfere in your rule."

"Nominally, you are a subordinate race of the Blue Mountain Empire, but in all your actions, the Blue Mountain Empire will not interfere, let alone make offerings to the Blue Mountain Empire."

"The Blue Mountain Empire will only give you endless benefits and care."

"This kind of joining, more like an alliance, relies on each other to grow."

"The Blue Mountain Empire sees the potential of your race and helps you evolve quickly."

"If one day the Earth Terrans are strong enough to surpass the Blue Mountain Empire, the Blue Mountain Empire will join you in turn."

Tuoba Cold Wind did not say a word.

A primitive civilization like the earth, and even the degree of civilization it has today, is all promoted by them.

The Earth Terrans, there really is nothing for them to look at.

No one has ever been exposed to extraterrestrial life, and it is impossible to distinguish the truth from the falsity in Tuoba Cold Wind's words.

But everyone, still believed seven or eight points.

People are just a fleet that explores the starry sky, and they have the strength to kill the Earth Terrans countless times.

If the army is pulled over, the earth will not even be as good as dust.

At this point, there is really no need to lie with them.

What can you do if you see something and snatch it away?

In the absence of resistance, does it matter if it is true or false?

"What's the benefit?"

The most impatient Barbarian Martial Emperor couldn't help but speak.

With the civilization level of the earth, even the planet has not come out, and it is not a good thing to join such a powerful empire that has begun to explore the interstellar.

And the addition in Tuoba Hanfeng's words is not the kind of joining they understand.

Seeing the Barbarian Martial Emperor showing an interested look, Tuoba Hanfeng smiled slightly.

If you are interested, you are afraid to refuse directly without asking anything.

The prestige of the Barbarian Martial Emperor in the Earth Race is second only to Jiang Xiaolong.

Even if the Earth Terran is now led by Jiang Xiaolong, his words, deeds and will can definitely influence some of Jiang Xiaolong's thoughts.

"It's a lot better."

Tuoba Hanfeng looked up proudly: "Join the Blue Mountain Empire, first of all, the scientific and technological materials of the empire will be open to you." "

"Drawings of various models of space battleships, weapon construction methods that are thousands of times more powerful than nuclear bombs, supermetallic material extraction and synthesis technology, energy compression technology..."

"With the technology in the imperial database, your earth race can definitely go out of the earth in a short time, realize independent exploration of the starry sky, and truly become a member of the starry sky race."

The people around him, the emperor king, listened proudly, and his eyes kept flashing.

These alone are enough for the Earth Terrans to evolve countless years earlier.

Some time ago, although the parliament formulated that the future development of the Terran race, the focus was to develop martial arts and evolve life.

But the piece of science and technology has not been completely abandoned, and it is still a very important part of the evolution of the human race.

Because no matter how the Terrans develop, it is impossible for everyone to be a fourth-order life form that can cross the starry sky in the flesh.

In this way, technological assistance is also a top priority.

Only by stepping out of the earth and starting to explore the starry sky can the Terrans obtain a lot of resources and develop rapidly.

Tuoba Hanfeng continued: "Technology is one aspect. "

"In terms of martial arts cultivation, the empire will also give you a large number of dark energy exercises to guide you to the correct way of life evolution."

"Just like you as the Barbarian Martial Emperor, if there was no deviation in the direction of your Martial Dao Evolution Life, you would have become a fourth-order lifeform two hundred years ago."

Hearing this, the Barbarian Emperor was shocked.

He finally understood that it was not his own potential that was not enough, but that the evolutionary direction of life was wrong.

At this moment, the eyes of the other great emperors lit up.

The evolution of the Barbarian Emperor is biased, and so are they.

If they had the correct way of evolution of the Blue Mountain Empire, they would definitely be able to quickly become fourth-order lifeforms.

"We will also teach you the method of optimizing genes as a whole, for a maximum of fifty or sixty thousand years, to ensure that any newborn baby of the Terran will be a first-order lifeform."

"And through the platform of my Blue Mountain Empire, the Earth Terrans can also initially contact other intelligent races in the universe and understand the brilliance of the starry sky in the universe."

"Hmm... There are many other benefits, but I think these are enough for the Earth Terrans to know the sincerity of the Blue Mountain Empire. "

Tuoba Cold Wind did not continue.

All kinds of benefits, really have to be carefully said, you have to talk about a few hours.

For this newly discovered primordial planet, the Blue Mountain Empire has too many support policies.

And in addition to Jiang Xiaolong's expressionless face, the expressions of the Barbarian Emperor and others had told him that the Earth Terrans were willing to join the Blue Mountain Empire.

Don't talk about so many benefits.

All of these things he said casually are achievements that the primordial planet has not been able to achieve for thousands of years.

If you don't move, it's hell.

"What kind of existence is the Blue Mountain Empire?"

This time it was Emperor Shenwu who spoke.

He was the second emperor of the Earth Terran race, and established the Martial Arts Alliance, uniting all aspects of the Terran race that were divided at that time to resist the fierce beasts together.

In terms of prestige, he is not much weaker than the Barbarian Martial Emperor.

Tuoba Cold Wind is very patient and has all questions.

Even if it was just a third-order lifeform that asked him, he explained it carefully.

"The Blue Mountain Empire is the only cosmic empire in the Blue Mountain Star Domain, and there are twenty-eight intelligent races from different galaxies in the empire."

"Including your galaxy, one has ruled fifteen galaxies, and now the highest life form is a sixth-order life form."

"The technology of the empire is about to reach the level of a second-level civilization empire, and the initial contact is to use the dark energy of the universe as the energy source to drive matter."

"The annihilation cannon on our planetary space battleship is enough to kill a seventh-order lifeform with one shot."

"The evolution of life in our empire, as early as half a million years ago, reached the point that even babies born are first-order life forms."

"Six hundred thousand years ago, the Blue Mountain Empire mastered the space wormhole construction technology."


Every data burst out, every introduction, made these strong people who were almost like immortals smack.

Compared to the Blue Mountain Empire, the earth is terribly primitive.

They haven't even come out of the planet, and people have ruled dozens of galaxies.

Such an unimaginable behemoth really has a crooked mind about the earth, and can blast the earth to smithereens.

They only have the concept of cosmic dark energy here, and the Blue Mountain Empire has not only used martial arts cultivation, but even can rely on technology to use cosmic dark energy.

It is difficult to imagine the huge gap, they first heard the mysteries of modern civilization as wild people in the tribal era.

Many things, even the earth, have not been imagined in fantasy works.

"Barty, how about the Earth Terrans joining the Blue Mountain Empire?"

Jiang Xiaolong did not speak, but secretly asked Barty.

"Master, with the primitive degree of your earth, joining a first-class universe empire is definitely very beneficial to your civilization."

"With you in terms of cultivation, you don't need the help of the Blue Mountain Empire."

"But in the universe, very few races that only develop cultivation civilization coexist with technology and cultivation."

"Cultivation is an individual strength, and the development of science and technology is an overall power."

"If the Terrans want to quickly gain a foothold in the universe, they really can't do without technology."

"And in the nearby star domain, only the Blue Mountain Empire can choose."

"It's not nice to say, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid you wouldn't be qualified to join the Blue Mountain Empire."

"The first-level universe empire is not accepted by all races."

"Without development potential, how can people waste so many resources to support a race."

Jiang Xiaolong nodded secretly, the Earth Terrans at this moment are really not qualified to pick and choose.

The Blue Mountain Empire can already fancy it, and it is already thankful.

At this time, Jiang Xiaolong spoke: "Then what does my Earth Terran need to pay, you can't be so generous, you don't have any requirements." "

Tuoba Hanfeng nodded, knowing that Jiang Xiaolong was already moved.

At this time, the things that need to be paid to join the Blue Mountain Empire are much simpler than just now.

"There are two points!"

"First, if the Blue Mountain Empire is attacked by other civilizations in the universe, the Earth Terrans need to send troops to support."

Jiang Xiaolong nodded!

Everyone shares honor and disgrace, and it is inevitable to send troops when encountering this kind of thing.

"Second, if the Blue Mountain Empire certifies the second-level civilization of the universe, the Earth Terrans must also fully support."

After thinking about it, Tuoba Hanfeng added: "Certifying the second-level universe civilization empire, we are qualified to purchase the technology of other third-level universe empires to study. "

"These things will also be shared with the allied races."

Everyone has benefits, and the contribution should also be done.

In general, Jiang Xiaolong did not find a reason to exclude joining the Blue Mountain Empire in front of him.

Moreover, the current earth, the Blue Mountain Empire really encountered something, the earth did not even have the qualifications to help.

That is, for the time being, there are only benefits, and there is no little paying.

"So, what do you think of joining the Blue Mountain Empire?"

Jiang Xiaolong directly asked the Barbarian Martial Emperor and the others on the spot.

He can make a decision directly.

However, he does not want to give the impression of being overbearing.

What's more, in his opinion, none of these people around him who are extremely moved will refuse.




There was no accident, there was not a single person who objected, and the Terran council members present or not present all unanimously agreed to join the Blue Mountain Empire.

At this moment, both sides laughed.

"Order: Immediately prepare the highest level banquet to entertain our friends from the Blue Mountain Empire."

At this moment, the whole people boiled.

Because the Terrans will quickly enter the starry sky of the universe.

This milestone is tantamount to the revival of Spiritual Qi and the victory over the ferocious beast, and the significance to the Terran race is absolutely significant.

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