Sakya Empire, a sixth-level imperial civilization!

There are seven fifth-level civilization empires under its management, it seems that this number is very small, but each fifth-level civilization is in charge of dozens or even hundreds of fourth-level civilizations, and so on, this universe first-level and second-level civilizations are just a small to the extreme, and an entire civilization empire is not a drop in the ocean in the eyes of high-level people!

When a high-level civilization exists, it is enough for a low-level civilization to develop and collapse countless times, and the second stop of the cosmic genius assessment of Jiang Xiaolong's alien journey is here!

"Sakya Star, the blue planet is very similar to the earth, but I don't know how many times larger than the earth! Hera, let's go, go report! "



"Tianlongshan Empire No. 458."

"Tianlongshan Empire No. 459."

"Take your identity certificate, there will be a staff member to take the two to the rest area of the Tianlong Mountain Empire later, today I am busy with official business, please wait for the time being!"

After the staff left, Jiang Xiaolong and Hera looked down at the crystal in their hands, which contained several cosmic lingua franca numbers, representing the identities of the two.

"Hera, do you know anything about the second test?"

Hera nodded and said: "Naturally, I know, the second test is similar to the first neutron star assessment, and it is also to filter out the weak and some slave servants mixed in the crowd, and the second test is also a survival test!" "

"Tens of millions of people are assessed together, enter a specific secret realm to hunt among the alien races, according to the different strength of the alien races hunted, you can get points, and finally determine a hundred people according to the strength of the points!"

Jiang Xiaolong frowned, this test is tens of millions of people choose one hundred, this difficulty is a hundred times more, even a thousand times, to know that the people who signed up are killed by millions of people, Jiang Xiaolong's perspective The assessment is not difficult, but this is based on his strong strength that is different from ordinary people, ten thousand times the physical potential, his bloodline strength can reach the E level, or even the D level! Moreover, he is a star domain-level talent, as long as he does not die, it is not difficult to become a super-level martial artist!

Even in the sixth-level civilization is one of the few existences, on the other hand, her partner Hera, Hera was born in a third-level civilization empire, her bloodline level is much weaker than Jiang Xiaolong, and her talent is only comparable to the starry sky level, and the next assessment is more difficult for her.

"Xiaolong, if I eliminate you in this round, you must last until the fourth round, the fourth round of the genius assessment will start to fight in the consciousness universe, and then all galaxies will be broadcast, and I can see you too."

Although Hera said it with a smile, her expression was still a little bitter, after all, she was very likely to face elimination!

"Hera, I will definitely take you farther, trust me!"

Feeling Hera's concern, Jiang Xiaolong also responded to the other party with a smile.


On the second day, tens of millions of fourth-order warriors were brought to the starry sky, the gravity of Sakya Star is very exaggerated, as the main star of the sixth-level civilization, fourth-order warriors like Jiang Xiaolong can not fly on the surface of the planet, which means that the gravity of Sakya is so great that the strength of their fourth-order warriors is difficult to counteract.

At this moment, the one who led everyone to the void was a Winged Terran powerhouse, and as soon as this person appeared, Jiang Xiaolong heard Barty roar madly again.

"Little dragon, little dragon! This is a super-order lifeform! This Winged Man is actually a super-level lifeform! "

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaolong was also a little shocked, and secretly said: Is this a super-level lifeform?

With tens of millions of fourth-order martial artists instantly came to the void, and when they reacted and looked back, they were already far away from Sakya Star, and the other party's strength Jiang Xiaolong and the others did not have a single understanding, they could only feel the mighty power of the vast starry sky from the dark energy that wrapped themselves!

"Everyone, the entrance to the secret realm is ahead, I repeat the rules!"

The faint voice of the super-level winged man dispersed, even in this vacuum environment, this voice reached the ears of tens of millions of people in an instant.

"There is a strange beast living in the secret territory, whose life form is different from ours, and your mission for the next year is to hunt them! There are four levels of exotic beasts in the secret realm, ordinary exotic beasts are equivalent to second-order martial artists, intermediate exotic beasts are equivalent to third-order martial artists, and high-level exotic beasts are equivalent to fourth-order martial artists, and above this there are super exotic beasts, the strength is comparable to fifth-order martial artists, and even these super warrior species can give birth to more powerful existences! "

"Ordinary alien beasts are not counted in points, intermediate alien beasts are only one point for each hunt, advanced ten, super is one hundred points, if there is a strength to reach the sixth order of alien beasts, kill a reward of a thousand points, the secret realm does not allow killing other contestants, of course, the alien beast killer can only be said to be weak strength, your identity token can monitor you, killing alien beast tokens can be automatically counted into points, killed by the contestants we can also see, if such a thing happens... Hehe! "

As soon as the words of the super-step winged man fell, Jiang Xiaolong and Hera noticed the change in the scene in front of them, they had appeared in a valley, there were no contestants around, they should have been instantly moved to the secret realm by the super-step wingman, and they were thrown in immediately, he and Hera were holding hands, so they were not separated.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Jiang Xiaolong said with a smile: "It's still a beautiful mountain, but this day is a little uncomfortable, it is actually blood red." "

"Xiaolong, look!"

Hera's cheer attracted Jiang Xiaolong, and he looked at the place where Hera pointed out, and under the blood-colored sky there was a strange beast that looked like a lion but had a scorpion tail and wings on its back!

At the same time as seeing the strange beast, Jiang Xiaolong's spiritual power had already scanned the strange beast, and in an instant he found out what the super-level winged man meant by the different life structure, this strange beast has no spiritual power, that is, the kind that the earthlings say has a body but no god.

It was the first time he had seen such a life, even if it was an energy life and a mechanical life, they all had spiritual power and consciousness!

This alien beast is a little special, his spiritual power swept so that the alien beast did not move, Jiang Xiaolong and Hera glanced at each other, and then flew straight to the alien beast!

The latter is to see them, there is no spiritual power and consciousness exists, does not mean that it is a blind person, after finding the target, this alien beast roared madly, and then rampage, this lion alien beast is not small, the body size outside ten zhang is shaking, and its speed is extremely fast, Jiang Xiaolong did not use any power but to shake the alien beast with strength.


After an explosion, Jiang Xiaolong and Hera stood in place, and the lion beast fell down wailing!

"High-level exotic beast, fourth-order martial artist strength, very weak!"

Jiang Xiaolong casually commented on the strength of this strange beast, and at the same time, the identity token also changed.

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