Zhang Cheng's words made the hearts of these few people who came to certify the title martial artists tremble.

Betraying the Terrans is the first felony.

Once the charges are fulfilled, not only will he die, but his family will also be affected.

And there were only such a few people present, and it was really easy to find out if Jiang Xiaolong's evil thing spread.

Immediately, one by one, the openings are guaranteed not to be passed on.

Just kidding, if this is not said, the charge of betrayal of the Terran is fulfilled, who can bear it.

Even if it is not implemented, if you offend such a demon, there is no place for heaven and earth.

Successfully obtained his martial artist microchapter and martial arts mall ID, and under Huang Na's initiative, he exchanged phone numbers with the other party, and then left the martial arts alliance.

Jiang Xiaolong did not rush to log in to the martial arts mall, nor did he go to the martial arts hall to join.

He changed the bus a few times and headed east to the outside of the city.

The movement of the Dragon Demon Quenching Body Skill cultivation was too great, and it instantly attracted a large amount of vitality, and the city was not a good place to practice.

Now he is a bold man, and he is not afraid of encountering ferocious beasts outside the city.

In fact, the outside of the eastern city is not so dangerous, as long as it does not go deep into the wilderness, the probability of encountering a fierce beast is not high.

The City Guard and the hunting team of the Martial Arts Hall are cleaning up the monsters near the city.

It was still early, and it was time for those hunting squads to go out of town to hunt ferocious beasts.

Coupled with the outbreak of battle in Qinglong Mountain last night, there will be a stream of ferocious beasts coming to the eastern city, and there are many more people out of the city today than before.

There are those who form squads, and there are lone travelers like Jiang Xiaolong, so he does not attract attention.

The locomotives roared, and the convoys drove out of the eastern city and deep into the wilderness.

These who have a fleet are professional beast hunting teams.

Each of these teams is led by a grandmaster, and the members are all titled warriors, and they are also equipped with various heavy force firearms.

Some powerful teams, if fully equipped, can even hunt high-level ferocious beasts comparable to the Great Grandmaster.

In the past, Jiang Xiaolong's dream was to join such a team.

Of course, even if he is strong now, he thinks this way.

Hunting ferocious beasts to earn money is not something that can be done by one person.

The fierce beasts are all huge, and if you kill you, you have to drag back to the city to sell them for money, and there are some precious materials on the fierce beasts, and the fierce beasts must be taken down when they die.

Jiang Xiaolong will not know these things.

"When I return to the city, I will find a martial arts hall to join." "

These hunting squads will only accept the same martial arts hall.

This is to prevent people from killing people in their own ranks.

The same martial arts hall, if someone dares to do this, the martial arts hall will naturally stand up and investigate this matter.

This is also a benefit of joining the martial arts hall.

After taking out the veil belt and keeping it away from the sight of others, Jiang Xiaolong began to run wildly.

He ran wildly, like a giant beast running, and the ground rumbled.

With a strong kick, the ground directly cracked, the figure flashed, and the person had appeared seven or eight meters away.

Like a fierce wind, he began to sweep through the wilderness.

Soon, Jiang Xiaolong was more than ten miles away from the eastern city and came to a valley.

Looking back, the direction he came from was a mess, like a bulldozer pushing a road to the valley.

"It's savage!" Jiang Xiaolong shook his head.

Putting on a posture, he began to cultivate.


The high roar of the dragon sounded, startling some birds in the wilderness that had not become fierce beasts to fly up in a hurry.


Heaven and earth suddenly shook in unison, and the wind was raging in an instant.

The massive amount of vitality seemed to be crazy, and began to quickly gather above Jiang Xiaolong's head.

A wolf smoke formed by the atomization of Yuan Qi instantly appeared above his head.

The vitality is like a tide, and the river is pouring in.


In his body, it was as if something was shattering.

"The quenched body is doubled!" Jiang Xiaolong said with joy.

A hundred times the potential of the flesh, breaking through is almost like eating and drinking.

The next moment, his muscles and bones were in unison, his flesh was almost transparent, and his strength began to soar wildly.




A set of Dragon Demon Quenching Body Skills has only beaten one-third, and Jiang Xiaolong's basic strength has broken through the 10,000-jin mark.

Until the last move of the Dragon Demon Quenching Body Skill, his strength reached the point of fifteen thousand catties.

"I haven't been psychic yet!"

Tiger Demon Quenching Body Skill, his hundredfold potential flesh body was completed in the first pass, and the second time it was directly channeled.

The third time began to use the Tiger Demon Quenching Body Skill as the basis to deduce the Dragon Demon Quenching Body Skill.

But this dragon demon quenching physical skill, if you add the deduction, I don't know how many times, now it is still Dacheng boxing.

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