Jiang Xiaolong had already used the Heaven Killing Spear to cut a hole in his left arm.

It may be that the row is too deep, and the blood that flows out is dark black.

Jiang Xiaolong quickly swung his arm to the wound on the body of the iron bull.

Let the dark blood flow to the wound of the iron bull.

As soon as Jiang Xiaolong's blood touched the wound of the iron bull, the iron bull immediately felt a very strong burning sensation.

Seeing Tie Niu's somewhat ugly expression, Jiang Xiaolong knew that it might be due to his own blood being too domineering.

Brother Niu couldn't bear it, so he quickly went up and touched the blood flowing to the wound of the iron bull.

Just as Jiang Xiaolong thought, when he just started to touch the blood, the wounds on Iron Bull's body suddenly healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a cool feeling of comfort spread throughout Iron Bull's body.

Since Jiang Xiaolong's blood had already entered Iron Bull's body, the rest of the wounds on his body had healed quickly.

This made Jiang Xiaolong very excited, proving that his experiment was successful again this time.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaolong's body had the energy of the divine spring water.

The wound on his left arm also healed quickly, and Tie Niu was relieved.

Only then did Tie Niu discover that Jiang Xiaolong's blood had not only cured his trauma.

Even the heart pulse that was injured in his body gradually improved, there was no pain like before, and he could soon contain true qi.

The two of them looked at Xiao Bai at the same time, who was already four or five meters wide on one side, and Kong Qiu and the others had already surrounded Xiao Bai.

But Xiaobai did not have the slightest fear, and was still unscrupulously releasing rich energy.

Iron Bull asked with some doubt: "Xiaolong, what are you doing here, why don't you make a move?" "

Jiang Xiaolong smiled faintly and said viciously: "Don't worry, I want to let them live better than die, and finally beg me to kill him." "

"Well, this old man has done a lot of evil, if it weren't for him Qian'er wouldn't have died, if it weren't for him, you wouldn't have suffered those sins, so it would be fair to him."

Kong Qiu's old green face had folded together, and his expression was extremely ugly, and at this time, he already knew that he had chosen the wrong choice.

He shouldn't have challenged this demon pet, but he regretted where he bought the medicine, and if he really had, it would be better than not offending Jiang Xiaolong before.

Jiang Xiaolong and Tie Niu walked forward, Tie Niu saw Kong Qiu's current psychology, and said: "You are an old man, now you know that you regret it, but it's too late, why did you frame Xiaolong earlier and kill Shuang'er." "

Xiaobai's energy air shield had already surrounded Kong Qiu and the others around it at this time, and I saw that the stinger on the tail behind it slowly extended, releasing a thick black poisonous mist in the air shield.

Kong Qiu and the others wanted to resist, but after asking about the poisonous mist, they had no strength in their bodies, and it was very difficult to stand up.

Xiaobai's poisonous mist had also been seen by Jiang Xiaolong before, but he didn't know what kind of effect the poisonous mist it released now.

However, he didn't worry too much that Xiao Bai would directly kill Kong Qiu and them like this, because he had already told Xiao Bai before.

And Xiaobai has also agreed with his idea, since Xiaobai released a poisonous mist at this time, it must have its own ideas, he doesn't have to worry about anything now, he just needs to wait for Kong Qiu to ask for mercy.

Xiao Bai's black poisonous mist quickly invaded the entire air mask, and Kong Qiu and the others had extremely painful looks on their faces.


The guards rolled to the ground, desperately grabbing their bodies with their hands, as if they were itchy.

Immediately afterwards, Kong Qiu also began to scratch desperately, and roared with tears: "It's so itchy, it's so itchy!" "

Tie Niu smiled faintly and said: "Old Pifu, you deserve the end of all this today, enjoy it, haha!" "

"Ah! I can't stand it, I can't stand it! "

Kong Qiu's clothes at this time had been completely clawed by himself, and the itch that soaked into the bone marrow made him almost unconscious.

But Xiaobai seemed to know, every time he was about to fall into a coma, he weakened the toxicity of the poisonous mist.

When he just had some strength, he once again increased the output of the poisonous mist, causing him to almost collapse mentally several times.

Feeling Xiaobai's thoughts, Jiang Xiaolong said with a cold smile.

"This is just the beginning, the good drama behind has not yet begun, the second elder of the outer gate, you have to hold on."

"By the way, at this time you are still a little conscious, thank you for the house you gifted, I think there are still many of your family members there, I will tell them to enjoy it until death, haha!"

"You... You, the old man fought with you! "

Kong Qiu said excitedly.

Xiao Bai saw that this old guy still had the strength to stand up, wagging his tail wildly, and the stinger at the tip of his tail directly pierced Kong Qiu's left arm.


Kong Qiu roared heartbrokenly.

Jiang Xiaolong was nervous, afraid that Xiaobai would kill him this time, but the next second he was not worried, and Tie Niu also praised him happily.

I saw Kong Qiu from being stabbed by the little white stinger to the left arm began to rot, at first the flesh, tendons, and then even Senbai's bones were corroded, the scene was miserable.

Seeing this scene, the innate guards around Kong Qiu were dizzy.

Some of the slightly timid ones had already fainted with fright, and the remaining few were also tormented by the itch on their bodies, lying on the ground crying for Jiang Xiaolong to spare them.

Jiang Xiaolong remembered the scene when Kong Qiu and his son Kong Feng mutilated Qian'er, and the trace of pity in his heart had long been extinguished.

After such things, Jiang Xiaolong has long understood that being soft-hearted will only cause more trouble for himself, and he must do things cleanly and in one step.

Especially in the face of the enemy, if you let him go today, tomorrow he may think of a way to kill you.

The iron bull roared angrily and corruptly: "You scum, you should have died a long time ago, where did you run away with such majestic strength just now, you guys try it now!" "

"Why is my iron bull called iron bull, you still don't know very well, my mother said that I was born to make me a cow, understand no, dare to cow in front of me, you are looking for death."

One of Kong Qiu's left arms was quickly corroded, and he woke up several times unconscious, and his eyes were bleak and he looked at the lost left arm.

Looking at the black poisonous mist that was still hovering above his left shoulder, he finally couldn't bear it, and knelt down for Jiang Xiaolong, gritting his teeth and trembling and said.

"Please, kill me, kill me!"

Iron Bull burst into laughter and said to Jiang Xiaolong.

"Xiaolong, you really opened Brother Niu's eyes today, as you said, he really knelt down for you, you Brother Niu I admire very much."

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