Hearing her sobbing softly, Jiang Xiaolong could no longer control the curiosity in his heart.

Striding forward, he grabbed her and domineeringly lifted the cloak on her head.

Just listening to Xiao Yue's voice, she didn't make any preparations before, and she didn't expect Jiang Xiaolong to do this.

The two looked at each other, time suddenly stood still in this second, the power of love, so that both of them forgot time.

After a long time, Jiang Xiaolong's numb body recovered slightly, looking at everything that could not happen in front of him, and was surprised.

"Yue'er, is it really you?"

Xiao Yue violently threw away Jiang Xiaolong's hand, threw his hand on Jiang Xiaolong's face without hesitation, put on the bucket again, turned his head and ran.

Jiang Xiaolong was stunned in place, touching his face that was still slightly hot.

Immediately reacted, shouting while chasing.

"Yue'er, is it really you, what's wrong with you."

"I'm Jiang Xiaolong, I'm your little dragon!"

"Have you forgotten the promise we made to each other earlier?"

"For more than three years, I have been worried about you all the time, not thinking about you, you wait for me."

Although Jiang Xiaolong was chasing behind, Xiao Yue still did not look back.

She knows her current situation very well, and knows that even if she turns back.

It is impossible for her and Jiang Xiaolong to go back to the past.

Let the tears mercilessly wet your face, and let the pain in your heart be like a knife.

She didn't mean to look back at all, running all the way... Crying all the way...

She no longer has any illusions about love.

"Yue'er, Yue'er..."

Three years of longing all burst out at this moment.

Jiang Xiaolong would let Xiao Yue go, and he chased after him.

Not far away, the sand eagle ordered the people to quickly lift up, lying on the ground unconscious Chi Life.

He simply scanned Chi Life's body with his soul sense, and his face showed a burst of horror.

Beads of sweat rolled down his forehead and said anxiously.

"Quick, quickly help the young master into the carriage and drive back to the archbishop."

Those who were standing next to them who were slightly stunned came back to their senses.

Hearing the order, he didn't dare to ask anything more, and quickly carried Chi Mei back to the large carriage in the distance.

Sha Ying quickly got into the carriage and took out a white pill for Chi Mei and took it.

After that, he transported a strong True Yuan power and transported it to Chimei.

Seeing that Chi Mei did not have any looks, a burst of anger rose in his heart.

"Steward Sha, look at what to do with that kid who hurt the young master, do you want us to go over and solve him to avoid future troubles."

A masked old man said with a slight trembling.

Sha Ying lifted the curtain of the carriage window, looked at Jiang Xiaolong, who was chasing the mysterious woman in the distance, and said coldly.

"The young master's injury is very serious, we must rush back to the archbishop immediately."

"Otherwise, it may be unimaginable, as for that kid, you can let him be proud for a few days first."

"I think that after the archbishop knows about this, he will definitely take action against that kid, and then we won't have to worry about it."

The masked old man did not dare to ask more, and quickly drove the carriage towards the depths of darkness.

Jiang Xiaolong's running speed in the mountains is by no means ordinary, after all, he is also professionally trained.

When he was in the Barbarian Valley, his running speed was no less than that of a rapidly running cheetah, which could be said to have reached the limit of human running.

In just a few steps, he caught up with Xiao Yue in the rush, and he was a little unsure that the person in front of him was Xiao Yue.

But at this time, seeing the woman who had cried into tears, Jiang Xiaolong had also decided.

This must be Xiao Yue, who he has been thinking about for three years.

In order to stabilize Xiao Yue, Jiang Xiaolong grabbed Xiao Yue's shoulders with both hands.

No matter how she flicked, she still couldn't escape Jiang Xiaolong's clutches.

"Yue'er, I'm Jiang Xiaolong, don't you remember me."

"More than three years ago, that night, that parting vow, that bizarre story."

"Yue'er, what's wrong with you, is someone bullying you."

"Or any other grievances, you can say them all, and I will share them for you."

Jiang Xiaolong, who is somewhat simple in terms of love, does not feel that this is his responsibility at all, and his eyes are full of innocence.

Looking at Jiang Xiaolong's firm eyes, Xiao Yue gradually stabilized.

But the vigor in his eyes did not weaken in the slightest, and he smiled coldly and said.

"Hehe, who is Jiang Xiaolong? I have long forgotten, that night, that parting vow, that bizarre story..."

"It's ridiculous, don't you remember!"

"Don't tease me, I've heard everything you said to that girl just now."

"What a great love it is to die for a girl, and what am I in front of this great love of yours?"

"You let me go, I don't want to see you again in my life, and there is no more relationship between us."

Hearing Xiao Yue's large pile of bitterness, Jiang Xiaolong was stunned in place.

Thinking of the scene that Chi Mei and Zi Huan staged just now in order to stabilize him, a little apology appeared on his face.

In fact, he now only has sympathy, debt, and pity for Zi Huan, and does not have any wrong thoughts.

He choked up for a while: "Yue'er, you listen to my explanation, it's actually not what you think." "

"Zi Huan and I are not boyfriend and girlfriend concerned, don't misunderstand."

"Those were just acting, please trust me?"

Xiao Yue's IQ on the head of anger is zero, how can he easily believe Jiang Xiaolong's words again.

The tears in the corners of his eyes flooded again, and he said with a wry smile.

"Hehe, acting, an acting that jokes about life I would rather believe is true."

"If you have to talk about acting, then I hope this drama will never end, I wish you happiness."

After speaking, Xiao Yue violently left Jiang Xiaolong's hands and left without looking back.

Only Jiang Xiaolong, who was still stunned, was left, watching Xiao Yue's figure leaving.

He remembered what he had just said that even he didn't quite believe, smiled bitterly, and shook his head.

"Take life to act, who will believe it, you are really stupid."

Jiang Xiaolong had completely fallen into pain.

Without any energy to chase, Xiao Yue, who had gradually left, time stood still in this second.

"Xiaolong, Vice General Jiang..."

Zi Huan and Iron Bull trotted over, and saw the stunned Jiang Xiaolong shouting at the same time.

Jiang Xiaolong's numb nerves were awakened, and then he looked into the distance, and there was no longer any Xiao Yue's figure, and he roared with tears in his heart.


Then he frantically chased towards Xiao Yue's departing figure, how could he give up just like this for the only chance in the past three years.

Running all the way, shouting all the way, his legs are numb, his voice is dumb, his eyes are spent, and he still doesn't have the appearance of Xiao Yue.

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