Jiang Xiaolong has one thing that is worth affirming, that is, Grandpa Medicine Master must have a great hatred with this guy Phoenix.

"Grandpa Medicine Master, how can I leave in this case, otherwise I will be unkind."

"I don't want to bear such a stigma in the future, so this time I want to advance and retreat with you."

"No matter how cowhide that guy from Queen Feng is, I will definitely not leave."

At this time, the anger around him was becoming more and more tense, and he could already clearly feel the fiery feeling of fire,

Grandpa Medicine Master's heart tightened, he withdrew his thoughts, and stared at Jiang Xiaolong with dead eyes,

From his tattered clothes, he took out the red elixir that had been refined by the flames of the fire phoenix before, and said.

"Xiaolong, this is the hard work of Grandpa Medicine Master's life,

When you hold it, you originally thought that after you got the phoenix crown, you would give its spiritual power to this elixir,

Creation of a powerful fire martial soul, but now it seems impossible,

You hold it, and when the time comes, if you really have the strength to return later, you must take the phoenix crown,

Then go to Dragon City to find a medicine elder named Qian Xiu, he can explain all this to you, go quickly! "

Looking at the medicine master's grandfather's miserable white and somewhat furious expression, Jiang Xiaolong's eyes became even more firm, as if he had also lost patience, and shouted.

"I have already said that I can't leave in this critical situation, and I won't ask for your things."

"Since you came here because you helped me, then I don't care what kind of feud you had with Queen Feng before."

"At least now because of me, it's impossible for me to leave."

Grandpa Medicine Master was shocked, looked Jiang Xiaolong up and down, hesitated for a long time, smiled faintly, and said. "Good fellow, Xiaolong seems that I really didn't look away, you are good."

"There is no fear of death but color, so it is not easy to have such perseverance at such a young age."

"In addition to your own qualifications, there will be great success in the future, but unfortunately, we..."

"Grandpa Medicine Master, you don't need to say more, I have considered all the consequences,

Besides, we don't have a chance to defeat it, and maybe there are other ways to deal with it.

Let's say we hide together, and then we take advantage of it when it's not looking.

Attack its weaknesses, so that the certainty of victory will be greater. "

Faced with such a situation, Jiang Xiaolong couldn't care about what heroes were not heroes.

After all, this is a duel of great strength, either it dies or I die, only the one who is smart enough and brave enough is the last Venerable.

"No, it's too late for everything, not to mention that this is also at night, and we don't dare to go around in a big way."

"If you accidentally fall into the bottomless crevices below, it will be very unworthy."

Grandpa Medicine shook his head.

Although at this time, you can already see the faint fire on the Phoenix Queen.

But they don't see their surroundings very clearly, which means they have to be careful every time they go.

Otherwise, there is a high probability of falling into the rock crevice.

Just when the two were at a loss, a familiar voice sounded in Jiang Xiaolong's heart.

"Master, I can give it a try."

Jiang Xiaolong fixed his mind and thought about it, it turned out that Xiao Bai on his shoulder was communicating with his heart.

Although he had seen Xiao Bai's strength before, he was still very worried at this time.

After all, this is a Innate Spirit Beast rank-level Demon Beast, and its strength is extraordinary.

"Xiaobai, this can't work, it's the Queen Phoenix who came this time,

It may be dozens of times stronger than the strength of the previous fire phoenix, wouldn't it be too risky. "

Jiang Xiaolong worriedly transmitted to Xiaobai.

"Master, I have my own measure, I have already guessed its approximate strength, I think it should be similar to me."

Xiao Bai muttered.

"What? Similar to you, do you already belong to the innate spirit beast level demon pet, it's incredible. "

Jiang Xiaolong was shocked and sweated furiously.

"The master is too late, I'll tell you later, I'll go to meet this guy first."

Xiao Bai said as he swooped down from Jiang Xiaolong's shoulders.

At this time, Jiang Xiaolong was not easy to block, and he could only hope that Xiaobai was fine.

When Grandpa Medicine saw Jiang Xiaolong's Xiaobai act like this, he was also slightly shocked in his heart, wiped a handful of fine sweat, and said in his mouth.

"Little dragon, your demon pet is as stubborn as you, I have been walking the rivers and lakes for so many years,

This is the first time I've seen this situation, and you've really opened my eyes. "

Jiang Xiaolong still had a pleasant thought, forced a smile on his face, and quickly followed behind Xiaobai.

Grandpa Medicine quickly followed, and Xiaobai's arrogance made him once again have a new assessment of this duel.

The terrifying sense of oppression gradually increased as they approached, and Jiang Xiaolong quickly protected his heart with the power of True Yuan,

Worried that he would be put down by this terrifying sense of oppression before he came to him, he was also surprised in his heart,

Previously, he had never imagined that this phoenix queen could make him feel the urge to spray nosebleeds just by a sense of oppression.

"Xiaolong, you must remember to defend later, this guy from the Queen of Phoenix is not only strong,

There is also a human-like IQ, which is very difficult to deal with,

Don't give it any loopholes, so that we can have a glimmer of victory. "

Grandpa Medicine Master instructed as he walked, and gave Jiang Xiaolong a qi replenishing pill again,

I am afraid that for a while, he will lack vitality and will not contain the power of True Yuan.

Jiang Xiaolong's body has the assistance of divine veins, and he is not too worried about not containing the power of true yuan,

So he first put away the gray qi replenishing pill that Grandpa Medicine Master gave him, but it was time to be in case of emergency.




The rock wall next to it made a strange noise, as if it was burned,

At this time, they could already see the swollen shadow of the Queen of Phoenix, like a wall of fire.

Xiaobai has already grown to a length of seven or eight meters, and the tip of the tail behind him has a height of four or five meters,

The black stinger is always more than a meter long, and at this time a rich black poisonous gas spewed out towards the wall of fire,

It should be an opponent, and Xiaobai also made a strange cry at this time.

Queen Feng had also discovered them at this time, and she was also very excited to scream after feeling Xiaobai's existence.


With its loud shout, a green pillar of fire that was twenty or thirty meters long erupted towards them.

"Little dragon, be careful, if you can avoid it, we can't resist this Xuan Fire it spews out."

Grandpa Medicine Master shouted loudly at Jiang Xiaolong while jumping flexibly.

Jiang Xiaolong had also felt the power of that pillar of fire, and he was secretly surprised in his heart,

Is this the Xuanhuo that Grandpa Er Cang said to himself, such a power is really terrifying, no wonder the refining instrument must have Xuanhuo.

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