And the problem of ferocious beasts!

What really threatens the survival of the Terrans has never been the fierce beasts that naturally evolved on the planet after the revival of Reiki, but the fierce beasts in the secret realm.

The ferocious beasts in those secret realms naturally hate the Terrans and regard them as food.

Moreover, these fierce beasts are also more fierce than naturally evolved fierce beasts.

As for the martial arts exercises, Jiang Hai really didn't know how they originated.

After all, it was five hundred years before the aura was revived.

At that time, everything evolved, and various species evolved towards higher life like crazy.

At that time, the Terrans were the hardest time, and they almost perished.

How martial arts appeared and spread among the Terrans has long been lost in the course of five hundred years of history.

Not to mention that he is only a low-level titled martial artist, even a higher-level Titled Grandmaster Grand Master, he does not necessarily know these things.

Jiang Hai was stunned, all this subverted his three views.

He thought that everything in the Terrans was a natural evolutionary process.

But in Tian Yuan's mouth, this is obviously not the case at all.

In addition to the revival of Reiki, even technology is promoted by the black hand behind the scenes.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his spine, and he shivered.

Behind the scenes, promote the development of Terran science and technology, promote the recovery of Reiki, teach Terran martial arts, and use a large number of fierce beasts to fight with Terrans.

They sit and watch!

What exactly is this done for?




Or maybe this is just a live-action live broadcast drama, everything experienced by the earth is actually an ant evolution process in the eyes of advanced civilizations.

If this were the case, it would be too sad for countless Terran warriors to come forward and defend racial dignity.

"I don't believe what you said!"

Jiang Hai roared in his heart, his expression terrifying.

He said he didn't believe it, but his emotions were almost crazy.

"According to what you said, what is the purpose of doing so many things behind the scenes."

"They want to destroy my Terrans, and they can do it with a flip of their hands."

"To grab resources, with the means they can control so many ferocious beasts, they take the earth's resources as they want."

"And with the means they can create Reiki revival, there is something on my earth that they can see."

"I don't think it can bring them any benefits to such an existence."

Yes, to the existence that can trigger the revival of Reiki, the Terrans are like ants in their eyes.

With so much time spent hundreds of years pushing everything out, there is a must.

He couldn't imagine the black hand behind it, plotting something for the Terrans.

Tian Yuan shook his head: "With your height and knowledge of the starry sky of the universe, you can indeed only think of these things." "

"The revival of Reiki is indeed incredible for the earth, a planet that is still in the primitive era."

"You don't think anyone else can go to great lengths to do this."

"But you have to know that the Yuan Qi is only the lowest level of energy in the universe."

"For higher civilizations, some powerful higher beings, vitality is like car exhaust, and they are not even allowed to enter their own domain to pollute them."

Jiang Hai was stunned, and his heart was shocked.

Is the cosmic starry sky so colorful?

This has led to the crazy evolution of all things on the earth, which is actually just a low-level energy, and is even regarded as pollution by some advanced civilizations.

But he couldn't figure it out even more.

These alien civilizations are so developed, what else is there on Earth that they seek.

This Tian Yuan, who suddenly appeared in his body, actually knew so many secrets.

"So, according to what you say, what are they plotting against my Terrans? What is plotting against my earth? "

Jiang Hai asked sharply.

"Life! Life is always the most eternal topic in the universe, the most brilliant fireworks. "

"The starry sky of the universe is so huge, boundless, and on the endless planets, there are very few planets that can give birth to life races."

"A group of primordial life that has not yet stepped out of the interstellar universe is an unimaginable wealth for the starry sky universe."

Jiang Hai's color changed, and he vaguely understood the meaning of Tian Yuan's words: "Tian Yuan, what do you mean by this?" "

Tian Yuan smiled coldly: "What do you mean?" "

"Maybe you don't know that before the revival of Reiki, some of your Terrans spent millions to buy a pet."

"Some rare varieties, tens of millions are possible, what do you think this means?"

"The rarer the pet, the more valuable it was in that era."

Jiang Hai's back was chilled and he was terrified.

The higher beings in the starry sky of the universe are cultivating the earth race as rare animals.

Reiki revival is evolving them, evolving rare pet breeds to sell for a large price.

When he thought of the high-level life in the starry sky of the universe, every family had a pet person, and he couldn't stop snoring.

Is this what Tian Yuan said, the miserable fate of the Terrans in the future?

At this moment, Jiang Hai was cold all over!

ps: Thank you to the book friends for finding the big reward where she sings in the resonance, kneel thanks!

Originally planned to change the sixth today, save the manuscript tomorrow on the shelf, and add the seventh in the evening Thank you for the great appreciation.

Without further ado, the author must write with heart and repay all readers who support this book.

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