Jiang family!

Jiang Xiaoyu has returned from the martial arts hall and is watching TV with Jiang Yi Jianghai.

On the TV, a photo of a fallen warrior and preliminary statistics are being broadcast at this moment.

Named warriors, 1,832 killed.

Named Grandmaster, eighty-five killed in battle.

Titled Grand Master, plus the city lord Yanbei killed six people.

A string of bloody values, which makes people look moving.

These people are all heroes who died to protect the eastern city.

Outside the house, there was a faint sound of pain.

In this building, apparently there were also titled warriors who died in the war.

In this battle, in addition to the titled warriors, more Titled Grandmasters and Titled Grand Grandmasters died than in the battle of Qinglong Mountain a few days ago.

The magnitude of the great war can be imagined from this.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaolong became the hero of the East Lincheng, and they couldn't be happy.

A titled grandmaster, the entire million population of East Lincheng, an average of a dozen or eighty-five are born a year, and it takes five or six years for East Lincheng to cultivate.

As for the title of Grand Master, there are even fewer, it is good to be born one a year.

Although this battle was won, it was really a crushing victory.

Of course, the reason why the Titled Grandmaster and the Titled Grand Master died so much, the mortality rate was greater than that of the Qinglong Mountain Frontline.

The deeper reason was that the Titled Grandmasters and Titled Grand Masters who remained in the Eastern Lincheng City were those who were old, their blood qi began to decline, and their combat effectiveness was no longer at their peak and they returned to the rear to cultivate.

The reason for dying so much is also because many old grandmasters have died with the intention of giving more young people their lives with their own deaths.

For example, the old grandmaster who sold fruits before, at the first time of the battle, exchanged his life for the life of a middle-level ferocious beast.

He felt that it was worth it, because it freed up more power of the Title Grandmaster to fight with other fierce beasts.

Jiang Hai, while watching TV, also communicated with Tian Yuan in the spiritual world.

"Tian Yuan, after I get better, what should we do next?"

Seeing the tragic data, he couldn't help but ask Tian Yuan's next plan in his heart.

Although Tian Yuan claimed to have found the wrong person, now, he and Jiang Hai are one, and he can only rely on Jiang Hai to complete the task of saving the Terrans.

"I will pass on to you a dark energy quenching body technique first, and when you cultivate this dark energy quenching body exercise to perfection, you will obtain the dark energy rune."

"At that time, you will declare that the exercise was created by you, and then announce this dark energy quenching body exercise to the entire human race."

Tian Yuan was unhurried, obviously he already had a plan for everything.

Dark energy quenching exercises?

Dark energy runes?

Jiang Hai's face was full of confusion, and he had never heard of any dark energy exercises and dark energy runes.

"What kind of broken plan are you, I have already given birth to blood qi, and I don't need to practice the Quenching Body Technique."

"What use does your body quenching exercise have for the Terrans, and it is not a peerless divine skill."

"Also announce to the entire Terran race, announcing a body quenching exercise? At that time, I am afraid that I will be laughed to death, who will see your quenching exercises. "

Being ridiculed by Jiang Hai like this, Tianyuan trembled with anger.

I thought that I released a big move to shock Jiang Hai.

Who knew that this ignorant guy laughed at him because of his ignorance.


"The Yuan Qi you cultivate, I said that it is one of the lowest energies in the universe, and some higher beings even regard the Yuan Qi as pollution."

"Cosmic dark energy is an energy that is higher than Yuan Qi, and it is also a cultivation energy common to all races in the starry sky, which exists in all corners of the universe."

"Your current cultivation exercises are the worst Yuan Qi cultivation exercises, compared with the dark energy exercises, one day and one earth."

"Whether it is the speed of cultivation or the limit of growth, the Yuan Qi Gong is not comparable to the Dark Energy Technique."

"Put it in the starry sky of the universe, others don't look at the Yuan Qi Gong Method."

"I'll give you the Dark Energy Quenching Body Technique first, that is, you can't give all levels of Dark Energy Exercises at once, so as to avoid being discovered by the higher life of the monitored earth."

"Your only role is to disguise yourself as a peerless demon and create dark energy exercises step by step."

Jiang Hai was shocked, he was actually cultivating an exercise that was higher than the vitality.

At this moment, he also understood his role, disguised peerless demons in the Terran race, and created dark energy exercises to spread the entire Terran race.

It turned out that the exercises they had been practicing were the most garbage Yuan Qi Gong.

At this moment, Jiang Hai's heart was mixed.

The Terrans regarded it as the most precious exercise, and in the starry sky of the universe, others did not even look at it.

"Cosmic dark energy is so bullish?"

Tian Yuan sneered: "What do you think? "

"Your so-called revival of Aura is actually an alien high-level life, which converts the dark energy of the universe into vitality with special dark energy runes, which has created a large amount of vitality on Earth."

Jiang Hai's heart was terrified.

He actually knew the essence of the revival of Spiritual Qi in Tian Yuan's mouth.

"For endless years, it's not that the earth doesn't have cultivation conditions, but you can't use the universe dark energy to cultivate without dark energy exercises."

"When the Dark Energy Quenching Body Technique spreads in the Terrans, the growth limit of the geniuses of the Terrans will exceed the past."

After hearing this, Jiang Hai was excited in his heart, and finally had some confidence in what Tian Yuan said about the plan to change the future fate of the Terran race.

Since the revival of Aura is caused by the masterminds behind the scenes, one day the masterminds behind the scenes will no longer give vitality to the earth, and the earth will return to its original form.

Even, being enslaved did not have the slightest ability to resist.

Because everything in the Terrans is given by others and can be taken back at any time.

But with the dark energy exercise, even if one day the high-level beings who created all this on the earth take back everything, the earth race can still cultivate strongly.

That's all that matters!

However, just after being excited for a while, Jiang Hai's heart froze.

"Wait... Since you said so much about the dark energy exercise, how long will it take me to complete my cultivation and obtain the dark energy rune. "

"And I said I created it, would higher life that monitors the planet believe it?"

He began to practice the Tiger Demon Quenching Body Skill at the age of sixteen, and was named a martial artist at the age of twenty.

However, in four years, the Tiger Demon Quenching Skill is only the level of entry, and there is still a long way to go from Dacheng Boxing.

It is so difficult to cultivate a Yuan Qi Gong to be completed, and it will take decades for a more advanced Dark Energy Technique to be completed.

Decades later, it's one thing to be still there.

He can only live for a hundred years!

The light propagation quench-level dark energy technique could not change the fate of the Terran race at all.

"Do you think that the more powerful the exercise, the more difficult it is to cultivate?" Tian Yuan asked.

Isn't it?

Jiang Hai nodded suspiciously, the more powerful the exercise, isn't it reasonable that it is not difficult to cultivate successfully.

It is like in the martial arts mall, the more powerful the exercises, the harsher the cultivation conditions, and the difficulty of cultivation is also greater.

Since it is a cultivation of cosmic dark energy that is higher than the vitality, it is more difficult to cultivate such a technique successfully.

"Your Yuan Qi Exercise, since it is a garbage energy such as cultivating Yuan Qi, then the practice is not much better."

"Even compared to the dark energy exercise, he is wrong and problematic."

"Put the higher cosmic dark energy not absorbed, to absorb the lower energy."

Tian Yuan first belittled Yuan Qi Kung Fu before saying, "Let me give you an example. "

In an instant, Jiang Hai's scalp was numb.

He found that Tian Yuan was a product and liked to give examples.

And every example he gave was the kind that scared him, very perverted.

Hard, Jiang Hai listened.

"You think, if you're going to build an airplane, do you build it fast with the wrong drawings, or build it quickly according to the correct drawings."

Jiang Hai breathed a sigh of relief, this time Tian Yuan's example, in the normal range.

"Of course the correct drawing is fast!" Jiang Hai blurted out.

Tian Yuan nodded: "Isn't this the end!" "

"Compared to the Yuan Qi Gong Method, the Dark Energy Exercise is the correct drawing."

"In Earth's terms, this is something that points directly to the avenue, there are not so many twists and turns, and it is very fast to learn."

"Of course, after the cultivation is complete, and the dark energy rune can absorb the dark energy of the universe to cultivate, the speed of cultivation depends on the individual's fit with the dark energy of the universe, and his own use of the dark energy of the universe."

"In a word, the greater the potential, the faster the speed of cultivation."

"As for not obtaining the dark energy rune, before having the ability to absorb the dark energy of the universe, the dark energy practice does not have much requirement for potential."

Jiang Hai had a sudden enlightenment, and the doubts in his heart were eliminated by half.

Because of what he was most worried about, whether the higher beings monitoring the earth would believe that the dark energy technique was a problem he created, Tian Yuan had not yet solved his confusion.

In fact, this is his biggest concern.

He was afraid that the existence of Tian Yuan would be discovered by alien higher life, so he directly descended to enslave the Earth Terrans in spite of the "rules of the starry sky ten thousand races" in Tian Yuan's mouth.

"The alien high-level life you are worried about does not believe that the exercises are something you created, and I have also considered it."

"I'm a remnant soul, but not an idiot."

"The dark energy exercises I gave you, and I have all the process of its creation and formation."

"At that time, I will teach you all of this, and you will 'create' the exercises step by step in front of those who monitor the alien life on Earth."

Jiang Hai was completely relaxed.

Since Tian Yuan was so sure, he chose to believe it.

Because, he can't do anything better.

Moreover, the dark energy technique is the only hope that can change the fate of the Terrans.

Without the Dark Energy Technique, the Earth Terrans could not escape the fate of being enslaved.

Discovered, also the fate of enslavement.

Left and right is death, why not fight.

Suddenly, Jiang Hai's eyes froze, and his attention focused on the TV.

Because, the TV that had been reporting on today's fierce beast siege suddenly broadcast another thing.

"Now urgently broadcast a Terran announcement..."

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