Chapter 885 Outwitted it

The voice fell, and the gathered true qi swooped into Jiang Xiaolong's body.

With the True Qi entering the body, Jiang Xiaolong's momentum instantly increased by a few points, although it was still much weaker than Lei Qun, it was enough to surprise both Lei Qun and Leng Xian.

"Instantly improve strength, what kind of move is this?" Leng Xian said to himself.

The surprise in Lei Qun's eyes was even greater, obviously he did not expect Jiang Xiaolong to have a back hand.

Feeling the majestic true qi in his body like a rushing sea, Jiang Xiaolong lightly exhaled a breath of turbid qi, his arm shook, and the tip of the night gun hit the ground, splashing a burst of sparks.

The Burning Sea Flame was like a golden dragon, coiled above the Night Spear, and the invisibly emitted heat burned the snow into a clearing, revealing its original appearance.

"You are not a disciple of Flying Snow Valley, why are you involved in this matter?" Lei Qun sighed, "I don't want to hurt you. "

Jiang Xiaolong sneered and said, "Sect Master Lei, you led people to attack Flying Snow Valley, why do you pretend to be any good people."

Lei Qun swept his gaze, and saw that there were heavy deaths and injuries in the Flying Snow Valley, and many of his disciples were already lying on the ground wailing in pain.

His four personal guards fought with the elders and the three elders of Flying Snow Valley, and they were also up and down at this time. But looking closely, the three elders were already showing fatigue, and it was estimated that this balance would also be broken.

Leng Haoyang had just recovered from his serious illness, and although his strength had improved, his true qi had not fully recovered, and at this time, he was also angry and fighting with the disciples of the Purple Thunder Sect.

Lei Qun's eyes showed a trace of sadness, and he looked at Leng Xian, who was half-lying on the ground, and said, "Lord Leng Gu, forgive me, I am also helpless."

"What the hell is your purpose?" Leng Xian asked angrily.

Lei Qun glanced at Jiang Xiaolong, did not speak, for a long time, said lightly: "Come on."

Slowly raising his gaze, Jiang Xiaolong looked at the thunder group standing facing the snow and was already wrapped in thunder and lightning. Suddenly, Jiang Xiaolong drank lowly, and then burst away with the rustling sound of burning flames.

Leng Xian nodded secretly, facing such a powerful enemy, Jiang Xiaolong was still the first to attack, and his courage was really admirable.

A blurry red shadow flashed hotly with an indomitable momentum.

"Good to go!"

Lei Qun was unhurried, and the thunder whip flicked, hitting the ground and crackling.

But what he didn't expect was that just when the night gun was about to reach his eyes, Jiang Xiaolong suddenly stopped in an instant.

Just when he was strange, he saw Jiang Xiaolong's eyes, and a small flame rose in an instant, and then he felt a faint headache.

This is Jiang Xiaolong's blazing moon pupil.

Jiang Xiaolong already understood that with True Qi, he could not win no matter what, but Zi Ling had told him that under the War Monarch were all quenched bodies, and he did not pay attention to the power of the soul.

A soul power that caused the space to fluctuate quickly formed from Jiang Xiaolong's eyes, only spreading towards the thunder group.

But after all, the two are still a big level apart, and although the Blazing Moon Pupil is strong, it is just a surprise to Lei Qun.

Shaking his head, Lei Qun easily dissolved the blow of the blazing moon pupil directly hitting the soul, but before he could react, the tip of the night gun flashing with a little cold light appeared in his eyes.


Lei Qun subconsciously swung out the thunder whip and collided with the night gun, emitting a deafening roar.

But what he didn't expect was that the night gun trembled and burst out with a golden sound, and in an instant, the flames of the burning sea rushed out and rushed straight to his cheeks.

Lei Qun "pedaled" a few steps back, each step stepped heavily, but the purple robe was already burned by the burning sea flames.

Lei Qun's face became ugly, but he didn't expect that in the face of an immortal master, he was so embarrassed, his right hand pulled casually, and he threw his robe on the ground.

Jiang Xiaolong took a deep breath and stared at Lei Qun. He knew in his heart that the longer he dragged on with such an opponent, the more unfavorable it would be to himself, and if he wanted to increase his chances of victory, he must send out the most violent attack in the shortest time, otherwise when the time of the Four Dawn Saint Flame Transformation arrived, he would never have any chance again.

This blow gave Jiang Xiaolong a little headache, and the Blazing Moon Pupil, which he originally thought could be effective, was easily dissolved by the other party, but the Burning Sea Six Flame Spear only burned the opponent's robe, and did not cause any damage to Lei Qun himself.

Jiang Xiaolong also knew that Lei Qun was not in a hurry, he had enough time to quietly wait for his momentum to run out, as long as he had a slight flaw, he would be knocked to the ground in an instant.

Jiang Xiaolong's mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about various strategies.

"I don't want to kill you, I just want to defeat Flying Snow Valley." The helplessness in Lei Qun's expression was undoubted, and it seemed that there was some kind of bitterness.

Jiang Xiaolong smiled bitterly and said, "Sect Master Lei has something unspeakable, just say it, let's find a way together."

Lei Qun shook his head and said, "Forget it, let's make a move."

"What Sect Master Lei doesn't want to say... Shock!" Jiang Xiaolong's right hand shook his fist out of thin air, and the cracking wind fist emitted a piercing cracking wind sound.

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