Chapter 905 couldn't help it

Just as the carriage was moving smoothly, a group of men in black were also quietly following.

And Jiang Xiaolong also felt this slight change and slowly opened his eyes.

"It seems that someone is following." Jiang Xiaolong said lightly.

Dan Jixing smiled and said, "It's okay."

Jiang Xiaolong only heard a piercing sound of breaking the sky, followed by a series of sword qi sounds, but there was no sound of fighting.

After a while, the voice also stopped, the curtain in front was lifted, and a white-clothed guard poked his head out and said, "Dan God, it's settled."

Dan Jixing nodded slightly.

Jiang Xiaolong was shocked in his heart, this killing was so decisive, and he didn't hear any screams at all, it seemed that the strength of these guards was much higher than that of these sneak attackers.

Seeing Jiang Xiaolong's solemn face, Dan Jixing waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, it should be the person of the forbidden army." What the? Forbidden Army?" Jiang Xiaolong opened his mouth in surprise, "Why did the Forbidden Army kill you?"

"Kill me? They don't dare yet, it's just a warning. Dan Jixing's face was indifferent, and he was slightly helpless.

"Why?" Jiang Xiaolong asked suspiciously.

Dan Jixing smiled and said, "Since there is nothing to do, then I will talk to you." "Do you know that the Pavilion Master of the Xuan Yi Pavilion died of illness six years ago?"

Xuan Yi Pavilion again? Jiang Xiaolong nodded and waited for Dan Jixing's next words.

The Xuan Medicine Pavilion, the Dan Pavilion, and the Immortal Life Pavilion are also known as the three pavilions of the Zhongzhou Continent, and the Pavilion Master of the Xuan Medicine Pavilion is very good with me.

The pavilion master died of illness, and there was no one to command the Xuan Yi Pavilion, so the forbidden army wanted to merge the Xuan Yi Pavilion, if it weren't for my obstruction in the past few years, I'm afraid it would be two pavilions now.

"Aren't all of the two halls and three pavilions of this army serving the monarch, why did the forbidden army merge the Xuan Yi Pavilion?" Jiang Xiaolong questioned.

"The forbidden army has been cultivating its own forces, commanding Xuanyuan Kang's power, and I don't know what ideas they are fighting. The monarch Qiu Xun also knows all this, and I don't know why he connived at him so nonsense. "

"Isn't there a Hall of Punishment?"

"The forbidden army covers the sky with one hand, what ability does the punishment hall have?"

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaolong nodded slightly, it seems that this Jundu is not very peaceful, it is much more complicated than he thought.

Jiang Xiaolong asked, "Elder Dan, you have a good relationship with the Xuan Yi Pavilion, do you know that Suxin?"

"Hahaha, Suxin's child was grown up by me. The cultivation talent is extremely high, but the personality is a bit petty. Saying that, Dan Jixing laughed from the bottom of his heart.

Thinking of Su Xin, who cried like a child in the cave, Jiang Xiaolong couldn't help it.

"Since the hand is good, it will be much easier to handle." Jiang Xiaolong is now somewhat looking forward to entering the Jundu.

Sure enough, there was a lot calmer on this road, and there were no more waves, and Jiang Xiaolong also took this opportunity to cultivate with peace of mind.

This time, another half month has passed. Jiang Xiaolong obviously felt that the speed of the carriage was extremely fast, and it seemed that the person driving the carriage was urging with true qi, which couldn't help but make Jiang Xiaolong sigh again at the terrifying strength of the Dange.

With twelve times the speed of cultivation, Jiang Xiaolong had faintly touched the threshold of a fourth-order immortal master, and now he was only one foot away from the door.

"The former convenience is the capital of Jundu." Dan Jixing said suddenly.

These words also made Jiang Xiaolong recover from his cultivation and slowly open his eyes.

Opening the curtain of the carriage, the spectacular scenery of the Jundu was also displayed in front of Jiang Xiaolong's eyes.

The walls of Dan City were already very shocking, forty or fifty zhang, but compared with Jundu, it was simply eclipsed.

I saw that this city wall was like a black cliff, about 150 zhang high, the top towered into the clouds, and above the city gate, there were two big golden characters: Jundu.

What shocked Jiang Xiaolong the most was that under the sunlight, there was a faint golden light on the black city wall, which echoed the sunlight.

Under the silky rays of light, a transparent golden shield was like an inverted bowl, covering the entire throne.

From time to time, there are soldiers patrolling in a whole line, and there is almost no gap for time, and the guarding of this imperial capital is really not comparable to ordinary cities.

"Jiang Xiaolong, your first time in Jundu, let's go down and take a walk. After driving for such a long time, my old bones are going to rust. Dan Jixing quipped.

"Where, Elder Dan, you are still in the prime of life." Saying that, Jiang Xiaolong gently helped Dan Jixing and got off the carriage together, and the four personal guards immediately followed behind, and Elder Dan Shu also hurriedly got down from his horse and followed behind.

Before entering the city gate, he saw that the soldiers outside the city gate had already knelt down in unison, not daring to raise their heads. A man who seemed to be the leader of a soldier quickly ran over, knelt down in front of Dan Jixing, and said, "Welcome Dan Shen back to the capital!"

Dan Jixing smiled and walked straight into the city gate.

"Elder Dan, what a big card!" Jiang Xiaolong teased with a grin.

Elder Dan Shu behind him was slightly proud at this time, and explained: "Above this Zhongzhou Continent, if you talk about influence alone, Dan God is under one person and above ten thousand people!"

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