The walls, doors and windows have been occupied by parthenocissippers, blocking the sunlight and making the house dark.

Coupled with the fact that the water and electricity here are all turned off, they can only take out flashlights for lighting.

It was so embarrassing outside, he had already thought about how thick the dust inside the house was, but it turned out to be the opposite.

The inside of the house is clean, there is no dust, after entering the door is the living room, all the furniture here is also brand new, the coffee table and so on are also shiny as new, which is diametrically opposed to the situation outside.

The arrangement here is plain, the decoration is simple and there is no weird location.

If it weren't for the mission, it would be difficult for him to associate this place with a room of horrors.

"Did they clean all the time?"

Xia Weiyu quickly shook her head: "No, they only cleaned up once after they took back the house half a year ago, and this house was packed up and ready for auction, but it happened in less than a month."

They were also afraid of death and never came again. "

Half a year?

Even if the air here is good, it is impossible to accumulate a little dust in half a year, and the six special energy teams, since they check how much they will do some box rummaging actions.

Are they all cleaned when they leave?

"The last squad of powers will come."

"10 days ago, every squad left shouting that there were ghosts, more or less skin injuries, and no dead or crippled."

Su Chen nodded and walked to the living room first:

"Check the first floor first, don't leave me within five meters."


The living room is about fifty square meters in a circle, with furniture and other facilities, and there is also a restaurant kitchen next to it.

The overall layout is not bad, the decoration is also warm, all kinds of furniture and appliances are complete, clean and clean without a trace of dust.

The only drawback is that there is no water or electricity, and the refrigerator is empty.

Otherwise, it's really an ordinary house.

After checking the last bedroom, Su Chen found a black hair in the corner of the bed.

Not hair, it should be said that hair, animal hair.

Did the mountain animal mutation take this place as a nest?

"Wei Yu."


Xia Weiyu, who was checking the bed, heard someone calling her name, instinctively flicked the flashlight, and calmed down only to find that she was a little gaffe.

"I'm sorry..." As

soon as Wang Xiaoting and the two left, the sudden decrease in people made her look tense.

"Su Chen, did you find anything?"

"Do you have any information about the owner of this house before?"

"No, I only know that it is a loan house, and it will be recovered by the bank if I can't pay off the debt."

Seeing that Xia Weiyu looked a little nervous, Su Chen felt that it was better to talk about something else and relax a little.

"There is no abnormality here, go to the second floor and take a look."


The left forearm was pulled by Su Chen, which for some reason made her feel a lot more at ease, and she was not so afraid.

"This second floor is also good, two bedrooms, a dressing room, a study, and a separate bathroom.

When I retire in the future, I will also buy a villa in the mountains.

Weiyu, what about you, where do you want to live in the house in the future. The

sudden question made her a little confused, mainly because she had never considered this kind of thing:

"I... Didn't think about it.

I don't think it matters where I live with my family.

Su Chen muttered, "Family."

"How many of your family do you have, do you have siblings?"

"I have a younger brother who is over 12. Unlike me, he has a very smart head and gets first place in every exam.

Usually well-behaved and sensible.

It was originally a worrying age, but he made me worry a lot and didn't add to the mess.

I know a lot more than I do, and sometimes I have to ask him if I don't know something.

Compared to him, he is more like an older brother, is my sister a little incompetent..." Speaking

of her family, Xia Weiyu was like opening a chatterbox, saying so much for the first time.

Su Chen listened silently, somewhat understanding that she was directly blackened in her previous life because of the death of her brother.

It can be seen that her relationship with her brother is not generally good.

Although a large part of the reason is that you can't find other playmates from an early age.

Part-time worker, no time to play with friends, home alone after school, complaining about only one younger brother.

The death of his father the year before last, they lost their main source of income, and the money they owed for the previous business failure was even more difficult for them, and they could not even repay the interest monthly payment every month.

Xia Weiyu was hit hard by this incident, but her young brother often comforted her and cheered her up.


She said a lot to herself, and she could see that Xia Weiyu was under a lot of pressure after her father's death.

Several rooms on the second floor were checked, there was no abnormality, Xia Weiyu was relieved to say so much, Su Chen may be tired of hearing it.

"Sorry... I'm gossiping a little too much. "

It's okay."

'Ding, get Xia Weiyu's favorability, raffle ticket +100.

"Let's go to the third floor, the last floor, hope for something."

Su Chen took the lead and walked to the third floor.

Two bedrooms, and an open-air balcony.

"Wei Yu, what about you, just talk about your brother, what is your dream, or what do you want to do in the future.

For example, marrying a rich and handsome person or something.

"I..." Xia Weiyu shook her head: "I haven't thought about it."

The temporary idea is to let the younger brother go to college and pay off the two goals of the family's debt, and the rest are not considered for the time being.

"Does the family have a lot of debt?"

If you are under pressure, you can tell me, I still have some spare money on hand, it doesn't matter if you borrow it, you don't need to be polite with me.

Xia Weiyu shook her head and refused:

"It's okay, the bank also knows that our family can't take

it, so I signed a contract for them at that time, and I will pay it back when I start making money in college."

Although the interest rate is a bit high, but it can drag on for a few more years

, the hole can always be filled and you don't need to worry about me, really! "

Sure enough, it still doesn't make sense, it's better to wait for the task to end and ask the bank yourself."

But it is also good news, at least I know the predicament that Xia Weiyu is facing now.

It's basically three, now the assessment, the family's debt, for the younger brother to go to school.

The task is not high, so let's deal with Xia Weiyu first, and dispose of her family's debt problem first.

Otherwise, Xia Weiyu frowns about this every day, if he has no money, forget it, since he has it, he knows what it is?

Is it worthy of the hundred consecutive draws that the female emperor sends me every day?

Saying something, unconsciously the bedroom had been checked, and there was no abnormality or any strange noise.

"Go outside and take a look."


Su Chen paused when he opened the door because he found some debris.

Very few to be ignored, are the dried leaf debris of the parthenocissus, some that fell in outside when the door was opened.

It was the only trash he found inside the house.

Looking out through the glass, the dead leaves have been laid in a thick layer, and it is impossible to bring in debris from the outside.

It's like cleaning up the hygiene dead ends.

The debris was very small, and the room was dim, Xia Weiyu didn't see it clearly, but seeing Su Chen squatting at the door, he still asked:

"Is there a problem here?"

"This door should have been opened recently."

"Has anyone come in?"

"It may be the previous team, go outside and check it out."

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