"‘D-’Creatures at this level will have the skill telepathy, which is the ability to communicate with other creatures.……"

"There is also talent shock, which is the aura brought by one's own strong strength.……"

"The last part is the basic breathing method. It may be the result of the strong body's instinctive desire for spiritual energy.……"

"D-"Ye Yang did not make random guesses about the skills awakened by creatures of this level.

The golden lion and his little brother, the big brown bear, both awakened the skills of mind sensing and innate deterrence.

As for whether the golden lion could use the basic breathing method, Ye Yang did not know.

But the big brown bear was just an ordinary brown bear. If he could figure out the basic breathing method, then other creatures would definitely be able to get the basic breathing method sooner or later.

Suddenly, Ye Yang had an idea.

"Since Big Brown Bear has already learned some basic breathing techniques, can I teach him?"He did it as he said.

Big Brown Bear's confused look gradually turned into shock, and then into a deep admiration. He finally learned the basic breathing techniques under Ye Yang's guidance.

The benefits are very obvious. The efficiency of absorbing the white mist aura has increased by more than two times compared to before!

"Thanks to the great king……"

The big brown bear Xiong Da lowered his head respectfully towards Ye Yang and let out a low growl, his tone full of admiration.

Originally he was thirsty for power, but after more than a month, he has completely surrendered.

If it were any other creature, it would be impossible for a wild, power-hungry forest king, the big brown bear, to surrender like this.

Only Ye Yang, who has continuously evolved and become powerful in a short period of time, can do it.

Ye Yang could also clearly feel the change in the big brown bear's attitude, and he could understand the big brown bear's heart.

The thinking of animals is very simple, whoever is stronger is the king!

Originally, the big brown bear Xiong Da was just afraid of his power and surrendered to him on the surface.

But after being continuously hit by the powerful force displayed by Ye Yang's rapid evolution, he already fully knew that his power would definitely not surpass Ye Yang, so he decisively chose to surrender.

This was shown from the time he evolved into"D-"It can be seen from the creatures of the same level that they did not provoke Ye Yang.

The Monkey King Wukong, who was entertaining the baby, and the giant panda drooling at Bai Yuzhu with bear eyes, did not understand what was going on.

Ye Yang was also satisfied with the performance of the big brown bear Xiong Da.

Then he conducted basic breathing techniques to the giant panda Xiong Er and the Monkey King Wukong. These were his younger brothers, and the strength of his younger brothers would be of great benefit to him.

He had never had this idea before.

His original idea was that his own strength was everything, and he did not care much about everything else, including his three younger brothers.

But after experiencing the invasion of the Great Xia army, his ideas must have changed.

"If I hadn't had the three of them to help me divert attention and delay time, my situation would have been extremely dangerous.……"

The loyalty of the three younger brothers was also reflected, so being able to improve their strength within their capabilities was helpful to Ye Yang himself.

And he never had to worry that the three younger brothers would grow up to be a threat to him.

He was a man with a cheat, and the gap in growth speed with them would only get bigger and bigger!

The giant panda Xiong Er and the Monkey King Wukong were also very intelligent. After spending more than two hours, they finally figured out the basic breathing method.

Ye Yang breathed a sigh of relief. He turned into a bird and had never said so many words as today.

He was sure that what he said today was more than what he had said in this life.

Fortunately, his efforts were worth it!

The golden pupils looked at the three animals, who were breathing tirelessly and absorbing the spiritual energy in the air beside the spirit tree and the white jade bamboo.

Ye Yang nodded with satisfaction.

Then his eyes moved, and he looked into the distance with a sense of something.

In his field of vision, a huge figure appeared in the distant sky. For some reason, there was no other large bird except Ye Yang in this piece of woodland with hundreds of miles!

"So this isn't a living creature... it's a human flying machine?!" He felt a surge of anger in his heart!

You know, he was very kind to the Great Xia army!

He didn't kill all the soldiers who invaded his territory beforehand, because he knew that if he did so, the Great Xia Kingdom would most likely continue to deal with him, and he was afraid that it would interfere with his preparations to deal with the Red Moon.

So he just announced that this piece of territory belonged to him, meaning that humans would not dare to set foot here.

He knew that the Great Xia Kingdom would not let him go so easily, and he originally thought that it would be peaceful for at least a period of time, but after only one day, humans dared to come to his territory to find him?!

"He really gave him face!"


The top of the mountain shook! There was a loud bang, and his figure disappeared from the top of the mountain!

A golden lightning in the sky ran away!


The three animals who were trying to use basic breathing techniques to absorb spiritual energy on the top of the mountain were suddenly startled.

They all looked up at the sky, confused. They didn't know what the boss was going to do.……


On the other side, there were several people sitting in a helicopter.

One of the leaders of Jianghai City turned pale and said to the middle-aged man sitting next to him:

"Mayor Lin, we still have time to retreat now...if we continue forward, we will see the shadow of Shenfeng Mountain!"

"If we want to leave at that time, it will be too late!"

City Chief Lin shook his head,"If we retreat now, I don't know how many people in Jianghai City will leave. For the safety of Jianghai City, we can't leave."

The Jianghai City leader's face turned pale, and he felt a little regretful.

Why did he have the courage to show so much favorability and take the initiative to follow City Chief Lin to such a dangerous place.

He didn't want to see the monster bird that could shoot lightning, and he didn't give up and persuaded

"Mayor Lin, you are the highest leader of Jianghai City. If something unexpected happens in this operation, what should we do next?"

"Why don't we go back now and make some plans, and better get others here……"

Mayor Lin refused without hesitation.

"No matter what plan you make, you won't be so straightforward when you come to the outskirts of Jianghai City to see the ancient white-feathered eagle. Aren't other people taking risks and being afraid when they come here?"

"Or does it mean that my life must be more noble than others?"

"No... Mayor Lin, that's not what I meant.……"

Before they could say anything, a dazzling golden light suddenly came into their field of vision.

This golden light made all of them close their eyes, and at the same time, a look of horror emerged in their hearts!

"Here comes the monster! It's over!"

"We're dead now.……"

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