Li Hai is an ordinary primary school teacher, and he is also an astronomy enthusiast.

When he knew that today was a super red moon that was rare in decades, he rushed to the rooftop of a residential building to appreciate this rare astronomical phenomenon.

Although the Daxia government has issued a national notice in the past two or three days, calling on the masses and citizens not to go out and stay at home during the"super red moon" astronomical phenomenon. But most people still went out on the night of this day to satisfy their curiosity and curiosity.

After all, in people's subconscious, the city is very safe.

At this moment, the red moon was across the sky, and all countries in the northern hemisphere were shrouded in crimson light!

Even in the southern hemisphere in broad daylight, there was a strange sight of two"red suns" side by side.

Li Hai was standing on the rooftop of a high-rise building, using the astronomical telescope he had saved up money to buy, observing the red moon hanging in the sky.

With the help of the astronomical telescope, his field of vision has been greatly improved, and he can observe the red moon more clearly than ordinary people.

He clearly saw how the red color that suddenly appeared in the corner of the moon quickly eroded the dim moon.


"The super red moon is simply a starving ghost……"

"The lunar eclipse was complete in less than a minute.……"

"But isn't this red moon eclipse lasting too long?"

He looked away from the telescope and at the watch on his right wrist.

"Generally, a lunar eclipse lasts no more than two minutes... Now it's almost five minutes, why hasn't this red moon lunar eclipse ended yet?" He looked at the surrounding scenery.

Standing on the rooftop of a residential building, he had a wide field of vision.

In his field of vision, this modern city of steel and concrete was covered with a layer of red gauze by the light emitted by the red moon in the sky, which was reflected on the glass of each household, reflecting bursts of dim red light. The red light all over the sky seemed a little weird, which made people feel uneasy involuntarily.

Li Hai, who had been staring at this scene for a long time, was a little dazed. Suddenly, a cool breeze blew, causing him to shiver and come back to his senses.

He raised his head to glance at the red moon that was still hanging high, then lowered his head to look at the watch on his wrist,"Another minute or two has passed. It's been five or six minutes now. Why hasn't this lunar eclipse ended yet?"

"It's blood red everywhere! I'm so scared, Brother Wang, do you think there are no ghosts in this world?"

"Hahaha! Of course not!"

"The blood moon that the ancients referred to is the red moon solar eclipse that we see now. At that time, the ancients were feudal and believed that when a blood moon appeared, demons would cause chaos in the world and people would suffer.……"

"What era is it now? Xiaomei, don't worry. Even if there are any monsters or demons, I will protect you for the rest of your life!"

"Brother Wang, you are so nice……"

Li Hai looked at the couple hugging each other and their face turned black.

"Another loving couple!"

He looked at the man holding the girl's graceful figure with a sour look, and then looked around.

From the beginning, there was not only Li Hai on the rooftop. There were many people standing here, all of whom came here to watch the super red moon astronomical phenomenon that is rare in decades.

An astronomy enthusiast suddenly asked someone next to him

"Brother, do you feel anything strange when you see the super red moon in the sky?"

"What?"The man who was asked the question was uploading the photo of the red moon he had just taken to his Moments. He looked up at the red moon in the sky with a puzzled look on his face.

He answered

"What's so strange about this? Isn't it just a different color from the white moon before?"

The astronomy enthusiast shook himself,"But I feel that the light from this red moon is quite cold when it shines on me."

The big man frowned, looked up and down at the astronomy enthusiast in front of him, and suddenly a look of contempt appeared in his eyes.

"You look weak, feeling cold even in the hot summer night. Do less handicrafts in the future, or you will be……"

"Wait! Stop talking, brother! Just pretend I didn't ask anything!"The astronomy enthusiast interrupted the big man's words.


"’s so cold!"

"Me too... It's strange. It's summer and there's not much wind here... How come the temperature dropped so much all of a sudden?……"

"Phew... it's so cold……"

Everyone on the rooftop couldn't help but shiver. The temperature around them seemed to drop a lot, making their bodies feel uncomfortable.

Someone turned on his phone, tested the temperature around him, and shouted in confusion:

"Holy shit! Is my phone broken?! The temperature around me has remained at 25 degrees, with no change at all!"

"Damn! My phone shows the same thing!"

"This is what happened……"

The red light emitted by the crimson moon in the sky shone on everyone and covered everyone's face.

The strange temperature now made everyone uneasy. Coupled with the environment filled with crimson light, this weird environment made them start to panic.

In the panicked and noisy crowd, the astronomer and the big man stared at each other with wide eyes.

The big man trembled with his lips and shivered,"I feel a little cold now, too. Could this be haunted?" The astronomer gritted his teeth and looked up at the crimson moon emitting red light in the night sky.

"This is the reason for the Super Red Moon!"

""Go! Everyone, leave here quickly... This red moon is not safe!"

The astronomer roared, but suddenly stopped, because the noisy voices suddenly disappeared.

Looking around, everyone was like a puppet without strings, standing there in a daze, looking up at the sky.

The people around him were like zombies, without souls, and he was the only one who could move!

" could they……"

When the astronomy enthusiast looked at the big man in front of him with a searching gaze, he was surprised to find that the big man, like the people around him, had turned into a wooden man, with his pupils dilated and staring straight at the red moon, ignoring his shouts.

"How could this happen? What happened?……"

"Am I trapped in a maze, or am I hallucinating?"

"This is unscientific! This must be fake! I am definitely dreaming!"

The voice gradually became louder to give myself courage!

Suddenly, my consciousness began to fade.……

"What's wrong with me……"

His consciousness completely fell into darkness...

After a few seconds, his body unconsciously, as if driven by something, stood upright in place, his chin slowly raised, and he maintained the same posture as the people around him, looking up at the red moon in the sky...

If you look closely, you will find that the shadow of the red moon appears in the distracted eyes of all of them...

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