"This set of training methods for improving the efficiency of absorbing spiritual energy is divided into two parts."

In the conference hall, there was only one voice at this time, that of the Minister of Scientific Research.

All the leaders of Daxia Country looked at the Minister of Scientific Research eagerly, afraid of missing a word.

"One part is the breathing rhythm of the human body. Our research department named this breathing frequency of rapid absorption of spiritual energy as the spiritual energy breathing method."

"The breathing method is mainly a combination of the main Taoist realm of mind cultivation, and also incorporates Buddhism and Confucianism. It is even still being improved. We are trying to incorporate the thoughts of the various schools of thought in the pre-Qin period... We strive to maximize the efficiency of the aura breathing method in absorbing aura."

"The other part is the special training method. This special training method, like the breathing method, can improve the efficiency of the body's absorption of spiritual energy. It is modified by referring to various fitness and strengthening martial arts of our Daxia country, and there is still a lot of room for improvement.……"

"This special exercise is named as body-building exercise——"

"What’s even more exciting is that when the two are combined, the human body can absorb spiritual energy as efficiently as an ordinary powerful wild beast!"

"These data have been tested in real life, so please don't worry."

After saying that, the research director quietly sat back in his seat.

The scene fell into silence.

"If everyone in our Great Xia absorbs spiritual energy to improve their physical fitness... then when will they be able to have the physical fitness of the middle-aged Taoist priest and the monk in the video?!"

"It shouldn't take too long. After all, it's only been half a month since the 'Super Red Moon' appeared. That means the Taoist priest and the monk have only been absorbing spiritual energy for at most half a month.……"

"That would be great! If the evolutionary effect of Reiki could really appear in our human body, combined with the assistance of our technological civilization, we would definitely be able to face the supernatural phenomena of the future!"

"Yes! With the help of spiritual energy, it is very likely that human civilization will achieve a leap-forward breakthrough!"

All the upper echelons of the Great Xia Kingdom at the scene agreed to let the Great Xia Kingdom embark on the evolutionary path of spiritual energy.

It sounds incredible...

However, anyone who has experienced the"Super Red Moon" and has a large number of relatives and friends around them who have died inexplicably will have an unknown fear in their hearts and do not want to face the supernatural phenomenon again.

It's like the sword of Damocles is hanging over everyone's head, and they are always worried about the sudden arrival of death.

Now there is such a good way proposed by the Minister of Scientific Research, using spiritual energy to evolve and make themselves stronger.

Although this road is confusing, no one can predict how to go in the future and what the ending will be, but it is always better than being stupid and doing nothing.

Then there was a heated discussion in the conference hall again, and the upper echelons of the Great Xia Kingdom began to discuss how to be more scientific and more generally accepted by the people of the whole country.

"Using Reiki will help our people improve their physical fitness. No one can determine the end of this road, and the road is full of thorns.……"

"Even if our Great Xia country has lost half of its population, there are still more than 600 million people left. With such a large population, we have no resources to promote it nationwide.……"

"Yes, and now the spiritual breathing method and the body-building exercise are constantly being improved. In the future, the update will be very fast, and there are not so many educational resources to teach.……"

"Therefore, we can only promote education selectively, use the best knife where it is most effective, and implement elite education."

"But would doing so be unfair to other citizens and infringe upon their legitimate rights?"

"What the ancients said,"In times of chaos, severe punishments should be used," is true. The current situation may very well be a desperate situation for our Great Xia country, or even the end of mankind. We must use unconventional means!"

"This is the only way to face the unknown crises in the future.……"

"So the question is, which group should be promoted first?"

The topic gradually came to an end, and opinions began to converge.

At this time, the Minister of Scientific Research spoke again,"This question is very simple. Young people have the highest learning ability and physical potential. From elementary school to college, we should attach courses on Reiki Breathing and Duan Ti Gong, and make the scores of these two subjects the focus of the college entrance examination."

"We have sent people to the mountains to find Taoists who have cultivated their minds and some senior monks. They promised us that they can teach people the spiritual breathing and physical exercises."A leader of Daxia said,"Isn't it too bold to reform the education system that has remained unchanged for decades? Can we try it out in some places first to see the effect?"

The Minister of Research and Development shook his head.

"This is the only method at present. You are not unaware of the national conditions of our Great Xia. If they knew about the existence of the spiritual breathing method and the body-building exercise, they would definitely go crazy! After all, we have legends about the existence of immortals, heroes, demons and monsters since ancient times!" Changing the subject

"Moreover, after experiencing the supernatural phenomenon of the 'Super Red Moon', 600 million people died in the country, and the people are now very anxious. We are now launching the Reiki Breathing Method and Body Building Exercises, which can better calm the people's emotions, divert their attention, stabilize the country, and quickly restore the economy. Only in this way can Daxia get back on track."


"That makes sense."

These words were quickly recognized by all the leaders of Daxia present.

The next thing was easy to handle. After thinking about the possible problems in promoting this system, the leaders gradually agreed. As the meeting came to an end, all the Daxia leaders in the conference hall looked at the old man who remained silent on the first seat.

The leader of Daxia said,"There will inevitably be many accidents in the implementation of the spiritual energy system. The mayors must always help each other to discuss and exchange experiences.……"

"All cities in Daxia have been upgraded to the first level of autonomy. That's it."

""The meeting is adjourned!"

With the final word from the leader of Daxia, the meeting was over and the direction of Daxia was determined.

At the same time, the words of the leader of Daxia were still echoing in the minds of all the leaders of Daxia in the conference hall.

The autonomy of the city level... the city can be said to be an autonomous small country, except for some special places.

The city does not have to obey the orders of the upper echelons of Daxia, and can even determine the laws of its own city!

This made all the hundreds of Daxia leaders in the conference hall tense!

An unprecedented storm of drastic changes was enveloping them, and they were at the center of the storm...

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