Shenfeng Mountain, mountainside



Two thunderous roars were heard!

All the beasts living within a hundred miles of Shenfeng Mountain looked here with fear in their eyes!

At the same time, there was a trace of doubt...

Because they knew that the lord of this area was a giant golden bird, but these two huge roars were not the sound of a cry.……


A huge golden bird, and a big brown bear next to it.

Ye Yang looked at the giant panda Xiong Er and the monkey king Wukong who had successfully evolved not far away and nodded.

In this hundred-mile mountain forest, relying on the naturally condensed spiritual energy, some of the beasts have almost reached the evolution level."D-".

The giant panda Xiong Er and the Monkey King Wukong have been staying at the foot of Shenfeng Mountain for a long time, and even now they are living on the mountainside for a long time. Relying on the spiritual energy gathered from Shenfeng Mountain, they should have already broken through the evolution level.

However, they are not like the big brown bear Xiong Da, who has the character of killing and devouring, so the improvement is very slow, and they are still a little short of the evolution level.

Now that they have eaten the flesh and blood of the elephant, they have finally evolved.

Looking at the huge size of the giant panda Xiong Er, more than eight meters long and weighing at least seven or eight tons.

The Monkey King Wukong is a little thinner, but his body is very burly and extraordinary.

Ye Yang is a little envious. Even if he has more power than his younger brother, his size and weight are far less than his.

The evolutionary direction of each species is different. Although the Monkey King Wukong is not as big as the two big bears, his flexible limbs make his combat power not weaker than the two big bears.

Compared with ordinary creatures, Ye Yang, who has lost the size and weight advantages, has a skill that they don’t have, that is, the speed of several times the speed of sound in the sky.

Whoosh! A golden light flashed at the spot, and Ye Yang disappeared, returning to the top of the mountain.

The nine-tailed little white fox looked up, then rushed to the top of the mountain with the phone in its mouth.

"D-"After the giant panda Xiong Er and the monkey king Wukong adapted to their own internal strength, they opened their mouths to each other as if they wanted to tell each other something.

"Roar... Monkey……"

"Woohoo... Big Bear……"

The two huge animals smiled knowingly. They were finally able to speak.

The big brown bear who had eaten his fill had already fallen asleep in his crouch, speeding up the digestion of the flesh and blood he had eaten. He always remembered his goal and quickly became stronger.


On the top of the mountain, Ye Yang was not idle either. He and the nine-tailed fox, Little White Fox, were studying mobile phones.

As a mobile phone addict in his previous life, he was very familiar with mobile phones. Under his command, the nine-tailed fox, Ali, waved his pink little paws and successfully entered the official forum of Jianghai City.

"Shocked! The whole world has begun to promote our Daxia's spiritual energy cultivation system!"

"In the era of spiritual energy, can our generation become pioneers?!"

"According to gossip, the Reiki system will become an important subject in the college entrance examination!"

"On how to quickly absorb spiritual energy!"

"Spiritual fruits with spiritual energy are sold at high prices! Quantity is limited, first come first served!"

"Jiangli's warehouse is occupied by wild beasts! Food prices in Jianghai City are rising rapidly!"

"The possibility of the ancient creatures in Shenfeng Mountain evolving into phoenixes!" The various news made Ye Yang feel like he was back to the days of gossiping on the forum.

Most of the news Ye Yang learned from Yu Weiyue, who was sent by Jianghai City, was mild, but after confirming the authenticity of the news, Ye Yang still couldn't avoid a little shock.

"The global spiritual age of mankind has indeed begun……"

Then he started to look for any information that might be useful to him.

"Ahri, click on the third message"


Title: Jiangli Warehouse is occupied by wild beasts! The grain price in Jianghai City is rising rapidly!

Ye Yang quickly browsed through the news, and his heart was a little fluctuating.

According to the editor in the title, Jiangli Warehouse is a large grain storage warehouse built on the back of Jianghai City, and it is also a granary for the entire city's million people. The storage capacity alone can feed the million people in Jianghai City for nearly ten years!

There are tens of millions of kilograms of rice alone!

But such a large grain warehouse was destroyed by a group of wild beasts...

If it were a peaceful era, this would at most cause economic losses, and there would be no food to buy. Daxia Kingdom is not short of food.

But before Daxia Kingdom implemented the spiritual energy system, the beasts that evolved under the influence of spiritual energy constantly attacked cities and villages close to the wild.

Daxia Kingdom has evacuated the population of the villages, and most of the farmland is built in the villages. This also means that Daxia Kingdom is now unable to produce food except for decades of food reserves...

Daxia Kingdom, which originally experienced the"Super Red Moon", suddenly died of a large number of people, leaving only more than 600 million people.

The time for the reserve grain to support has become longer, and it cannot be eaten in 20 to 30 years.

However, they underestimated the danger of wild beasts...

Ye Yang even asked the nine-tailed little white fox, Ali, to browse the news online, and it turned out to be just as he thought.

The huge granaries storing food in various parts of Daxia were attacked by the beast tide, and some of them were destroyed.

"I don't know how Daxia will face the crisis of wild beasts.……"

He looked at the hundred miles of forest that belonged to his territory.

It was a harmonious scene, with ancient trees towering into the sky and thriving. Many beasts in the territory occupied the surrounding mountains with abundant spiritual energy.

He had no idea how much the beasts had changed after the red moon.

If it weren't for the news displayed on his phone, he would definitely not know...

Maybe it was because he was the most powerful beast lord in the territory, so the beasts in the territory didn't dare to roar and scream as much as they wanted.

"Hey...wait, the little white fox clicked on this message"


Title: The most dangerous place in Daxia!

Qinling Mountains: It has been known as the dragon vein since ancient times. There are tens of thousands of powerful beasts in it. Some people even observed the existence of wild men!

Longlin Nature Reserve: The largest nature reserve in Daxia. Before the emergence of spiritual energy, it had a huge number of rare creatures. After the spiritual energy was revived, in order to avoid the beast tide crisis formed by the beasts, the Daxia officials sent a Daxia regiment to clean up, but ultimately failed!

Kashi Tropical Forest: A tropical rainforest without signal, full of poisonous fog, insects and snakes. After the spiritual energy was revived, it naturally became a dangerous place!


Outside Jianghai City: In the mountains and forests, there are ancient creatures that have lightning-like speed and destructive power, and can easily destroy fighter planes! Most people think that this is a lightning phoenix that has revived its spiritual energy!

Most of them are some nature reserves in Daxia.

There are only two places that Ye Yang is concerned about at the moment.

"I didn't expect that because of me, the outskirts of Jianghai City would become a dangerous place.……"

"If this were a fantasy world, I would be the undisputed boss!"

The second place is naturally Qinling Mountains...

He looked into the distance...

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