"White-feathered Eagle!"

As soon as the word came out, the excited General Los froze, and the powerful bear soldier beside him was also stunned.

The power that Ye Yang showed in Shenfeng Mountain last time has shocked the entire Blue Star!

The golden thunder power that exceeds human imagination, no one is not shocked!

If it weren't for the"Super Red Moon" that brought the sudden death of more than 4 billion people in the world, coupled with the spiritual energy cultivation method promoted by Daxia, everyone on Blue Star would definitely still be paying attention to Ye Yang!

"That monster... Director Marcus, what does this mean?"

General Los asked, hiding a trace of fear in his eyes,"Do you mean that without the genes of the monster bird of Daxia, the warrior serum cannot be completed?"

Director Marcus nodded,"The basic data of the warrior serum was obtained from Daxia, and the experimental data of Daxia is the genetic composition of the white-feathered eagle and the saber-toothed tiger. We have no shortage of saber-toothed tiger genes.……"

"Just the genes of the white-feathered eagle……���

General Ross frowned, stared at Director Marcus in front of him and asked seriously,"Does the experimental data have to come from a white-feathered eagle? Other powerful beasts won't work?"

"Yes... but the effect of the warrior serum produced is not so outstanding. At most, it can only increase one ton of strength and physical fitness.……"

"However, if we get the body specimen of the White-feathered Eagle, I am confident that we can develop a more complete and more effective warrior serum!"


Marcus's blue eyes sparkled!

"The ancient creature, the white-feathered eagle, has obviously evolved and possesses the power of golden thunder. If we get his current genes and develop a warrior serum,……"

"Then the soldiers injected with warrior serum are likely to master the power of golden thunder like the white-feathered eagle!"

Hearing his words, General Los and the bear country soldier who was injected with warrior serum beside him began to breathe rapidly, and their blue pupils shrank sharply!

The three of them looked at each other, and they could see the fire in their eyes.

If humans can master thunder and lightning, they can be regarded as gods...

The bear country, which worships power and honor, will not give up this opportunity!

"Hurrah! I will prepare now!"



On the top of Shenfeng Mountain, a giant golden bird bathed in the sun suddenly trembled violently and sneezed loudly. Golden lightning energy gushed out of its nostrils along with the airflow, splashing onto the ground on the top of the mountain. The ground on the top of the mountain splashed by the lightning energy suddenly became charred.



This made several animals who were learning from the little white fox Ali not far away look over here in confusion.

They thought something had happened, but after realizing that everything was normal around them, they continued to learn about human culture from the little white fox Ali.

A hint of doubt appeared in Ye Yang's golden pupils.

"Is this my first time sneezing?"

"How could this happen... Is someone targeting me?"

Hawkeye looked around and did not feel anything unusual within a hundred miles of the forest.

"It's strange.……"

Then he moved his feet and came to the little fox Ali, asking her to use her mobile phone to browse the major events in human society.

With a mobile phone, his ordinary life finally had a little fun.

"The Great Xia Kingdom actually promoted the spiritual energy cultivation method to schools across the country?!"

"So strong!"

"Moreover, there are many gifted people now whose physical fitness has been greatly improved after absorbing spiritual energy.……"

"Test your qualifications, practice spiritual breathing, and strengthen your body... Taoist monks……"

"Although it looks a bit crude, it is quite complete.……"

"I really look forward to where the future of mankind will go.……"


It has been a few days since Daxia officially announced the spiritual energy training system, and all 400 million people in Daxia are looking forward to it.

Although the"spiritual energy breathing method" and"body building exercise" have been announced, few people can practice them well.

Only a small number of people can understand the method of spiritual energy training and start to try to practice, but the progress is very slow.

Everyone is looking forward to the official teaching of spiritual energy training methods, and this day has finally arrived!

Jianghai City, No. 1 Middle School.

Every classroom is very noisy, even the senior high school classroom, which has always been strict in discipline, has a lot of noise.

"Wow! The government officials finally sent someone to teach us how to practice Reiki!"

"I’m so looking forward to it... I heard from the teacher that today the authorities will send people to each classroom to test the qualifications of spiritual attributes!"

"Hahaha! Aptitude! I, Wang Tiandao, am not afraid of this at all. This name of mine was born for the purpose of practicing Taoism!"

"Hey...Wang Dacai, why are you called Wang Tiandao?"

"Didn't I just change it? You care about me……"

"Watching some videos online, there are a few people who have made progress in the Reiki practice system, and their physical fitness is improving rapidly. If we can also practice Reiki... I'm afraid we will become supermen sooner or later!"

"I am really looking forward to it!"

Soon the classroom became quiet because the head teacher came in, but everyone's eyes were fixed on the figure in the white coat beside the head teacher.

The figure in the white coat smiled and said

"Hello, students. I am a staff member of the Research Department. I think everyone should have heard from the authorities. I will test your spiritual energy cultivation qualifications later."

As he spoke, he took out a gray, fist-sized round iron ball from his office bag and explained.

"This is the electronic instrument we tested - the spirit ball"

"The spirit ball is a treasure invented by our Daxia Research Headquarters. It can test the human body and spirit energy.���Adaptability……"

"The test levels are divided into 6, corresponding to A, B,C……F has six levels, corresponding to the six colors of gray, white, green, blue, yellow and orange……"

"Okay, students, hurry up and come one by one according to your student number!"

Then, under the impatient eyes of many students, the test was carried out.

A student stepped forward and held the spirit ball. After a few seconds, the gray spirit ball burst into white light!

The official staff nodded and wrote down the results with a pen,"Jiang Zhenhui's spiritual talent is E-level! Next!"

"Wang Qun’s spiritual talent is E level!"

"Zhu Xian’s spiritual talent is F level!"

"Wei Chuxue's spiritual talent is C-level!"

When a large number of students in the classroom held the spiritual test ball, they all had gray-white light, which means they had E and F-level spiritual talents. C-level talents rarely appeared, and only one girl had appeared. After more than half of the students were tested, the staff holding the pen sighed silently in his heart.

There was no good seedling in the previous classrooms plus this classroom, so his commission bonus must be hopeless. He could only hope that the students in the next classroom could bring him a surprise.

"Holy shit! Red light! Red light!"

"What the hell is this? The spirit ball is broken!"

"Bullshit! It must be a high potential talent!"

A bright red light appeared in the classroom, especially dazzling!

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