The next day.

Outside Jianghai City, Shenfeng Mountain

"Tip: The Supreme Breath Cells in your body sense the energy in the sun... and start to work.……"

"Tip: Your telepathic skills will improve in proficiency after a night's rest!"

"Tip: The innate awe in your body will make you feel the fear of all beasts, and your proficiency will increase!"

"Tip: After the lightning energy in your body is strengthened, your physical fitness has improved to a certain extent!"

The familiar prompt sound of the system sounded in his mind. Ye Yang had long been accustomed to it and didn't care.

Not far away, the big brown bear Xiong Da, the giant panda Xiong Er and the Monkey King Wukong followed the little fox Ali who looked like a teacher and roared out word by word, learning the initials and finals of the Daxia language. The huge roar made the buds and leaves of the spiritual tree next to it tremble, and the white jade bamboo was also shaking constantly.

"It's been several days... These guys have finally mastered the initials and finals. They can officially learn the Daxia language in a few days."

Ye Yang walked out of the cave slowly with his paws, and took a satisfied look at the learning progress of his three younger brothers.

Now he doesn't have to worry about his three younger brothers not studying hard, because his"classroom" is on the top of the mountain. In order to get the spiritual energy here for free, these three guys want to stay here to study all day.

Even the giant panda Xiong Er, who always likes to slack off, is the same, because after the"super red moon", these beasts have sensed a sense of opportunity and drastic changes, and they must seize every opportunity to become stronger!

Then he looked at the lush and green buds hanging on the spirit tree without leaving a trace.

"No wonder the concentration of spiritual energy on the mountain top has increased so rapidly recently.……"

"Not only is the spiritual energy between heaven and earth increasing rapidly, but the two spiritual plants on the top of the mountain have also grown!"

He has noticed carefully that the spiritual tree is already more than 20 meters tall, and there are fist-sized green flower buds hanging on the tall branches. It looks like they will mature soon!

The growth of the white jade bamboo is also very good. It is already five or six meters tall. What's more gratifying is that on the ground below the white jade bamboo roots, the original bamboo shoots have grown heads, and three smaller half-meter white jade bamboos have emerged.

Ye Yang is very happy. The faster the spiritual plants grow, the greater the effect of gathering spiritual energy will be!


Ye Yang's golden pupils stared at the fist-sized green flower buds on the spiritual tree.

"This bud will mature soon.……"

"I wonder how amazing the spiritual fruit will be when it matures!"

This spiritual tree is not ordinary. Like Ye Yang, it absorbs the spiritual energy between heaven and earth all the time. The unripe fruits contained in the buds are the product of this huge spiritual energy.

It is really hard to imagine how amazing the amount of spiritual energy accumulated by these buds after they mature for several months will be.……


He turned and looked to the other side.

Not far away, the giant panda Xiong Er came to Bai Yuzhu.

His eyes were as bright as the stars in the night sky, staring at Bai Yuzhu in front of him, and the saliva in his mouth was left on the ground on the top of the mountain.

Suddenly, the huge black and white fur panda trembled all over, as if it was stared at by something terrible.

"Roar... Hehe……"

The panda smiled ingratiatingly at Ye Yang with a silly smile on his round face.

Ye Yang shook his head.

At this moment, the little fox Ali, who was sliding the screen of his mobile phone with his little paw, suddenly rushed over.

"Chirp! Boss, take a look at this!"

Ye Yang lowered his head and looked at the screen of his mobile phone.

It turned out to be a preliminary summary of the spiritual energy cultivation methods currently being promoted in Daxia.……

"The spiritual energy qualifications are divided into F, E...A? That's really interesting.……"

"Huh? There are two S-level qualifications.……"

What surprised Ye Yang even more was that those two people were actually his acquaintances, two girls from Jianghai City!

He began to wonder,"Those two girls are just ordinary human girls with beautiful appearances. It's impossible for them to look like the protagonists.……"

Although he didn't know how Daxia defined the spiritual energy qualification level, he could see that the story of the two girls was publicized by the Daxia government.

However, he felt that if this was really such an unprecedented probability event, it would be impossible for it to happen to these two girls at the same time.

"Is it because of me?"

He shook his head. It's better not to think too much about such trivial matters.


Two months passed in a flash.

During these two months, Blue Star strangely entered a peaceful period. The overall situation was stable, with no riots or wars.

The countries of Blue Star were doing their best to study the spiritual energy substances in the air. No one could escape the benefits of evolution brought by spiritual energy.

Most of the humans on Blue Star were also practicing the spiritual energy cultivation methods that were spread in Daxia or developed and circulated by other countries...

And the beasts living in nature did not create any disasters. The powerful beasts occupied the places with rich spiritual energy and became lords. They also conquered a large number of beasts in the territory. Almost every powerful beast commanded hundreds of beasts.

Some people with a keen sense of smell felt that behind the calmness on Blue Star was a terrifying storm!


Shenfeng Mountain, on the outskirts of Jianghai City.

On the top of the mountain, there is still a large amount of abundant spiritual mist covering the place. Compared with before, the concentration of the spiritual mist has increased a lot. This is because the spiritual energy between heaven and earth has been increasing every day since the"Super Red Moon".

In addition, the two spiritual plants on the top of the mountain are gradually growing, and the concentration of spiritual energy gathered on the top of the mountain is more than three times more than two months ago!

A huge golden bird stands on the top of the mountain, and its body is shining with golden light like stars, so that the surrounding spiritual mist cannot hide its figure.

If someone is on the top of the mountain, they can find that there are traces of golden arcs flowing in the air here, and the golden lightning makes a"hissing" sound of friction with the air from time to time.

"Two months... The efficiency buff time on the system panel has long expired, but the growth rate of the spiritual plants and the natural growth rate between heaven and earth are too fast.……"

"After two months, I finally improved!"

"Tip: Your evolution level has reached the upgrade conditions, please upgrade immediately!"


The figure disappeared, and a golden light disappeared on the top of the mountain.

The sky was already covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, especially with a golden figure rushing into the dark clouds, the thunder became even louder...

PS: Too stupid. I knew the typhoon was coming, but I went out for a walk... I was almost blown away... I got home and caught a cold, I had no strength, fever, and a heavy head. Oh, the last two updates a day! It's too difficult...o(╥﹏╥)Thank you for your support...

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