
The domineering tiger was very confident in his own strength, and rushed directly towards the most powerful brown bear among the blockers!

His figure flashed for a few moments, and he came in front of the big brown bear.

The sharp tiger claws with a strong smell of blood slapped the big brown bear's head!


Although the big brown bear Xiong Da is huge in size, his agility and speed are not as good as the giant tiger in front of him, but his reaction speed is very fast. Feeling a hurricane coming towards his head, he suddenly raised his head upwards, and at the same time, his two thick bear paws closed together, wanting to hug the giant tiger himself and fight directly in close combat!


There was a fierce sound of breaking through the air!

The giant tiger expected that the dark tiger claws would lose the target. It would be a surprise to him if he could attack the fatal part of the big brown bear so easily.

However, he still controlled the tiger claws to swing downwards!

""Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle!"

A burst of electric sparks flashed, and then the tiger immediately jumped backwards to avoid it!


The next second, the two huge bear paws slammed together, and a roar broke out.

The big brown bear felt a little hot on his chest. He lowered his head and saw that his chest was bloody and a large piece of flesh was missing!

This made him very irritable! It completely stimulated the wildness in his body!

""Roar!!! Die!!!"

Like a furious thunderbolt, the tiger rushed towards the giant tiger!

The giant tiger raised its claws and was about to taste the flesh of the big brown bear, and provoke the big brown bear to find a place.

But a roar interrupted his action.

Looking up, he saw the big brown bear on the opposite side rushing towards him furiously!

There was a rare trace of panic in the tiger's eyes, but he still went straight to fight.……


Not far away, a fight was also breaking out.

The giant deer found the giant panda Xiong Er. Both of them are herbivores. Their race may have not fought for thousands of years or since the giant panda race began to eat bamboo for a living.

But now a fight has indeed occurred!

And the battle is very fierce!

Although the giant panda Xiong Er usually looks silly, he is very smart. He knows that he must work hard in this battle, otherwise the boss will definitely teach him a lesson, and it will be a very tragic one.

The giant deer is very pure. As a herbivore, he evolved to this point by eating a large amount of vegetation containing spiritual energy under the guidance of instinct. Now the temptation brought by the top of the mountain is so strong that he can hardly imagine how great the benefits will be after reaching the top of the mountain!

The giant lizard is facing the Monkey King Wukong holding a long stick.

At this time, the advantage of primates is revealed. The long stick in the hand of the Monkey King Wukong hits the head of the giant lizard without mercy.

The gray giant lizard hurriedly dodges and cannot get close to the Monkey King Wukong at all.

The brown pig's football-sized eyes looked towards the mountainside. Now the powerful beasts that blocked the road were entangled by the beasts traveling with them. Then, he looked towards the top of the mountain with eager eyes.

"good chance……"

Rushing towards the top of the mountain!

But he was so huge that he looked like a moving hill. Only the big brown bear could compare to him.

This movement was discovered.

The giant tiger who was fighting with the big brown bear roared!

"Roar! You’re looking for death!!!"

""Hiss… Come back!!!"

The other three powerful beasts who wanted to go up the mountain roared!

They were fighting bloody battles, how could they just watch the brown wild boar"pick peaches"?!

But the big brown bear Xiong Da, the giant panda Xiong Er and the monkey king Wukong glanced at the brown wild boar who wanted to go up the mountain and did not take any action.

Instead, there was a gloating emotion in their eyes.

Because they still had a powerful creature that they had not made a move.

Sure enough, the next moment.

The brown wild boar that was still sprinting suddenly collapsed to the ground without any warning, motionless and motionless, as if dead.

This sudden accident stunned the angry beasts who wanted to go up the mountain.

What happened?!

Could it be that the powerful The creatures are back?!

They immediately distanced themselves from the three animals that were fighting, and looked around with vigilant eyes.

After a while, there was no other sound except the roars of the beasts below and the breathing of the many beasts on the top of the mountain.

This made them feel relieved, and at the same time, they looked at the brown wild boar lying motionless on the ground not far away.

In their mind perception, the brown wild boar was not dead, but they didn't know why it fell to the ground, which made them dare not continue fighting.

After a few minutes, feeling the attraction from the top of the mountain, several beasts couldn't help themselves again. If they delayed any longer and let the terrible beast come back, they would be dead!


The battle continued!

On the other side, in front of the brown wild boar, the little white fox Ahri glanced at the wild boar that had fallen into coma.

Then she cheered for her three companions. Her mental power skills could only control one"D"Level creatures.

On the mountainside, the terrifying auras of several beasts made the beasts at the foot of the mountain crawl on the ground, and they could only roar in fear.

Generally speaking, this group of people who have not reached"D-"It is definitely impossible to face a beast of this evolutionary level."D-"The aura of a creature of the same level, let alone dare to approach it actively.

However, the attraction on the top of the mountain not only suppressed their reason, but also suppressed their instinct to fear powerful creatures.

The beast tide began to rush towards the mountainside again!


With the addition of the beast tide, the pressure on the big brown bear Xiong Da, the giant panda Xiong Er and the monkey king Wukong increased a little, and they began to gradually be unable to resist the attack. The little white fox Ahri, who was observing carefully outside the battlefield, realized the importance of the situation at hand. This would not work.

"Chirp! We retreat to the hills……"

Take the three animals and retreat to the top of the mountain!


Three powerful beasts led a beast tide and approached the mountaintop at the same time!


The helicopters in the sky and the reconnaissance troops looked down at the battle that broke out on Shenfeng Mountain. They were trembling in their hearts and their faces turned pale.

Although they were soldiers and had seen many scenes, they were still frightened by what they saw.

Shenfeng Mountain was full of wild beasts except for the mountainside. There was blood everywhere. The beast tide was like a demon that could devour everything, devouring Shenfeng Mountain.

"These beasts are crazy! There must be something amazing on the top of Shenfeng Mountain where the ancient giant bird lives!"

"Go! Hurry over there!"


In a dense forest about ten miles away from Shenfeng Mountain, a group of tall soldiers in camouflage uniforms were rushing towards Shenfeng Mountain. They were advancing very fast, and their agile figures in the forest looked like the legendary wild men.

Suddenly, the team stopped.

"Captain Qiao! Look, this is……"

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