On the top of Shenfeng Mountain.

The group of wild beasts that were watching and waiting for an opportunity to run to the spirit tree all retreated down the mountain.

Although they were attracted by the flame fruit produced by the spirit tree on the top of the mountain, they forgot everything else and even suppressed their fear instinct to run to this mountain full of powerful creatures...

But the shock brought to them by the black giant snake and the extremely cold breath of death made them sober up.

They had never seen such a powerful creature!

In fact, there was no need for the giant snake to stop them. Now that they were awake, just the six powerful creatures on the top of the mountain were enough to scare them.


At this time, there were continuous roars of beasts from the top of the mountain!

The six beasts united and surrounded the black giant snake, with caution and a hint of fear in their huge eyes.

The oppressive aura of this black giant snake was too strong.……

""Hiss... Get out of here!!!"

The black giant snake spit out scarlet snake tongue, and its erect pupils were full of anxiety and some anger!

How dare these weak creatures come to intercept him?!

They are courting death!

The upright snake body suddenly crawled down, and the 20-meter-long snake tail was raised high, waving it vigorously around!

A fierce hurricane rose, and a long howl came in the air!

The six animals surrounding it were always paying attention to the black giant snake, feeling the huge force and pressure coming from it. If they were swept by the snake's tail, they would definitely be blown away and fall down the mountain!

Without hesitation, they all jumped to dodge...

The black giant snake did not continue to attack, but turned around and crawled directly towards the spiritual tree not far away.


"Woo woo woo!"


The six animals were furious. They didn't want the giant black snake to get the fruit from the spiritual tree!

In their rage, they forgot the pressure brought by the giant black snake and pounced on it directly!


The scarlet snake tongue was exposed, and the bone-eroding snake sounded!

The black giant snake that was crawling on the ground towards the spiritual tree suddenly turned around, opened its huge snake mouth, and pounced on the animals behind it!

The speed was extremely fast. The huge snake mouth of the black giant snake was a scarlet net that instantly covered the six animals!

The crisis of death made the six animals tremble with fear!

No one expected that the speed of the black giant snake's attack would be so fast!




Several animals instantly dodged and distanced themselves, but one animal was not so lucky.

That was the giant deer!

Maybe it was because... the six animals were the big brown bear, the giant panda, the monkey king, the spotted giant tiger, the gray-brown lizard, the spotted giant tiger, and the giant deer. Among them, only the giant deer was a herbivore, and the other animals were either pure carnivores or omnivores.

The giant deer's ability to react to the crisis was half a beat slower than the other animals, and it was this half a beat that caused him to be bitten by the black giant snake's big mouth.

The big mouth was like a giant clamp firmly locked on the giant deer's neck. In a few seconds, the giant deer was entangled by the black giant snake's body.

Unable to move, it could only let out a few screams of fear and looked at the other animals for help.

The other five animals escaped a death crisis, and their hair stood on end. Even the most powerful big brown bear was entangled by the black giant snake and would definitely not be able to struggle out. They were trembling all over.……

"Roar... Attack!"

Several wild beasts looked at the spirit tree in the distance and chose to attack the black giant snake at the same time.

The reason was that they knew that if the black giant snake didn't kill them, they wouldn't be able to get the flame fruit on the spirit tree. Even if they got it, they would definitely not be able to escape!

As the black giant snake was now strangling the giant deer, its huge body exposed many flaws.

Several wild beasts pounced on it and bit the black giant snake's body.……

""Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

The dark snake scales were torn and sparkled brightly. The bites and claws of the five beasts only left a few faint white marks on the dark snake scales. The five animals were stunned, their eyes widened!

They knew that the black giant snake was very powerful, but they didn't expect that their own defense would be so terrifying. Their attacks couldn't even break the defense of this black giant snake?!

What should they do?!

The scene froze for a moment.……


With a crisp sound, the huge snake body loosened, and the giant deer was exposed to the air again. Its painful eyes were full of bloodshot, and it was motionless, having lost its breath of life. The black giant snake's pupils were raised and scanned the five beasts, and then slowly approached the spirit tree.


A roar sounded, and three animals behind him were dragging his tail.

The snake turned around, a trace of anger appeared in his eyes. If he hadn't wanted to eat the flame fruit on the spirit tree quickly, he would have killed these weak beasts as food reserves.

Turning around, he saw two bears and a monkey pulling his tail.

Boom boom boom!

The snake swung its body, and the big brown bear and three beasts were swept away, and were almost knocked off and fell to the foot of the mountain.

At the same time, the colorful giant tiger and the gray-brown monitor lizard retreated directly to the foot of the mountain...

A pink light was imprinted in the snake's eyes, and the black giant snake shook its head, a little strange... but it quickly approached the spirit tree fruit.

In a corner on the top of the mountain, the little white fox Ali was holding a mobile phone in his two little paws, his eyes were dim and he looked tired.

"Chirp... It is indeed a powerful creature like the big brother.……"

Her mental control ability was completely ineffective...

The black giant snake was extremely fast. The area on the top of the mountain was not very large, and it arrived in front of the spiritual tree in a few seconds.

The black giant snake stood up straight, looked up at the fiery red fruit on the spiritual tree, and drooled. The saliva dripped down, and white smoke rose from the ground, corroding large holes.

"Hiss... What a delicious smell……"


At this moment, a slight sound was heard.

A beam of white, hot light shot towards the body of the black giant snake! The white laser instantly pierced through the indestructible black snake scales, destroying the flesh and blood wrapped by the snake scales. A smell of burnt flesh and blood instantly wafted out.

The black snake blood was like a bloody rain, splattering all over the ground, corroding the ground!


The black giant snake made a painful sound, and its whole body was like a spring that had lost control and was fully charged, twitching wildly on the ground. The top of the mountain suddenly shook and rumbled...

In the corner of the top of the mountain, this was the road leading to the top of the mountain. The elite team of the Bear Country appeared here, and the white hot laser just now was fired from this direction.

Captain Qiao Si of the Bear Country team had a flash of surprise in his calm blue eyes...

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